(The Jewish Chronicle) So-called “Chrstian-Jewish” dialogue has always been a one-way street where Christians compromise their faith “for fear of the Jews” and walk in lock-step with the anti-Christs who find Christianity “offensive” to their Jewish occult “beliefs”:
“The Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis has hailed a new document on Jewish-Christian relations produced jointly with the Church of Scotland as an “important step forward”.
The 85-page Jewish-Christian Glossary marks the progress made from a decade ago when a previous paper issued by the Church that challenged the Jewish claim to Israel caused an outcry among the Jewish community.
Writing in the foreword of the new Glossary, Sir Ephraim – who is due to address the Church of Scotland Assembly on Wednesday – referred to “a valuable advance between our respective communities”.
He wrote, “While we still have a long road to travel to understand each other more fully, and especially to better comprehend our theological approaches to Land and Covenant, an important step forward has now been taken.”
The Reverend Sally Foster-Fulton, Moderator of the Church of Scotland, acknowledged that “great hurt was caused to the Jewish community” by the previous paper – entitled “The Inheritance of Abraham?” – in 2013.
“We have chosen to find new ways to bring ourselves closer, we have chosen to sit side by side and discuss, not only what unites us, but to engage with what potentially divides,” she said. “That is a brave outworking of love in real life, and it is being a blessing to the nations.”
The new Glossary – compiled by a group of Orthodox rabbis and ministers of the Church – looks at the understanding of key terms such as Chosen People, Covenant and Israel from both Jewish and Christian perspectives.
In particular, it addresses the thorny issue of supersessionism – the belief that God’s promises to the Jewish people have been replaced by a new covenant with the Church.
According to the Christian commentary in the new Glossary, “supersessionism must be overcome within Christianity to make clear that all of God’s promises are eternal. To make a different claim would be both a major obstacle for reconciliation between Jews and Christians, it would also be theologically wrong.
“Christians must do more to recognise and respect the unique and separate existence of Judaism’s relationship with God both past, present and future…”
Christians, the document also says, “need to empathise and listen more to Jewish connections with the land [of Israel] and the complex and deep ways that this subject connects to Jewish history, emotion, identity, autonomy, safety etc”.
The document also notes, “When it comes to Christians focusing their energies on advocacy for Palestinians, they can often forget that Jews live as a vulnerable minority outside Israel and within Israel still live with numerous security concerns. In our universal message of justice and peace we can sometimes ignore the humanity of Jews and Israelis in order to emphasise the humanity and needs of Palestinians.”
Describing “The Inheritance of Abraham?” as “a direct example of supersessionist thinking”, it adds that “the central importance of the land in Judaism and Jewish thinking needs to be recognised and understood within the Church of Scotland”.
The Jewish commentary on the document warns, “If there is no place in Christian theology, and more specifically here Church of Scotland theology to understand a Jewish connection to the Land of Israel, this approach will quickly be connected with other approaches against Zionism that are understood to be sometimes antisemitic.”
It says that “looking at Zionist aspirations as ‘colonialist’ would be considered a misreading of Jewish history and an affront to Judaism”.
The joint directors of the Council of Christians and Jews, the Reverend Nathan Eddy and Georgina Bye welcomed the “side by side” approach adopted in the new document, “highlighting the importance of dialogue, deep listening and acceptance of difference. We hope the glossary goes some way to rebuilding relationships and can serve as a starting point for future Jewish – Christian conversations.”
Nowhere in this article do we see any demands by Christians that Jews understand and accept certain non-negotiable aspects of their faith — Jews are never required to accommodate a Christian worldview even when living in Christian-dominated nations for centuries.
Such on-going Christian-Jewish “dialogues” take place in direct disobedience to Paul’s admonition,
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”
—2 Corinthians 6:14
To concede that Jews have a separate and equally valid convent with God is to completely ignore the central tenant of Christianity — which is summed up with the concise, unambiguous words of Christ:
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
—John 14:6
To concede that the “Jews” have a separate and equally valid path to God is tantamount to denying Christ — and making Christianity “of none effect” — and making it no different from Judaism — which is exactly what modern “judeo-Christianity” has become — Judaism.
God did away with the Old Covenant that He had originally made with the Israelites — and said that a New Covenant would be with the very same people, including with the House of Judah:
“Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
—Jeremiah 31:31-33
And this New Covenant was not to be with any “Church” — as this rabbi claims, and as the Catholics claim — but rather with a people — not just with “Jews” but with the entire House of Israel, which Christ — the promised Messiah of Israel — came to regather.
