As Angela Merkel’s tenure as Chancellor of Germany is coming to an end, Jews are celebrating her jewish legacy and commitment to Israel and the jewish agenda, which included mass immigration:
Germany’s chancellor has “developed a very personal connection to the State of Israel and the Jewish people, [becoming] one of the rare German politicians who – when speaking about lessons learned from the past – really knows what she is talking about, and really means it,” said Beck, whose book, “Chancellor Merkel, Israel and the Jews,” was published in Hebrew last year by Yedioth Books. “Not like so many other German politicians who repeat slogans they have learned to say.”
Yet it can be argued that Merkel the politician may have become a victim of her own humanitarian convictions – opening doors to more than a million people and showing the world a kinder, gentler Germany…
Her announcement that she would step down from the chairmanship of the Christian Democratic Union — a role that generally guarantees the role of chancellor to the winning party — follows the erosion of the CDU’s conservative voter base due to mounting frustration over Merkel’s handling of the migrant/refugee crisis.
In 2015, saying “We can manage it,” she opened German borders – ultimately more than a million people came. Not all of them were legitimate refugees.
Her decision has triggered fear and anger among many Germans and, some say, contributed to the rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany — the first such party since 1945 to take seats in the national parliament.
Merkel now has to pay the political price. Her final phase as chancellor could last as long as a couple of years, until the next national election. Far from being a lame duck, she will still determine the tone and direction of her country…
Merkel “has stood up for Israel and the Jewish people with heart and soul, not just as a politician but as a person,” Knobloch, 86, head of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, told JTA in a telephone interview.
In 2008, when she was head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Knobloch accompanied Merkel to Israel, where the chancellor became the first foreign head of government to address the Knesset.
“It was unforgettable, her fantastic statement about Germany’s responsibility for Israel,” Knobloch recalled. “She called it part of Germany’s ‘raison d’etat,” or national interest…
What makes Merkel’s engagement with Israel and Judaism so “spectacular is that she is actually coming from [East] Germany … which was very hostile to Israel and never really took interest in Jews and what happened to them during the Holocaust,” Beck said…
“She often told me that she heard almost nothing during her childhood about the persecution and murder of the Jews, and this is why she was determined to stand up for the Jews,” said Knobloch, who survived the Holocaust in hiding in Germany.
Beck and others put Merkel’s motivations in accepting refugees in that context. The author said Merkel “felt that in light of the human tragedy in Syria and Iraq, Germany cannot sit and do nothing.”
Merkel also hesitated to impose “selections” at the border, “due to the historical sense of the word with regard to the Holocaust,” Beck said. “So Germany became actually a victim of its incapacity to distinguish between past and present.”
There you have it — Merkel made Germany’s reason for existing to serve jewish interests because she allegedly felt so guilty as a German for what Germany allegedly did to the Jews in WWII, and those interests included flooding Germany with millions of violent and antisemitic Muslim and African migrants because to say “no” to any of them would have brought back memories of the so-called “Holocaust”.
This is a perfect example of how Jews admit that they use the so-called Holocaust as a political weapon to undermine and ultimately destroy traditionally Christian nations, and they are proud of it.
Merkel’s role was to make Germany subservient to Israel and international jewish interests, and she played that role so well that they will probably erect a statue of her in Tel Aviv in the next few years.
In putting the Jews first, Merkel has created more hatred and social unrest than Europe has seen since before WWII, and her legacy will be one of shame in the eyes in the ethnic Germans whom she sacrificed simply because she knew her political power was directly related to how much she was willing to pander to the Jews who propped her up and ensured her continuation in office.
Merkel is a jew herself, Merkel is her husbands name. Her birth name is Kasner.
That would explain why her “Lutheran” father hopped the Iron Curtain to take his family into the USSR.
Merkel’s political party claimed by name that it was “Christian”. Obviously it was not (Why do so many “Christians” ignore 1 Timothy 2:12?), which makes me wonder:
1 Corinthians 12:3 tells us that:
“Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.”
Can this be used as written, with the 2nd part a shibboleth to weed out phony Christians and ersatz Christian organizations?
Now please look at the photo: it is obviously a synagogue of sorts. Now the twin pillars of civilization are not cricket and Football. Thos are the twin pillars of the Jewish Temple. Their is an arch plus a now obligitory star of David or Ramphan according to ACTS and AMOS.
This is a connection to be made in freemasonry the lore of which is Jewish ritual and passwords and signs.
Twin pillars appear in both Masonry and Judaisim (you call it Edomitic religion)
The royal arch of masonry is a degree.
The Star is found on many lodges.
Notice too the pointed Star of Sirius found in Surah 53 of the Koran. “Allah is Lord of Sirus”.
It is the star of the East in the lodge. It is the star of the 50 odd sates on your flag. See all nations that have this masonic/judeo star. It blazes an awarness of who runs the nation and it shines down upon its people as a false creation and Divine inversion.
Also spot the Torah scroll just behind the Moser.
