At the behest of powerful Jewish interests, this week Google Play banned the third-party app BitChute — a “free speech” alternative to heavily censored YouTube — because it has become a safe haven for people and groups who openly oppose Jewish supremacy and draconian Soviet-style censorship:
[The Tel Aviv-based] Google suspended the app, stating that it is in violation of its affiliate spam policy, although BitChute denies this claim, tweeting a photo of Google’s notification.
The UK-based video platform was set up in January 2017 by tech entrepreneur Ray Vahey and Richard Anthony Jones. It has become a platform used by alt-right groups, with UK-based Community Security Trust (CST) finding it to be one of the four most dangerous outlets of extreme anti-Semitic content on the Internet.
According to pro-Israel lawyers and activists, in the context of rising antisemitism, public access to this platform and the site’s active promotion of antisemitism are cause for major alarm. Recently, social media companies are being pressured to clean their platforms of hate speech and adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism, but this has led antisemites and white supremacists to look for other places to share their content.
Despite the site’s community guidelines that say “incitement to violence” and “malicious use of the platform” will not be tolerated, on the site are pro-ISIS content, calls for the killing of Jews, Holocaust denial, classic antisemitic characterizations of Israel and Israelis, and drawing comparisons to a contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis—each with tens of thousands of views…
Director of UK Lawyers for Israel, Caroline Turner, maintained that online antisemitism promotes and incites hatred of Jewish people, and even violence against Jews. “It twists the truth, contains blatant lies and promotes conspiracy theories suggesting that Jews are the cause of various evils in the world,” she told JNS.
“There is no specific law against antisemitism in the United Kingdom, although there are more general laws about sending grossly offensive and menacing messages, and stirring up racial hatred. If the person who uploaded the offensive material was based in England or Wales, and traceable, then it is possible to report their behavior to the police,” she explained, adding that there has been a precedence of prosecuted individuals who have sent antisemitic messages over social media, though they have been few and far between.
Turner related that fighting antisemitic material online is especially challenging due to the prevalence “difficulties in finding out who is responsible for the post.” Another challenge, she added, is “if the service provider and those posting the material are in a jurisdiction where the right to free speech is considered absolute.”
UK Lawyers for Israel has contacted Bitchute’s Internet service providers, including “Epik, Cloudflare, Taboola, AS53667 Frantech Solutions, Google Ads, Microsoft Azure, Choopa, Subscribestar and Regus, to request that they terminate their relationship with BitChute. So far, said Turner, only Choopa has responded that “they had checked with the Content Delivery Network (CDN) provider, Cloudflare, who indicated that the back-end hosting provider is not Choopa, instead it appears to be AS53667.”
“It is truly shocking that there is so much antisemitic material online and on social media, and really that there have been so few convictions. History has shown that this is a dangerous trend, and it really must be stopped. If offenses are being committed, we call on the police to prosecute them, and hopefully, this will deter other from this behavior,” she said.
Gideon Falter, chief executive of British NGO Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), explained that “over the past several years, we have seen an exponential growth in antisemitic abuse on social media platforms, including mockery and denial of the Holocaust, anti-Jewish incitement and endless antisemitic tropes from the far-right and the far-left.”
“…The popularity of antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories are a wake-up call,” said Falter. “Social media companies have a responsibility to clamp down on such gratuitous and dangerous racism on their platforms, and we will continue to press them to act.”
Hypocritically, Jews claim that pornography should be protected free speech — despite the fact that many legitimate studies have shown a direct correlation between exposure to pornography and extreme violence, including many serial killers.
If Jews were really concerned about “inciting violence,” they would use their inordinate power to censor pornography, not legitimate historical revisionist materials — but since Jews dominate the pornography industry and make billions off of it, it’s not likely hypocritical Jews will call for any censorship of that “popular” content.
No one has ever made such claims about Holocaust “denial” videos — that they incite deviants to become serial killers.
In fact, the opposite seems to be true — censorship of Holocaust “denial” materials may incite people to violence because it’s a cynical “trick” that represses the truth.
And censorship of all skepticism of the official Holocaust narrative appears to encourage Jews to lie about it even more — and that’s certainly not good for Jews who often get caught in monstrous lies about their alleged experiences during WWII.