However, by their own admission, Judaism was born in Babylon, not in Israel:
“Judaism was not evolved in Judah; it was in Babylon that Judaism first became that which it was and still is.”
—”The Hebrew Peoples” written by Dr. H. Winckler, L.M. King, Dr. R. G. Brandis, and H. R. Hall. On pages 1781-4, Vol. 3, appearing in Helmsworth’s “History of the World”
God chastised Israel for engaging in these occult practices in Babylon — and promised that if Israelites did not repent of it and return to Him that He would lay waste to the city of Jerusalem — which is exactly what happened — culminating in the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.
Jews, of course, have never repented of their occult babylonian Judaism — as the Babylonian Talmud, not the Old Testament — a grand deception which is the entire basis of their supremacist “religion” to this very day:
“It was hard for Satan alone to mislead the whole world, so he appointed prominent rabbis in different localities.”
—A Chasidic saying attributed to Nahman of Bratzlav, early 19th century
So if there is going to be an ersatz “zionist” regathering of “Jews” in any central geographical area, it should be in Babylon, which would be due south of Baghdad in the modern state of Iraq — not in Old Jerusalem.
The Church of Scotland has forgotten who they are — the Celts who originally settled Scotland knew they were descendants of the ancient Scythians — as attested to in their 1320 Declaration of Arbroath:
“Most Holy Father and Lord, we know and from the chronicles and books of the ancients we find that among other famous nations our own, the Scots, has been graced with widespread renown. They journeyed from Greater Scythia by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage tribes, but nowhere could they be subdued by any race, however barbarous. Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea, to their home in the west where they still live today.”
The Scythians were descendants of the Cimmerians, who were one of the “lost” tribes of Israel — so there was no “supersessionism” when the Scots very early on embraced Christianity — rather, they weren’t “replacing Jews” but were merely fulfilling the promises that God made with the entire House of Israel.
Jews have long been aware that the Anglo-Saxons are legitimate descendants of the lost tribes of Israel — but they’ve worked feverishly to obscure this fact — along with the fact that they are not legitimate members of the tribe of Judah.
Despite this reality, the Church of Scotland, like most Christian denominations, go along with this deception and concede to the Jewish insistence that only the “Jews” are the living remnant of the House of Israel.
In fact, Jews go so far as to smear any Christians who know these facts about Jews as “antisemites” — and the tiny population of Jews in Scotland have gone so far as to threaten leaving en masse if the Scots don’t take draconian measures to curb their “antisemitism” — such as making it illegal to even criticize Jews — even in the privacy of their own homes.
We can only hope that the Jews of Scotland would follow through with these “threats” and leave — as Jews will never have a “deep, visceral” connection to the land that the native Scots do — nor will they ever be content to allow Scotland to remain what it is — and what it was meant to be — a Christian nation built by God’s true covenant people.
The proper inheritors of the legacy of Oscar Wilde—with all that entails—are not gay rights activists. It is the Catholic Church, into which he made a deathbed conversion and which he believed “would have cured [his] degeneracies” had he been allowed to convert in his youth.
The spiritual state of our beloved Scotland (who doesn’t love Scottish people?) is a consequence of Royalists, who were favorable of Catholic Church, loosing the civil war.
Christians? for Jews in America:
Jews for Refugees:
Excellent comments. Each 1 of you gives me a glimmer of hope for a way out of zogulag. I can hardly converse with anyone…tv’s and phones, a braindead nation. Nice to know some people can see. God bless every 1 of you.
God bless and keep you too. Never forget who you are, never give up and never give in, brother.
It may seem corny but sending a favorite song to let you know you’re not forgotten.
Union jack
This is a microcosm of what’s happening to ALL Christian churches, as they bow to Jewish pressure to deny Christ.
2,000 years later and nothing has changed: “For fear of the Jews”
Paul Kurt
The jew uses without compunction or fatigue as his most virulent weapon , miscegenation. But they are made holy through their endogamous practices? This is a subterfuge.
Why must they invade, often from persecution or as “innocent” refugees ? No, they need the healthy blood of Scot or any other European Volk. Desirable to Negro, and will remain so long as is profitable . Eugenics is their trade.