It has an overlay found in all of Christianity: The pope has the compass and setsquare behind his seat. JW and Mormons, Baptists and Evangelicals. Mosory is the serpents call to eat from the knowledge of good and evil. Judeo dominandi. How they laugh the french revolution was a masonic/ jewish affair that gave Jews full citizenship in Europe.
Then we hear from masonic elites that masonry is beholden to Judaisim.
Now their is a connection from Prices Hall Free masonry to Black Israelite movement.
Is there a connection of the BI movement to Freemasons.
I say yes but do your own homework and you will see the elephant in the room.
Photos are very revealing to those with eyes to see. Eyes wide shut….
Sometime after entering Babylon and opening the gates to the Medo Persian destrution the Jews learned gnostic practice and the Talmud and Zohar was used to replace God with their secret society of noble Pharisees. It is not something you want to emulate but rather expose. The builders were of the serpent and prcticed pagan theocratic myth states this is what Christ overcame. All religions taken over by builders become deceived. Come out of that city Babylon it is a perversion and all it touches. Their is a city that came down from above the one true church its exitance has been a 2000yr journey till today. Welcome and come all you who are heavy laden. Christ sets you free.
I was raised in Skokie, Illinois, just north of Chicago. I attended East Prairie Grade School. My parents moved the family north to Deerfield because mother wanted her children (5) to be raised in a Christian community. (Skokie was then, and still is today, very Jewish). This was during the 1960’s. I never heard one peep from anybody about the “Holocaust” until well into the 1970’s, watching programs on TV such as “The World at War”. I had contact with many Jews as a child and was never once introduced to the concept of “genocide”. Kids are impressionable, and I would’ve remembered. I believe that the “Holocaust” propaganda went into full swing well after the 6 Day War in 1967 that took place in Israel. This brief article sites the “Holocaust” as a “credible fear” for the Jews of the world, and justification for their actions.
In this excellent article Ron Unz shows how the holocaust story as we know it today truly took off from the late 1960s/early 1970s but had barely been heard of before then:
He suggests that it served to deflect from Israeil atrocities in the 1967 war.
It also served to deflect from the horrors of Judeo-Bolshevism as the iron curtain came down..
…and convert Jews into a protected minority as they spearhead Bolshevism 2.0 in the West.
In addition, to quote England’s most renowned WWII journalist Douglas Reed: “The two victors of WWII were Communism and Zionism”.
The twin pillar of both is ‘holocaust’ – it’s central to the post war new order. The ‘holocaust’ serves to enshrine Jewish nationalism/Zionism and the extortion of $billions from the West as ‘reparations’ to build up the state of Israel..
..while also serving to undermine nationalism among the European Christian West to usher in the Communist NWO. The United Nations even confirmed that the ‘holocaust’ story is used to destroy nationalism and promote global citizenship:
““She often told me that she heard almost nothing during her childhood about the persecution and murder of the Jews”
That’s because the Holocaust propaganda had not been pushed yet. She was a child in the 60s, when it was just getting started. You’ll notice that Churchill, Eisenhower, and all the other military leaders at the time make no mention of a mass killing of Jews in their biographies or histories of WW2. A group of Hollywood film execs (all Jewish) was flown out to see Germany after the war, and none of them mentioned any death camps either.
In short, the big push to make the Holocaust a focus of western guilt wasn’t ripe enough for Merkel to have experienced it.
I was raised in Skokie, Illinois, just north of Chicago. I attended East Prairie Grade School. My parents moved the family north to Deerfield because mother wanted her children (5) to be raised in a Christian community. (Skokie was then, and still is today, very Jewish). This was during the 1960’s. I never heard one peep from anybody about the “Holocaust” until well into the 1970’s, watching programs on TV such as “The World at War”. I had contact with many Jews as a child and was never once introduced to the concept of “genociode”. Kids are impressionable, and I would’ve remembered. I believe that the “Holocaust” propaganda went into full swing well after the 6 Day War in 1967 that took place in Israel. This brief article sites the “Holocaust” as a “credible fear” for the Jews of the world, and justification for their actions.
If it acts like a jew, lies like a jew and wrecks nations like a jew, what is it? A duck?
As far as I’m concerned, there’s no difference between jews and non-jews that do the “work” of the jew. They all work for the devil in attempting to destroy Creation, so they all need to share the same fate.
(Apologies for “spamming” this thread.)
If she is a Jew why did she let People into Germany who Hated Jews. Sad Women. Should have been Thrown Out in 2015??
Because Germany must be destroyed. It was to be punished. Jews are a roaming, nomadic people. If they despoil one region, they just move on to the next. They have Israel as a home, but in reality they consider the entire world to be their property.
Good question: Sacrifice in the hands of the falsehood of priest craft. They are giving the Christian nations the same problem of Palestinians. This way when the war starts they can genocide the mamzars and the Amekalites with no complaints from Europeans. We are being Palestine copied and duplicated to force us to do the same butchery as they are about to do. Its really quite obvious. Greater Israel too the Tamudic Rabbis is Iran, Irak, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt up to the nile, Jordon.
Merkel is referred to as the Beast from the East. She is a former East German communist. She has ruined Germany and tried to drag down the rest of Europe with Germany.