Despite their dire predictions, there is no direct correlation between “antisemitic” materials and violence — tens of millions of people have already read Holocaust “denial” and Jewish supremacist materials, and virtually none of those people went out and committed violence against Jews because of it.
Jews claim that if not censored, “antisemitic” Holocaust denial material could lead to “another” Holocaust — but perversely, what they don’t want you to know is that there wasn’t a real Holocaust to begin with.
Forget religious wars, listen to your soul. Does it remind you that abusing children is wrong? does your soul let you know using children as a financial commodity is wrong? Do you harm children without regret? Would you unite to protect children from harm? If you have the courage to answer contact us here at
Allow nature to rule, not controlling religion. I feel no-one will respond positively.
Kieren Elphick
I’d say let absolute morality be the basis, nature is cruel! Animals kill one another, rape and commit heinous acts – we already have plenty of that going on in the world 🙁
How about this for a headline…
“All Christian Groups Openly Admit They Want jews Deported From Their Countries After Their Illegal Creation Of israel”
The truth is that not all people calling themselves “Jews” today are part and parcel of the Synagogue of Satan that funded the genocide and murder of hundreds of millions of “filthy goyem” to establish the fraudulent, misnamed State of Israel (Khazaria). If Christians want a group of Luciferian Satanists and mostly pedophile sodomites evicted from the nations of the world, it is only right to focus on the true perpetrators of evil: the Synagogue of Satan. The higher leadership of the Synagogue of Satan starts all wars, invasions, plagues and psyops. They must be exposed, put on public trial, arrested, and charged. Those guilty of criminal negligence causing death and genocide, practicing medicine without a license, misprision of treason, criminal deception, and gross fraud, like Tedros, Gates, Turdreau, Fauxi, Soros, Birx, Merkel, and thousands of others, including the Rothschilds, Bilderbergers, Desmarais, Blacks, and numerous hospital and “care home” administrators, need to be exposed brutally and publically and their wealth collectivized and redistributed to all those they have bankrupted, murdered and destroyed over the past hundred years or so.
Reptilian Lizardman
That is simply not true about BitChute being full of Jew haters. LIARS! All of the people I know who hate Jews need to spend a little time emphasizing that it is not the real Jewish people they hate, it is the imposters, the Khazarian Mafia “Imposter” Jews, and the other Jewish evil factions that are pure evil, such as Satanic Talmudic Jews, and AshkeNAZI Jews. They don’t hate them because they believe they are Jewish. They hate them because they are evil liars and deceivers and cannot be trusted. They are fake imposter Jews, people posing as Jews to give Jews a bad name. I have plenty of wonderful Jewish friends. I do not like anyone who poses as a Jew for the sole purpose of using the Jewish people as a scapegoat so they can continue with their crimes and not get punished because of cowards and order followers who believe the deceptive mainstream media narrative and feel sorry for these evil fake or imposter Jews. They’ve deliberately created a situation so that anyone who dislikes Jews or the fake Jews posing as Jews is automatically an anti-semite. We are on to your tricks and the whole world is beginning to see through the deception of anti-semitism. We know the difference between good Jewish people and wicked-evil Jewish people and we are coming for you if you lay another hand on young children for your Satanic blood rituals. We know who you are. Make one wrong move and you will be punished severely.
Who are the “Real Jewish People”?
All Jews are like that.
I too know some hard lining conservative (by our standards) Jews, as well as some Jews who are vacuous “normies”.
And they all have an obnoxiousness that they can’t help, they all rub me the wrong way, and there’s something off-putting about most of them visually, even before I was JQ…I chalk that up to their “muddy” and Hapsburg-genetics.
Unless they are (((Brother Nathaniel))) types, all Jews are working against us, even if they are doing so unknowingly. Voting against us, working against White solidarity etc etc.
@Reptilian Lizardman.. well said.
However challenging, it’s of critical importance that we don’t fall into the trap of thinking that all Jews are cut from the same cloth. That would be a very counterproductive oversimplification, downright illogical and nowhere near the ideal sensibility that we must have. We need a sorting of the wheat from the chaff and then discriminate judiciously. Then the good Jews will have an option other than to keep going with the way things are.