But their arrogance to assimilate and be indistinguishable is short-lived. They are always unmistakably obnoxious and cannot be concealed.
And Scotland has been an inveterate – a notorious – threat to English sovereignty. Consider Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. And they love to parade themselves, with the Scottish dialect, applying their mimicry . And deceive many.
Are jews everywhere? Yes like weeds or Unkraut . They never die or recede and deceive many. They change appearance and even make a flower; but deracinate the autotonic “people” – and only glorify themselves with endless propagation, proliferating themselves in everyplace where once good grew.
The churches , already cursed, cannot discriminate but labour obdurate, promoting blind faith, reconciliation with Satan and gratuitous, blasphemous controversy so inveterate in the jew “faith.”
And if they decide to create an exodus from EUrope, it is a pretext to come to their land of opportunity, which they are not afraid to claim. And they will not come bearing gifts but our record of debts, all conceived from their appetence of managing our lives.
They weigh and measure our words and determine our debt. Language is their arrogated province. Even our thoughts now are subject to this scrutiny and tax.
This weapon of miscegenation is psychological as well as genetic. It will cause distrust, resentment and this deference to the jew, the weak, disinherited have may come from this fear and desire to become jew, the ultimate self-hatred. Why a church when it should be a holycost museum?
Instead of using the infamous admonition, ” forget not Lot’s wife”, it is better not to forget, Eva.
If the Rabbi wants to talk about ‘covenant’ somebody should tell him the Hebrew word for Covenant is BRIT as in British/ Anglo Saxon / Celtic / Scottish/ Germanic/ Scandinavian and Kindred White Adamite Peoples ! And then tell him the Feast of Tabernacles is the Feast of SCOT in Hebrew. Then tell him that a CELT is a preacher, not a “qoheleth” like the duping devil rabbis (((claim))).
Then tell him that LABAN means WHITE and White Adamite JACOB married two of his White daughters. Then tell him the proof is irrefutable that he and the other rabbis are completely incompetent at translating and are dishonest to the utmost degree.
It’s satanic how the Rabbi and his jews dance around the word Covenant and claim to be God’s Chosen, when the word for covenant is BRIT. White Adamites are the Covenant People , Not mongrelized turko-mongols. Remind the rabbi that he is a mixed race entity and that mixed people are ARAB in Hebrew. He is just a delusional Arab, whose mixed race genes have him in a permanent state of confusion.
Anyway, we have more ‘jews’ in America in 2023 than any other country , including Israel, in the history of the World. If you count the latin jews and black jews who still even have jew names, America might have closer to 100 million jews! Can you imagine how cursed we are? By virtue of the FACT that we have the most jews, ( Nobody else is Even Close) America IS the jew’s (((homeland))).
Living in this record-breaking kiked country feels like living in a haunt of jackals, a brood of vipers, and a den of thieves, and the more we turn brown, the faster we go down.
Man Saxon…I would love to put your excellent comment on a billboard facing that number of satanic fakes called jews! You’re right with your Hebrew and THIS is what blows their cover.
THIS is where the Christians/Israel has forgotten…the language stolen and used for nefarious (perverted) means. Thank you for your boldness friend…hang on to it.
May CFT and family grow in it. God bless you sir. Right now UK is targeted by Russia Putin, my prayers for our kindred everyday. And yes you are aware of the huge numbers of the ‘tiny’ so-called % that call THEMSELVES chosen, an aggressive arrogant cancer running out of time.
Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons
The new anti-White First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf possibly a crypto-Jew.
Russian researcher says Sergey Lavrov is a crypto-Jew.
White erasure = Israel erasure
The whole plan of the AntiChrist.
As always thank you Normant for your valuable input…you have certainly helped me along the way. Stay bold. Stay strong. Stay faithful. God bless you son of Israel.
The Bear
“supersessionism must be overcome within Christianity to make clear that all of God’s promises are eternal”……But, did you check it up with God first?
It always follows the same Old script. Let Crypto-Jews or secret Freemasons rise up the hierarchy of the Church, government, Or whichever organizations Jew want to infiltrate using “The Power Of The Purse”.
Then, once they rise up to be the top guys, they initiate a reorientation strategy which makes the Church or government, to be more accommodating to Jewish Messianisms.
Then slowly, the Crypto-Jews and Freemasons, start slow brain watching of the masses towards accommodating the hidden Jewish Messianisms now being taught by their churches, or governments or organizations.
