American Jews with ties to a small community of Jews in Uganda have condemned the Israeli Interior Ministry’s “racist” decision to reject the right of those Jews to immigrate to Israel — simply based on the color of their skin:
The ministry was responding to a Supreme Court petition by Kibita Yosef, a Ugandan Jew who had requested to make aliyah.
Yosef, who converted to Judaism in 2008 under the auspices of the Conservative movement, first applied to immigrate to Israel while studying in a yeshiva there under the Law of Return. The law allows all Jews, including those who have converted, to become citizens.
But the Interior Ministry, which handles citizenship, rejected Yosef’s application, according to Haaretz. Yosef has appealed to the Supreme Court, which is expected to make its decision next week and could overrule the ministry.
The conflict could have potential consequences for Jews worldwide.
“We’re profoundly disappointed by the Interior Ministry’s decision,” said Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal, CEO of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and the Rabbinical Assembly, which has a longstanding relationship with the Abayudaya Jewish community in Uganda. “We see it as a profound insult to the Conservative movement.”
The Abayudaya began practicing Judaism in 1919 after a Ugandan leader, Semei Kakungulu, declared himself a Jew and began adopting Jewish practices. In 2002, the Conservative movement began overseeing official conversions in the community.
The Ugandan community is affiliated with the Masorti Olami, the international organization representing Conservative communities worldwide, and is home to a chapter of Marom, a Conservative movement youth group. Gershom Sizomu later became the first Ugandan rabbi after his ordination at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, the Conservative movement’s seminary in Los Angeles. A woman from the community, Shoshanna Nambi, is now a rabbinical student at the Reform movement’s Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
Blumenthal said he had visited the community in Uganda and seen “the vibrancy of their Jewish life” and “a deep love of Israel and the Jewish people.” The Jewish Agency, the paragovernmental organization in Israel that facilitates and encourages immigration to Israel, has recognized the Jewishness of Ugandan Jews.
But the Interior Ministry, which has the final say over matters of citizenship and is run by Aryeh Deri, head of the haredi Orthodox Shas party, has taken a different approach.
In a court document this summer, the ministry established a new policy on “emerging” Jewish communities like the Abayudaya, Haaretz reported. According to the policy, these communities would not be eligible to immigrate under the Law of Return, which says that those who convert to Judaism in a “recognized” Jewish community are eligible to immigrate…
“Part of this is a battle for who gets to define Judaism,” said Rabbi Bradley Artson, dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies.
The validity of conversion by non-Orthodox rabbis, and even by Orthodox rabbis who do not meet the standards of the haredi Orthodox Israeli Chief Rabbinate, has been a contentious subject for years. Converts to Judaism who move to Israel whose conversions are not recognized by the Chief Rabbinate cannot marry in Israel, for the Chief Rabbinate controls marriages. Reform and Conservative conversions performed in Israel have not been recognized for years.
While the Yosef decision may not immediately impact the potential immigration status of non-Orthodox converts in established Jewish communities, the rejection of the Ugandan community’s conversions could cast doubt on other conversions performed by those same Conservative rabbis.
“Let’s be clear that denying that the Abayudaya are authentically Jewish is on some level saying that my rabbinical school isn’t an authentic rabbinical school and it’s saying that I’m not an authentic rabbi,” said Artson, who was involved in the conversion of hundreds of Ugandan Jews.
Rabbi Jill Jacobs, executive director of T’ruah, a rabbinic human rights organization, condemned the Interior Ministry’s position on the Yosef case as “pure racism.”
“I’m very proud that the Conservative Movement, to which I belong, has forged a strong relationship w/this community, including ordaining a rabbi & fighting for community’s rights in Israel,” she wrote in a tweet. “This is pure racism on the part of the state. The High Court must do the right thing.”
Asked whether the decision had to do with race, Artson said he wasn’t sure what the “inner motivations” were of the ministry.
“But it certainly has the appearance of racism,” he said.
Blumenthal said the decision to reject Yosef’s claim would only further divide American Jews from Israel.
“It’s one more example of a wedge that the Israeli government is driving between some in Israel and the Jewish people outside Israel,” he said.
Of course Israel doesn’t represent all “Jews” worldwide — that’s just a public relations stunt for the unwashed masses among both Jews and “Gentiles” alike.
Israel was founded as a Jewish ethno-State by and for Ashkenazi Jews from eastern Europe — largely from Communist Russia.
Ironically, every single one of these Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Khazar-Hittites who converted to Judaism — just like these Ugandans — about 1,100 years ago.