Can you name some “Jews” who oppose Israel?
You can skip Neturei Karta.
We are aware of them. Any others?
john wick
yes this should be put to a vote HERE from USA to AND israel they are fake jewish nation … they dont care about no one but money and power …and they will kill anyone as you see to get it and corrupts governments with their Zionists beliefs… and their gentile view of others …thy are not gods ppl they are lairs and have been kicked out of 109 countries …not because they love or care about others but because they only seek to bring down all nation and install ONE world ISRAEL… thats why trump is their anti-Christ if he does not destroy israel u know trump is working with the devil… just like in star wars the senator was working the good side and the dark side and no one knew untill it was to late and he turned on everyone after the jedi won the war ..what u think we happen here if trump win guys think rainbows will fall from the skies jesus coming back because of trump wake up if thats your thoughts right now …trump is a undercover zionist
The best Christian groups should refuse to accept the lies about 9/11 or the holocaust anymore. We need to liberate ourselves from Jew-ish dominance of mainstream media and the fiat currency banking system. No more wars for bankers, or their Kalergi Plan white genocide anti-Christian / anti-human totalitarian agenda.
Chaplain Bob Walker
I used to post my banned utube vids on bitchute and anything that I thought might be a strike. I noticed the last few weeks that nothing on bitchute would finish processing after loading. In other words, no new vids for me.
I also see the older bitchute vids show but the sound does not play. esp vids that concern the “J” word are soundless. I gave up on bit it is not a waste of time. I used to be a paying silver member, let them get their shekels from the you know who’s. Who is the most evil anti semite you ever lived? Jesus if you listen to the tribe.
Google: “Noahide Yeshu” for a real eye opener to how they really feel.
and church goers pray for them. Well I do also, but not for their blessings.
Normal Chick
Non jews openly admit they don’t like jews dominating almost everything. Especially our money, legal, medical, media…..
Free Med/Law Degrees
They know doctors (whitecoats) are the most powerful direct control over the goyim. Med and law. That’s why they own the medical and law schools and give diplomas to their own more than any other to keep majority control with a few “tokens” for plausible deniability. Just like Marriot hotels are mormon mafia and intl black market fronts for their freemasonic masters who are, of course, run by the usurious ones.
Edward Huguenin
The way to deal with neo-Nazi Israel and the BDS is to treat Israel with disdain and shun all those that support its crimes. Eventually, this will force Israel to start obeying the law and return to its legally defined 1948 borders and stop killing Palestinian men women, and children and thereby start acting less like a rogue criminal terrorist state that routinely commits war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and Apartheid in order to steal land and resources belonging to other countries.
Absolutely, criminally wrong! Israel is a pariah organization (not a State; not a Country) founded by the false “Jews” outed by our Lord, Jesus in the Book of Revelation. Those who founded Israel on the murder and genocide of hundreds of millions of “useless eater filthy goyem” as described in their disgusting Talmud (which says raping a 3 year old girl or buggering a 3 year old male is perfectly OK) are Satan’s seed. You cannot appease Lucifer or those who love him. You can only pray for them and punish them.
Reptilian Lizardman
Now that was great information to share. I did not know that. Well said Armando!
yea, they call us the “useless eaters” but THEY use 99.99% the earth’s resources.
Your idea is just prolonging the butt-humping of white Europeans. A lot of the “Palestinians are being brutalized” narrative is nothing more than a jewish myth to continue to suck billions of dollars out of the U.S. and other Western European countries in foreign aid. Shit, this is on top of all their business swindling as well as the millions they get in holohoax reparations per year. They do not care if the narrative of their dispute with the Palestinians has them being the aggressor the majority of the time because they long ago got the priests of the true religion of Christianity to put the word Judeo followed by a dash in front of Christianity and this has the overwhelming majority of Christians believing that no matter how egregious Israel may treat Palestinians it is divine will that Jews be allowed to occupy that land and the full of the land. We might as well saved our anal cavity from the raping we are taking in the US and western and eastern Europe and just give these bastards the fight of our lives, but that will never occur until our backs are so tightly pinned to the wall that it officially becomes nut cutting time. Further, I really could give two shits less about the fucking swarthy skinned Palestinians as they would cut our throat in a heartbeat given the chance. They are overwhelmingly Muslims, a false religion created by jews to radicalized Arabs, which Jews have used over the centuries to attack white Christians which is why Spain, Italy, France, and a few other European nations have a percentage of citizenry that always sport a dark tan all year around. Lastly, we have seen the way these Muslim motherfuckers have treated Europeans over the past twenty years that they have been flooding into European countries. We have enough work just to save our white European people that we are delaying to do to our detriment so we do not need to play Mr. Helper by saving a bunch of mongrel fucking middle east muslims.