Oliver Cromwell, the Bas Tar Do, post-Henry VIII declaring himself head of the Church of England and began the murder of his wife for “treason” for her failure to give him male heir, let the damnable Jews back into the Kingdom after they were expelled for over 100 years… The rest of what happened to Britain is now history…
It’s irreversible unless God want to restore Britain, and Christianity in Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales… Forget Roman Catholicism. Return to the 1st love of Britain. Return to Eastern Orthodoxy that came to the British Isles before Catholicism…
James Smith
“The Church of Scotland has forgotten who they are — the Celts who originally settled Scotland knew they were descendants of the ancient Scythians — as attested to in their 1320 Declaration of Arbroath:
‘Most Holy Father and Lord, we know and from the chronicles and books of the ancients we find that among other famous nations our own, the Scots, has been graced with widespread renown. They journeyed from Greater Scythia by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage tribes, but nowhere could they be subdued by any race, however barbarous. Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea, to their home in the west where they still live today.'”
And 700 years later, a communist historian John Prebble called this part of the Declaration of Abroath a “laughable fiction”. Academics can’t let it stand, they just think they must suck up to the jew. Scoffers never bring facts to deny our arguments and instead come across as venomous hyenas.
James Smith ….
Awesome Research. Well done.
CFT…Please provide me more axes. I’ve sharpened all mine and they are quietly waiting for the green light. Never can have too many when it comes the constant lies coming from these Jew pigs.
I wonder how many pieces of silver the Rev Sally Foster Fulton received after succumbing to typical threats from the stye. BTW it is against scripture for a woman to head a congregation…so God is separating sheep from goats. I do hope that ALL congregants leave The Church of Scotland ALONG with these apostate demands from the Evil ones.
Just as in the days when Scots where forced off their land, shoved into holding pens on ships and shipped to North America, many of them dying of starvation and sickness because the Crown wanted it so…it is happening again at the behest of these insidious ‘Sir’ idols. F**k them back to hell where they came from!
My dad was a descendant of one of the most hidden Scot genocide in recent history. The Crown has targeted Scotland, Ireland and Wales for too long…and we now know why.
Along with Germany, Putin has given warnings to the Saxons for complete destruction. The Jew AntiChrist Putin with his false prophet Dugin are hand in hand with the Depends Jew Charlatan USA and NATO.
All I need is a green light…
May Jesus Christ be the Victory Amen.
The report about jewish DNA in Scotland and Northern Ireland below is by a jewess in Virginia, so why she is interested in Scotland is a mystery, except they have unlimited money to research and fabricate all sorts of stuff.
What is interesting is that, perhaps, the Scottish settlers that were sent into Northern Ireland – now known as Orangemen – were comprised of this jewish component.
If you compare the way the Orangemen – centuries-old setters – conduct themselves*, with the way the khazar settlers conduct themselves in Palestine, you might believe that they have something in common, that being that they are jews, although, in the case of the Orangemen, it is deep in their ancestry.
*Example: Orangemen have a marching season, in which they march through Catholic neighborhoods, and the khazar settlers have their flag day – it happened recently – in which they march through Palestinians neighborhoods.
DNA Evidence Suggests Many Lowland Scots And Northern Irish Have Jewish Ancestry.
James Smith
The study is much ado about nothing.
Eupedia gives haplogroup J1 a 0% presence in Scotland and haplogroup J2 a 2% presence. Haplogroup E1b appears 1.5% of the time.
So, these “Jewish haplogroups” do not appear in Scotland to any appreciable degree, and there’s no guarantee that those trace elements even came from Jews.
They could have come from Romans, Greeks, Phoenicians, or Berbers.
James Smith
The Irish are not shown to have Mongoloid DNA like mamzer jews do.
I try to tell anyone getting on the DNA wagon not to believe the reports as it is all instigated by the Jews. ALL OF IT. Their propaganda avenues are many in using it. They are completely desperate.
Oh my! That DNA article makes one think about how the Scots divided in the War of the Kingdoms, for or against the king, between the Lowland Scots and the Highlanders. People think of Scots as one, but they’re divided between somewhat distinct and historically antagonistic groups.
DNA, Scottish Freemasons and Jewish Settlements In
Colonial North America
Elizabeth C. Hirschman
Way back in my journey of discovery of the Jewish Question, I took a “Walking Tour” of Charleston. I was shocked to learn how prominent “jewish life” existed in the earliest of days. They had and still have their own Cemetery. The dates on the Tombstones was eye opening.