These are the children of the Black Teutonic Master Race Germans that Hitler was looking for.
Why would she flood her country with Muslims who hate jews? Does not ring true to me.
Jews are inherently double-minded and self-destructive. They are torn between their desire to undermine and destroy the White race and to do so without destroying themselves in the process.
It’s the dilemma that every parasite faces–by its very nature it will destroy the host that it must have to survive.
jewry is evil -Hitler was right !
Do moslems REALLY hate jews though, or is it just another jew-moslem LIE?
There would appear to be so many similarities in jew and moslem (mis)behaviour that they may as well be two faces of the same devil.
It seems to me that if moslems really did hate jews, that pirate state in Palestine would never have lasted more than a year at the most, and we don’t see moslems attacking jews in OUR White countries.
They rape and murder OUR people, but not jews.
This is another tactic for causing devision. Islam never taught to hate Jews from the beginning. Angela Merkel however in full support of Zionism Politics who also hate real Jews totally ignores what Israel does to Palestinians.
well, they did attack Jewish locations in France, but for the most part the violence is anti-white not anti-jewish.
That is very simple minded thinking; we must be wise as these SERPENTS!
“Order from Chaos”.
1) Import/facilitate, e.g. through wars or economic hardships, massive migration into GENTILe nations.
2) Crash the economies of targeted nations, always Occidental, and sit back and watch the race war finish the job!
Jewish Freemasons did this when they started the KKK(33) and then ‘prohibited Jews’ from joining. I’m pretty certain David Duke is of Jewish heritage as well based on his talking points and his pre-nose-job NOSE. “Why would Jews start an org and then block Jews?”
(Talking points for other Jewish assets in the media!)
You simply don’t know much history. Jews and Muslims collaborated with each other against Christians at many points in history. One such example: the invasion of Visigothic Spain.
“Pegida NRW went on to conclude in its response that “Merkel was definitely Hoenecker’s [Erich Honecker, leader of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), 1971-1989] last revenge against capitalism,” and that Merkel has been “striving to plunge Germany into ruin since the fall of the GDR.”
Confirmation Merkel is Jewish came out of her own mouth when addressing the Israeli parliament the Knesset in Hebrew. In her opening words in German before the speech she thanked the Knesset for allowing her to speak quote “in her mother tongue” which in that speech is not German but Hebrew, the language Jews alone speak to one another.
These are the exact German words which she used to introduce her hebrew speech: “Ich danke allen dass ich in meiner Muttersprache heute zu Ihnen sprechen darf.” It translates to: “I thank you all that I am allowed today to speak to you in my mother tongue.”
Merkel has Polish ancestry through her paternal grandfather, Ludwig Kasner, a German national of Polish origin from Posen (now Poznań).
The family’s original name Kaźmierczak was Germanized to Kasner in 1930 Kazmierczak is a Jewish surname: … lement.htm . Kazmierczak derives from Kazimierz, a major Jewish city in Poland, made especially for Jews outside of Cracow. Kazimierz (Latin: Casimiria; Yiddish Kuzmir) is a historical district of Kraków (Poland), best known for being home to a Jewish community from the 14th cent. Kazmierrczak is a name for a Jewish Cantor:
This Jewish surname of KAZMIERCZAK was an occupational name for a cantor in a synagogue. The name was derived from the Hebrew CHAZAN, and it also spelt CHASAN, HAZZAN, KHAZAN, CHASINOFF, KHAZONIVCH and CHASINS, to name but a few. Many of the modern family names throughout Europe reflect the profession or occupation of their forbears in the Middle Ages and derive from the position held by their ancestors in the village, noble household or religious community in which they lived and worked.”
We hear of the jewish ghettoes, such as the one at Lodz in Poland, where we’re told jews were “forced to live” in fear of their lives, but as Francesco da Mosto pointed out in a tv series in Britain a few years ago, the jewish ghetto in Venice (Italy) was NOT a place of poverty and deprivation, but what would nowadays be referred to as a “gated community”.
Far from being “forced” to live in the ghetto, jew-devils CHOSE to isolate themselves from the surrounding Human population in order to make their evil plans against Humanity in safety while living in luxury, as jews always do at the expense of others.
I don’t know whether Da Mosto is a jew or a Human (not the same thing imho). Certainly he’s from a wealthy Venice-based family, but that doesn’t really tell us anything.
That indicates that she is a part-Jew, though, like Lenin or Stalin. Not a full blooded halachic Jew. Unless her mother is Jewish she wouldn’t be accepted by the orthodox. Although she would qualify for Israeli citizenship based on her grandfather.
Even if TRUE, makes zero difference as Jewish spouses can arrange mind control and literally take over their spouse via “The Craft”. (Witch craft)
Angela Merkel was a youth propagandist STASI member.
Jewish B@#%h indeed. RopeROpeRopeRopeRopeROpe
Since I’m pretty sure she’s a crypto-jew, I have no qualms in saying that I really hate that bitch 🙁
she looks lost and ripe for brainwashing…