But if you are not an Ashkenazi Jew in Israel, you are a second-class citizen — and that includes Sephardic Jews who actually have a longer — and more “legitimate” — connection to babylonian Talmudic Judaism.
Jewry does indeed have a racial caste system like India — with the whitest on top — and their ability to “pass” as White is the secret of their success in accessing the highest levels of power in White nations.
And if the white-appearing Ashkenazi Jews in Israel want to keep Israel white-appearing, who are we to question them?
Of course, it would be “antisemitic” to accuse Israelis of practicing “white nationalism” — at worst, they could be accused of “white-appearing” nationalism — which doesn’t sound nearly as sinister.
After all, Israelis have seen what allowing Third World Blacks and Arabs have done to Europe, America, and all White nations — they know very well because they’ve aided and abetted it — and they don’t want that same “vibrancy” for Israel — and who can blame them?
When they were compelled — under pressure from human rights groups — to accept Ethiopian Jews, Israel did what any self-respecting ethno-State that wished to survive would do — they sterilized the women under the guise of a vaccine program.
So what we have here is one group of Jewish converts — the Ashkenazim — telling another group of later converts — the Ugandans — that they don’t have stars on their bellies — so they can’t be part of the club and enjoy all the benefits of membership.
And none of this would be an issue if today’s Jews were actually the real Israelites as they claim to be — the real Israelites of the Bible trace their ancestry through the father — whereas today’s Jews do the opposite — and trace their Jewishness through the mother — that alone should raise some red flags for anyone who believes that these “Jews” are really “God’s chosen people.”
Ironically, Jews and Africans share this custom of tracing legitimacy through the mother — Africans do it because no one knows for sure who the father is — so an African man is more likely to be closer to his sister’s children than “his own”.
According to his book The Genetics Of The Jews (Oxford, 1978) Arthur Mourant — a Jewish expert in blood typing — all Jews — whether Ashkenazi or Sephardic — have Black African admixture of somewhere between 5% and 10%.
Of course, the Israelis don’t want this fact advertised too widely — as it would open the flood-gates to their African brethren.
Perhaps the Zionist founding fathers of “Israel” should have called their new home in Palestine a more honest name — such as Ashkenazia — and just dropped the whole pretense that they have any legitimate connection to the Israelites.
New Improved Anti-Racist Hitler Promotes Diversity In Israel:
jews racist thats shocking. the jews who owned the slave ships and slave auctions in the trans atlantic slave trade was promoting anti racism and diversity.
Harry Rosenthal interview:
We discussed the Black invasion of city, county and state and their prominence now in television. Also how ridiculous it is for Blacks to become converted to Jews — like Sammy Davis for instance. Mr. R. replied:
“That doesn’t mean anything. We know that a Black cannot become a Jew and that Sammy Davis is still Black.
I think I hear the sound of wings flapping.
Chickens coming home to roost, perhaps?
In reality, Christian evangelicals are far more supportive of Israel than liberal American Jews are…. And the Israelis are aware of this problem…. they are always trying to devise ways of making assimilated Jews in America to care more about Israel, but why should they? How much to Italian-Americans really care about the politics and future of Italy? Not much at all….
like So But Don’t Want So
Good(bad) for you, Bad(good) for me
Why in the world do these people leave their country for the zionist supremacist state…..knowing how European Jews put in motion the selling of African’s as cattle and blaming it on Christians, I am not taking them serious at all…they are a joke in my world….Africans who leave their country for Israel are an even bigger joke.
They are trying to emigrate — like every other African or POC – because they want to suck the advantages and economy of a ‘first world’ country as opposed to living in their own third world/ fourth world dump.
It IS funny though that the yids ‘open borders’ policies that they push for us is coming back to bite them; although you’ll not see nary a mention of this in any msm…
Hahaha, Israel a first world country, no different than Europe and America, controlled by Bolshevik communist that use military might to wreak havoc and exploit the natural resources of those socalled third countries in name of national security to prop-up the economies of the first world countries. I would take the first world country argument serious if they minded their business, focussed on their own first world status instead of going around dictating what is good for those non-western third world countries and plundering the natural resources with impunity. With the massive fraud, corruption, cruelty, hate and outright tyranny the status of superior and civilized first world is a joke. The facts on the ground proves that, people who leave their third world country thinking that the first world countries are much better end up in sub-human conditions and become part of the underclass in callous the first world countries. The first world tells them that they are poor and uneducated, but the first world gets rich off the natural resources of their country.