We’re going round in circles getting nowhere and need to form an understanding of a plan of action fast. I suggest that we work to expose key truths to the young and form an international 9/11 Truth / anti-Kalergi Plan alliance. Then we could use something like the Patriot Act to force the psychopathic bankers from their fiat currency perch. We need to focus on central issues like banking instead of spreading our energies too thinly.
But it’s okay to behead Christians and enslave gentiles, isn’t that right, Talmudic Jewry and Chabad Lubavitch? Noahide Law number One, doncha know…. (that is, to believe on Christ is “idolarty” because the Pharisees and their Talmudic descendants say it is!)
Nobody hates freedom and truth more than the jew. Wind blows. Birds fly. Jews lie.
Things like, the jewish holy book? Are Christians required to kill reporters and scholars who read and report on Bible scripture? No they mandate sharing scripture. Are Muslims or Hindu’s required to kill reporters and scholars who share the content of their holy books? No. Can you tell me the wallstreet banker religion that mandates murdering reporters and scholars investigating their so called holy book?
In BT Berakhot 58a, an interlocutor is asking a rabbi residing in Persia about the racist denigration of non-Jews. The religious authority being questioned, Rabbi Sheila, responds to the questioner by stating that gentiles are beasts of burden (“donkeys”). Rabbi Sheila then deduces that the man who is the questioner is going to report this denigration of non-Jews to the rulers of Persia. At that point the Talmud states, “This man has the legal status of a rodef.” This section of Berakhot 58a concludes with the rabbi righteously killing the would-be reporter.
The Talmudic permission for the murder of reporters and scholars who testify to the factual content of rabbinic law has never been rescinded.
The Jews have been “persecuted” for thousands of years in scores of nations. It is obvious that there is a common denominator in this, and it is not the leaders and peoples of these disparate nations, it is the behavior and demeanor of the “persecuted” themselves.
It seems that these “persecuted” people draw their life source from persecution and hatred. They are trained by parents and Rabbis throughout their lives that they are hated by all, and therefore special and chosen, that they must forever band together to survive. If they are not being sufficiently persecuted, they employ false flag tactics, such as painting symbols and hate slogans against themselves, toppling grave stones, setting fires to synagogues, to create the illusion of being hated.
Spot on analysis!
Hundredth monkey syndrome ⌛ **creating illusion <• owning the media ? ~ Comes a time ?when?️ shining upon Reality – comes Clearer .. to piecing together where insanity/gaps no longer serve ~ So for All those the Beast-System eliminates ✨ Valhalla ?️ 10000 ? rise Against destroyers who the °innocent° they hadheld no compassion for • but with evil-intent They who Pre-Meditate to Destroy in the Human family Home/earth-habitat the harmless even while such victims serve them – it is Written7 Bible verses about Repaying Evil For Good
He who returns evil for good, Evil will not depart from his house/ depart from them"
So, people are propagandizing. So, Jewish groups need to counter-propagandize, basically, and introduce themselves to the general public as credible non-criminal ethical moral type outfits with no agenda and clean hands and so forth. Whatever you call it, there is an ‘arab street’ that HATES Israel, and this is not really news but rather extant situation starting about 1948 or so. There are some arab people and states that denounce Israel as illegitimate and would gladly watch it burn. And that is the hostile environment in which Israel exists in the middle east.
