(CNN.com) A Black man is being held on an astonishing $1.3 million dollar bail — and faces life in prison — on charges relating to an attempted — and failed — mugging of a Jewish couple on a sidewalk in Beverly Hills, California:
“A man arrested in Beverly Hills over the weekend faces multiple charges in an alleged hate crime after prosecutors said he “violently attacked” a Jewish couple as they were walking to their synagogue to celebrate Shabbat.
The suspect, Jarris Jay Silagi, 44, has been charged with one felony count each of attempted second-degree robbery, elder abuse and assault with a deadly weapon, as well as two felony counts of “assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury,” the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced Tuesday.
Silagi is accused of running at the couple as they walked to the synagogue on Saturday, hitting the 75-year-old husband in the head with a belt and trying to rob the wife, the district attorney’s office said, noting the husband was wearing a yarmulke.
Silagi was arraigned Tuesday and prosecutors have recommended he be held on $1,310,000 bail. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of life in jail.
“We entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf after the court declared a doubt of his competency,” said Head Deputy Public Defender Greg McCambridge, who is representing Silagi. That declaration means the suspect will need to have a competency hearing to see if they can move forward with the charges, the public defender’s office confirmed.
“We are sensitive to the intense public interest this matter has generated, but caution against a rush to judgment until all the facts are established in court,” added McCambridge.
The 75-year-old victim, Raphal “Raphy” Nissel, told CNN he and his wife were on their usual stroll to the synagogue when a man came up behind him and hit him in the head with an object.
His wife, Rebecca Nissel, recalled the man saying, “Give me your earrings, Jew.”
Raphal Nissel said he became “enraged” at the thought that they might be targeted for being Jewish. “I was really, really upset and I decided to intimidate him and I wanted to tackle him somehow,” he said, but the man turned and started to run.
Nissel said he tried to approach the man in a way that would make him run toward the police department, which is located inside the civic center next to where the incident occurred. Rebecca then alerted police nearby and the suspect was apprehended soon after, he said.
In a news release about the incident, police said they discovered the victim with a laceration on his head from being hit by a belt. The victim did not know Silagi or have any connection to him, police said.
Police said a member of the department saw somebody matching the alleged attacker’s description leaving the scene. Officials said they used that information to identify and detain Silagi.
Nissel said he was treated at the scene and had his forehead wound stapled shut.
The assault happened near the intersection of North Rexford Drive and North Santa Monica Boulevard, which is within a mile of at least three synagogues and about four blocks from the luxury shopping destination Rodeo Drive.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom called the attack “appalling” in a post on X. “Glad to hear the person responsible for this is in custody. They must be held to full account,” he added…”
What we are seeing here is Talmudic “justice” superceding the U.S. Constitution — a literal imposition of the rules set down in the “holy” Talmud in such a case:
“If a goyim hits a Jew, he must be killed.”
–The Talmud, Sanhedrin 58b
Of course, no such judeo-justice will actually meted out here on this deranged Black man, but the whole purpose of headlining this minor crime and prosecution is to announce to everyone that attacking a Jew — for any reason — will have disproportionate and draconian consequences.
When Laura Loomer — a Jewish Zio-supremacist masquerading as a “conservative” — ran for Congress in Florida in 2020, she demanded that laws be passed to make all racial Jews a “protected class,” claiming:
“I want Jewish Americans to be a protected class. In the United States hate crime laws… they list ‘Jewish,’ as a race. Elected officials will be held accountable. I will also call out the systemic Jew Hatred that has become a major issue.”
But Loomer was merely following the lead of President Donald Trump who, in 2019, signed an Executive Order that “effectively declared” that Jews and Judaism were specially protected racial designations.
Then in 2020, the then-U.S. Attorney General — the Jew, William Barr whose father had links to Jeffrey Epstein — announced that he would make slapping a Jew a “Federal hate crime.”
Whenever Jews have risen to the highest levels of power, they engender so much animosity toward their fellow Jews that they have enacted “hate crime” laws to protect them from the people over whom they rule.
In the case of Bolshevik Russia, you could be arrested or even executed for noticing that someone was a Jew — as was the case with the Russian poet, Sergei Yesinen.
The “intensely hated” Judeo-Bolsheviks lived in fear that if they ever lost control of Russia, they would be “massacred” wholesale by the Russian people in retaliation for the horror they had wrought.
In today’s Weimar-Animal Farm Jews have once again achieved — and lauded — their “disproportionate triumph” both economically and politically — to the point that they can now openly brag that “We own the whole freaking country.”
But as George Orwell observed in his parable about judeo-communism, “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others” — a maxim straight out of the Talmud.
We can see this Jewish hypocrisy and double-standard in the words of a prominent rabbi in Israel:
“To dislike certain ethnicities is racist; to see Jews as equal is antisemitic.”
–—Rabbi Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden, Times of Israel, July 26, 2022
Raphal “Raphy” Nissel — the Jewish “victim” of this random mugging apparently has the ability to read the mind of his attacker — Jarris Silagi — claiming:
“I’m wearing a kippah and a white shirt, which Jews wear on Saturday. He knows I’m Jewish and wants to hit me because I’m Jewish.”
—Raphal Nissel, from interview with KTLA news report
It is preposterous to believe that this Black guy — with a long criminal record — intentionally targeted these people because they were Jewish — he chose them because they looked like an easy target who wouldn’t put up any resistance.
And how exactly did Silagi know that the wife was Jewish — she wasn’t wearing a kippah — yet he allegedly called her a “Jew”?