But NOW, there’s ‘diaspora battles’, people heralding from Israel AND from neighboring arab countries, dragging their multigenerational international bar fight with them wherever they go in the world. People have baggage and not just the kind with handles. Foreign govt.s should study up on this and remind all concerned: You do some stupid @#$@ connected with this running feud in OUR country, and we don’t care, chooish or ay-rab or whatever your problem is, you get free room and board and matching govt. bracelets and a free one-way plane ticket back to Khatzbhutistan where you came from, end of story. Enough is enough, be civil or go sit in jail, period. Enough with religious cultural feuding that causes dead people in western countries. Saudi Arabia needs to step on this with both sandals also. ‘Special hajj’ is some magic that can happen…
Why is there a special word for racism only when it applies toward jews?
How did the word gay come to mean homosexual?
Why would a sybmol like the rainbow be usurpted by the LGBTP deviants?
Who has the ability to promote these things but not allow criticism of them?
Can you imagine how much more control they had before the internet, TV, Radio even? Those people believed everything they read or heard in those days. So sad.
Did you know the white house was burned down because we tried to stop the 2nd central bank from being formed?
Did you know people’s gold was confiscated by the US govt once?
Did you know the crypto is the path to cashless and then the govt will confiscate gold/silver any alternative after they do?
Did you know the USA can’t print its own money and coins without permission from bankers until they agree on an interest rate and time it must be paid back and these people cannot be named by US law?
Did you know almost everyone in George Washingtons army were freemasons?
Have you heard of EO 11110?
Did you know the people never voted for and congress never approved the formation of the CIA and the FBI was created to keep them in line because they were mostly freemasons? Still are.
Did you know Jesus became what we call a modern day blacklisted, targeted individual for speaking the truth about the former race/relgion (freemasonry) he was in, framed, entrapped and killed at the age of 33, a significant number in jewish freemsonry?
These people are against God and goodness. They promote everything that would get them off the hook. Their MSM and Hollywood and especially their sexual perversion and promotion thereof is all one huge pre-emptive legal strike to keep them out of jail?
They are tryiing to normalize pedophilia and homosexuality and perversion so they don’t have to hide it.
God bless.
Henry C.
You are incorrect–Christ did not ever practice “Judaism” nor was he a “Jew” by today’s standards. He was a Judahite, not a “Jew”. The “Jews” murdered Christ because he exposed them for the frauds they were–they claimed to be Israelites, just as they do today, but they are not–they are Edomites pretending to be Israelites as part of a power grab. Judaism is NOT the religion of the Old Testament as they claim–rather it is occult Baal worship from Babylon. And, yes, freemasonry comes out of Babylon–but Christ had nothing to do with any of that–he denounced it as the “traditions of the elders”.
Exactly. Thank you for the clarification! If modern Pharisees, Noahides and Chabad Lubavitchers were moral, Godly people who were truly righteous, they would have absolutely nothing to do with a “holy book” called the BABYLONIAN TALMUD that promotes pederasty, sodomy of children, fornication, ethnic cleansing and genocide, and murder. They also wouldn’t be seeking total ownership and control of the world, and they wouldn’t utterly loathe and detest Christ and Christians, to the point of seeking to erase them all from the face of the world.
“jewish Groups Openly Admit They Want Bitchute Shut Down For Posting Content They Don’t Like”
Nothing wrong with that until the people who own the large MSM networks and websited grant their wish and try to use their courts to get the smaller ones to do the same. They own big-tech, big pharma, MSM, Hollywood, NEA, SCOTUS, Congress, MIC because they FUND the USA with loans at interest. It’s called USURY and central banks and the “federal” reserve plus nepotism will always, eventually, end up owning that entire country.
The Best Ally Collects Your Money
That’s what the JewSA exports, censorship about Jews and fake comments about China.
So pathetic…
Víðarr Kerr
My account on YouTube is on a list for special censoring. I know this because I have several YT accounts and checked from one account to another to see if I was being censored, shadow banned.
So, with this YT account with the special censoring, I cannot type “BitChute” at all. If I put “bitchute” into a sentence, the whole thing is censored/shadow banned. I tried writing “Bitchute” using the other accounts and it goes through, no problem.
To me, this was a huge signal that the Jews that own YT, are scared of BitChute. I think what they will try to do is restrict/ban Bitchute from Googles’ advertising/payment scheme. That is what they did to Zerohedge not long ago; they forced Zerohedge to censor their comment section, or they have their ad revenue canceled. Now, the comment section sucks and if you say anything about the Jews, they don’t just censor it, they permanently ban your account. But, you can say all you want about other religions.
Jewish Supremacism Needs to be Terminated.
There is much more to come! Groups of false “Jews” like the Rothschilds, Bilderbergers, Desmarais, Rockefellers, Gates, and many others have assets and wealth in the hundreds of Trillions. Do you realize how powerful that makes them!? These children of Satan readying themselves for eternal perdition and all who suck up to them, will not stop until they control every soul, every property, every shekel in the ground and above the ground, and the world itself! This means that banning of access to payment systems is the tip of the iceberg; your entire site and platform can be canceled and destroyed overnight; with no recourse. Better to focus on underground media, and alternative ways to reach people (such as flyers or radio underground).
The point is that the jews have no business controlling America’s media or laws inside America, or inside any White nation. Many of the “dual citizen” jews for the most part choose to remain here as residing foreigners who have loyalty only to international jewry, and not to America or it’s people. The jews have scrounged (assisted by banker families) and have networked together to obtain monopolistic positions from which the Jews by stealth and trick advocate for all of the evils supported by greedy and immoral jewry. They have used their white skins to surreptitiously advocate perverted agendas, in order to change our country and our people to their liking, much like evil and treacherous Trojan horses, often working [more in the character of networking Trojan piss ants] against the best interests of America and America’s White people in almost every devious, harmful way possible. The jew media and their fellow monopolists in Hollywood are despicable, and so are their internationalist banker leaders [monopolists, too], who obtain the benefits from the horrible scam which Jewry have instituted and run against the interests of the American people called the Federal Reserve, along with their IRS enforcers.
It’s long past time that we had a media which truly is American. It’s time to do away with mainstreamed jewish media entirely, which is the primary glue which binds and protects all of the other jewish scams, and attacks and vilifies any who tell the truth about Jewry.
Dual citizen is definitely a conflict of interest. They should not be allowed to hold govt jobs. Dual loyalties. The real problem is that even if they are not dual citizens and are jewish or muslim or scientologists or freemasons or whatever they were either born into or secretly converted to means that any other oath they take, including one of office or even just a signed contract is “null and void” according to the oath they have previously taken.
By birth all jews, muslims can lie for the sake of their religion. It’s called taqqiya in islam and kol nidre in judaism and the same goes for most oaths taken before getting a govt job.
This is how the swamp came to be. People are “owned” before they get the job. Usually, they have to take a secret oath to get the job in the first place by someone of the same faith, frat, sorority,
whatever to get the job so they can be hired and trusted.
Often they prefer married with children members in case they break their oath. This is why seemingly good people vote or do things contrary to what you would think they would. They are owned. They have handlers, minders, owners, in other words they are “beholden” to their oath.
Beholden means bound. Being held. The PTB want to know you will not turn the tables before you get a decent paycheck. They bind you with their oath of fealty, servitude, supplication, obedience, call it what you will. This is why and how people with no college degree get good paychecks.
This used to be the middle class. Now the tech is taking most jobs and the elites can be protected by tech and less people. They middle class is being wiped out. Soon it will be “you are one of us or nothing to us” with no middle class.
This system is draconian and the worst are the olive skinned, dark haired ones. Historically, the red-headed and blondes of this genetic draconian lineage have been benevolent though. Prince Harry, Diana (his mother) are usually outcast and used for breeding puposes. They don not like the red lines, but they are used by the dark haired ones for disgusting reasons. Usually andrenochromes and believe it or not, clairvoyancy and psychic ability.
I know it sounds crazy, but read what I wrote at the beginning and you will find it is not only plausible, it’s true and real regarding oaths and the draconian system of usury and secret societies.
Alex Collier speaks of “the orange” or red heads from Orion. I can’t tell you everything due to a pending RICO case that would probably turn out better under Trump, but he is right.
God bless.
The most interesting thing you said is the connection between “Draco” and “Draconian.” Must be a coincidence; the same way that “Nephilim” means “those fallen from heaven.”