Jews have an incentive to claim that their attackers noticed they were Jews — they know the police will take a “hate crime” much more seriously than if it’s just a random mugging — or even a spitting attack.
Germany’s “antisemitism czar” has encouraged Jews to wear their kippahs in public — because by doing so, Jews become visible — and protected — minorities.
And the U.K. “antisemitism czar” admitted that when Jews “exaggerate” claims of “antisemitism,” they can justify “harsher penalties” against gentiles accused of this “hate crime.”
After all, when was the last time the governor of California — Gavin Newsom — commented on a common mugging — and demanded “justice” for the victims?
Last year an Israeli Jew named Ofarim claimed that he was denied a room in a German hotel because he was wearing a Star of David necklace — and a German man who had made a joke about the incident on Facebook was arrested for “antisemitic incitement.”
Of course, released surveillance video showed Ofarim was lying — and he was eventually charged for making false statements, but the only punishment he received was that he was “forced” to donate $10,000 to a Jewish Holocaust charity — Jews win either way.
In California, murderers are rarely slapped with a million dollar bond — nor are they sentenced to “life in prison” — but hitting a Jew on the head with a belt — or stealing his hat — or refusing him service — is far worse than murder — it’s genocide, goyim.
“Black man”? What next? “Man of color”?
I prefer nigger
Yeah, it’s a problem the Jews haven’t solved yet. Blacks are dumb, and cannot differentiate between Jews and whites.
Good Lord
“jews”™ or Hiabaru invented Hollywood.
I bet that you’ll never hear/see/read about this STORY again. I also bet that this MASSIVE publicity-stunt was intentional in order that Negroids be VERY WARY about their selection of victims. “jews”™ are SPECIAL, and a PROTECTED Race.
Paul Kurt
The allegation is that the jew couple was assaulted during “our Saturday stroll to the synagogue ” routine .
Let’s begin with blasphemy . To even discover a jew beneath all his subterfuge is taking liberties not granted by the most unconstitutional arrogation. But the game is played and designed so the persecuted jew always wins.
The all-purpose negro exploited to magnify the supremacy of his jew suzerain … Is this Israel ,
Miami Beach , Boca Raton , Davos , Connecticut,, Jew York, Muenchen or Kalifornia ??? So, weeds are ubiquitous . But now they are the sanctified parasite in the neo garden of Eden .
Can one not feel sympathy for this poor victim of jew self-glorification ? Was the predator enticed to fail ……. strangely inept and then become the victim? Life imprison ? Why not crucify him? It would make a monumental precedent ……. like Rosa Parks .
Arch Stanton
Proof of the monkey’s intellectual level. This is an excellent justification to make all Jews wear a yellow star so their monkey pets can recognize their true massahs and save themselves from getting royally screwed like white people by the Jew’s rigged legal system.
Peely Orange
I have no problem with Jews wearing identifying symbols for their own protection. Gentiles would then realize just how many Jews are living among us, and will be able to match the Jews with their behavior.
Blacks have their black skin to protect them from police “brutality”, but unfortunately for Jews they “look white”.
Jews resent having to wear identifying marks like the star of David when they are NOT in power, but when they ARE in power, like they are now, they want to wear them so that they can let everyone know they are a protected class, and keep your hands off, if you know what’s good for you.
“I am for war crimes, I don’t care if I’m criticized, I am unable to sleep without watching homes in Gaza being destroyed, more houses, more buildings, I don’t want them to have anything to go back to.”
Pretty much shows who really runs your country, Goyim.
Here is a great example of the faulty foundations that Lies are built on.
When reading this, keep in mind the belief in the current jew scam, is the separation of Jew vs Zionist. And that there are ‘good’ jews only the bad ones are Zionist…lol. But we in the US especially know this is not true.
As the greatest Lie ever told is falling under it’s own weight…the Light of Truth is exposing all of it. Praise Jesus Christ our King and Savior. He is the Greatest Gift of All.
Honestly given the jew CNN, I believe this made up story was to scare all those non jews watching the bombing porn by israhell on Gaza.
The report is so ridiculous it insults my intelligence. But that is how they see us…stupid.
Funny enough it is the 🐭 Jews openly spitting on Christians. Disgusting demons from hell.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Jews are fearful of losing control of their Black pets, which will happen when the Blacks realize that Jews were the biggest slavers, not Whitey.
great divide
Jews have been successful in fooling whites that they are also white, but unsuccessful in convincing blacks that they are not white.
Blacks see all the jew’s money and privilege and think “white”.
This Jew was mugged because he looked like an old white guy.
Jews want it both ways, and that will be their undoing.
Funny how the original reports try to suggest that the motivation for this mugging is somehow tied into the Israeli slaughter in Gaza.
How many muggers sit around thinking, “I will help wipe Israel off the map by mugging a Jew….”???
So if you assault an oven dodger you deserve death, but it’s ok for the chosen ones to kill, rape, steal your home and savings – how wonderful for them! Oy vey.
“Silagi was arraigned Tuesday and prosecutors have recommended he be held on $1,310,000 bail. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of life in jail.”
Had the couple been Caucasian, the crazy negro would be arrested, released with no bond and more than likely skipped his court date
The hypocrisy of the jew and our jewish run court justice system are full of evil hypocrisy.
The negroes are only good for the jews as a means to harass, rob and murder Whitey.
Once the savage has turned on his jew masters; he pays the price biting the hand that feeds him.