“CAA has joined others in calling for social-media companies to adopt the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, launching a campaign to urge the British Government to bring forward its Online Harms Bill to address anti-Semitism on the internet.”
A copy of an article. from an outstanding site, Balder, which site has now been burned by Jewry’s censors, about IHRA, tells about it’s dangers:
“Campaign against anti-Semitism DANGER to Free Speech World Wide”
“THE FOLLOWING 13 BEHAVIORS HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AS EXAMPLES OF ANTISEMITISM in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere by the IHRA Plenary (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) in Budapest 2015 which is spearheading the campaign.
Questioning the alleged Holocaust is called ‘antisemitism’.
Expressing an overall negative perception of Jews is called ‘antisemitism’.
Unfriendly speech directed toward any Jewish community institution or religious facility is called ‘antisemitism’.
Calling for, aiding, or justifying the harming of Jews or a Jew, even in the form of subjective hurt feelings or making fearful, is called ‘antisemitism’.
Making allegations about the ‘power’ of Jews as a collective (such as Jews control the media or the government) is called ‘antisemitism’.
Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group is called ‘antisemitism’.
Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms of the ‘gas chambers’ or the intentionality of National Socialist Germany to genocide the Jewish people during World War II is called ‘antisemitism’.
Accusing ‘the Jews’ or the state of Israel of inventing or exaggerating the alleged Holocaust is called ‘antisemitism’.
Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of the nations they live in is called ‘antisemitism’. [Truth is no defense]
Saying that the State of Israel is racist (thereby somehow denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, in their eyes) is called ‘antisemitsm’.
Using symbols and images associated with Jewish ‘blood libel’ [actual historical cases of kidnapping Christian children/young men and draining their blood for ritual religious purposes] or claims of Jews killing Jesus to characterize Israel or Israelis is called ‘antisemitism’.
Comparing Israeli policies to that of the ‘Nazis’ is called ‘antisemitism’.
Holding Jews collectively responsible for the actions of the state of Israel is called ‘antisemitism’.
These are all examples of ‘antisemitism’ in public life as put forth by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA – created in 1998), the sponsor of the so-called “working definition of antisemitism” (developed in 2015) that is being pushed to be adopted by every government in the world. A number of European countries have already adopted it, including Germany and Austria. (See hereand here.)”
“Campaign against anti-Semitism DANGER to Free Speech World Wide”
Dennis Roe
Your real master is those who can’t be criticized . I think that was Orwell, but it sure is true.
Daniel Stewart
Voltaire, not Orwell.
The jewish shepherds and those who follow them are blind to the ways of THE MOST HIGH. If they fail to repent the ditch prepared for them awaits.
Contradictory or vague it may be — to a prejudiced observer. But irresistible is the motive , that promotes a pure heart with wrath of righteous indignation to the anti-Christ abomination.
Jew domination is accepted without question as intellectual, popular or harmlessly mundane . But if it caused exclusively Christian cultures with traditional philo-judaic prejudice to convert and cultivate their disillusionment, the liberty to express the Truth they confess must be expunged.
Why are statements or testimony against the international jew unacceptable and justify prosecution? If untrue or calumny prove its error or what harm is common slander from profanum vulgus? Especially for the holycost industry? Or is it the Truth they fear? If it not be but disgruntled few, whom the proletariat are in agreement to disdain, why be alarmed ?
Is not minority , e.g. aberrations all welcome in the jew freak show? Indictment of the jew, who is the obvious cause to their grievance and violation of peace, and the jew is exposed as a malevolent intruder.
Jesus of Nazareth mission was for an exclusive kingdom of the elect with divine perception. The jews obstruct and condemn the same today; subvert the church with unanimous approval. An insignificant Individual in the most modest and ineffectual state suddenly is relevant if he/she violates the jew inscrutable sanctuary.
Why is not the anti-christ spirit in every venue and mouth in authority not condemned? Because they are jews. Only the jew hurts or is offended. All others are the jealous and envious adversary, his dispossessed debtors, who are neither heard nor seen.
So true, Paul. Andy Warhol once predicted that “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” What he didn’t realize was that in the future, the quickest way to become famous for 15 minutes would be to publicly state something “antisemitic” or untoward about Jews.
Hopefully, all those anonymous millions of people who live lives of quiet desperation will figure out the quickest road to stardom and international infamy is to post some antisemitic canards on social media. If all at once social media would be flooded with these star-hungry antisemites, perhaps the Jews would finally grasp the obvious; that they should just ignore antisemitism and stop pretending there ever was or is ever going to be a holocaust–until God decides he wants one, and if he wants one, there’s nothing the Jews can do to stop it anyway. Just ask the prophet Obadiah 1:16-18
I’ve said it before, Jewish supremacist can continue playing their morally corrupt dictatorial games because the White majority enables and allows them to do as they please. The majority of White people see the Jewish supremacist as their lord and savior and worship at the altar of this tyranny and it justified through the abuse of law.
Why do Jews always claim that anti-Semitism is “rising”? Someone should do a study on this claim, by sifting through the historical record to determine how many times this assertion was made in the past.
We know that the “6 million” phrase was used for decades before Hitler and the National Socialists came to power. Even if anti-Semitism is a thing, the Jews have no God-given right to shut it down. If you can’t discuss Jewish power, if you can’t openly examine the Jewish historical record, what incentive do Jews have not to lie? And, these people can’t figure out why people hate them?
Right, Karen. Before we can agree on whether or not “anti-Semitism” is “rising”, we need to come to an agreement of what “anti-Semitism” actually is. Jews push the IHRC definition of it, but that’s hardly objective, and its full of contradictions and vagueness–such as criticism of Israel.
Jews can’t even come to a consensus on the definition of a Jew, so how can they even know what “anti-Semitism” is assuming it means “Jew hate”?
“anti semitism” is a misnomer in and of itself – jews are NOT Semitic! They even lie about that…
Yes, that’s true–Jews technically are not and cannot be true Shemites from the Bible because true Shemites are unmixed and racial pure–and Jews are admittedly a mixed bag of genetic flotsam and jetsam. Others claim that “semite” refers to language groupings, but that’s bogus, too.
Hebrew is NOT a “jewish” language–and the “Hebrew” Jews speak today is not real Hebrew–it’s like Yiddish, an Arabo-Hebraic patios that sounds nothing like real Hebrew did.
If you want to hear what real Hebrew sounded like, listen to someone speak Gaelic or Welsh, the two closest living languages to Hebrew–and yes, the Irish and Scots are Shemites.
Sin céart
Is Edomites iad, tagann siad ó cháin. Dúirt mo shin-seanathair liom mar pháiste gurb í an Ghaeilge an teanga is gaire atá fágtha gan hebrew, dúirt sé liom freisin gur daoine roghnaithe Dé iad Ayrans, tá an fhianaise ar fad ann, faoi mo thír Éire.
Hibernia – Eabhrais
Ithir Fola agus Dia
Tiocfaidh ár lá
Sieg Heil
Translated from the Gaelic:
“That’s right
They are Edomites, they come from tax. My great-grandfather told me as a child that Irish is the closest language left to hebrew, he also told me that Ayrans are God’s chosen people, there is all the evidence about my country Ireland.
Soil Blood and God
Our day will come
The "Goyess" knows
This is why they put in the extra effort with the”anti semite”mantra because they must be seeing that more people are realising they are not semites & their most lucrative scam of all time has to end.
The Climate change and scamdemic pandemic shekel heist replacements already rolled out to fill the void of the false semites biggest most lucrative scam ever. Pretending to be Jews.
And as always they squeal it CONSTANTLY but it’s never addressed why people are growing sicker of them by the day just as they have throughout history and for all the same reasons.
Alana Mindell Berkowitz
Rising since the days they controlled the money. The money lenders. The swindlers. They have always been despised because that was and is their business. Just loaning money at interest and running businesses, not actually doing any real labor.
The business of the jew is the busyness of the goyim. “Keep them busy, busy, busy..” this way they fight amongst themselves as well.
Invent many protective proxy fake religions and clubs and orgs and pit them all against each other.
Take race and religion out of MSM and all you have is common sense.
Take race and religion out of judaism and all you have left is global organized crime and monetary monopoly through secret usury and secret nepotism in every central bank country.