That was followed up by a Walking Tour through Beaufort South Carolina were I learned how the “Pirates” were primarily Jews.
Reminds me that I too was shocked to learn that the famed pirate hired by the US government, Jean Lafitte, formerly lauded in public schooling, was a jew. The teachers I had omitted his jew status.
Just as jew slaveholders gave all the white slaveholders a bad name, did the kike pirates give white pirates a worse reputation?
Looks like scholars have no clear consensus about the Jean Lafitte’s origins:
The theory that he was a Jew or converso was promoted by recent books and articles on Jewish pirates. Though it sounds like many historians dispute this idea………
She’s sort of Jewish. But really more of a hodge podge of the Nations. She has observed various atavistic rituals in her family and has concluded what she had thought was a Scottish Low Church ancestry is actually Jewish and has accordingly gone Full Kosher. And that’s why she’s out to convince the world the Scots are Jews. Maybe she’s got a point. Jocks are notoriously, legendarily, tight with their money. so the sterotype goes.
Hirschman has also written a book. with the man mentioned in the above link:
The Early Jews and Muslims of England and Wales: A Genetic and Genealogical History.
Notable for suggesting that among others the Tudors were Jews and that Oliver Cromwell’s ancestors lived in the London Domus Conversorum. Given your recent article on the Lord Protector and the Jews, you might agree that her theories about Cryptos contains a grain of truth.
Although you will not consider it the cause for celebration she clearly does.
Jan Poole
Jews have made all kinds of wild claims, such as that Charles Dickens was a Jew, and that the plays of Shakespeare were written by a Jewish women. It’s tiresome. They have no culture of their own, so they steal ours.
Jews like Hirschman want us all to think we have Jews in our ancestry. I recall reading that they tried to convince the Hungarians that most had Jewish DNA. Same game.
As Nikola Tesla once said to his secretary, “Never trust a Jew”….
Right you are. Set the truth about the:
Kill and replace true Israel, the Truth and Jesus Christ.
Stand out boldly before lies with the Truth. Thank you Ben Y’srael (son or child of Israel).
Quote from the Mishneh Torah
Proof that there’s very little difference between Christianity and Judaism, or the aim of Jews at this point.
No wonder that mainstream churches are hemorrhaging white people, especially in Europe.
Both Christian and secular whites are becoming judaized, the new normal.
Padraigh ……………..
Dead right. And the crazy thing is they openly brag about it. The Slogan — We are still sinners — just forgiven.
By the way ……………. since they have stolen the description — “Christianity” ——
what would you call those who follow Jesus Christ and have His Spirit? What do we call “us” …. in other words.
I’ve been using — “Christendom” — to describe them, while trying to maintain the word “Christians” for ourselves.
On a side note — do you think understanding our racial Identity is a Salvation issue? For me personally, if a man or a woman was given the Holy Spirit, I don’t see how one doesn’t eventually arrive to that conclusion. It is a process of learning, I do realize however. The Spirit must lead a person to a place like CFT to gain the Knowledge. But I do believe the HS would act in this way.
I agree with you one hundred percent, West. The Holy Spirit will lead an individual to truth. I left the Judeo-Christian church starving for knowledge.
During the COVID lockdown I went on a search where eventually I clicked on a link for CFT. I have never looked back. I don’t believe it was accidental. Eventually I came upon other CI sites.
It has been a blessing.
My only desire is to find a CI meeting place in my area. Whether they exist or not is a good question. There is absolutely no desire to return to the JC mindset.
This CFT article shows the blindness of the JC, but at the same time I hope and pray only if one by one they are led to the knowledge of the truth.
Bruce, you’re right. If judeo-Christians are going to break out of their delusion, it will be only one by one, not as a group having a sudden awakening. It’s an individual quest when they are humbled by the truth, and they know it when they hear it.
A light bulb goes off, a switch flips, and there’s no turning back.
Kevin and Bruce ……
Bruce — “…The Holy Spirit will lead an individual to truth…..” Yes, I agree.
Kevin — “…..A light bulb goes off, a switch flips, and there’s no turning back….” Amen to that.
Nesta Webster. 1938
“No one condemned the Jews more severely than did Christ, and one wonders, if He came to earth to-day, how many professing Christians would be willing to receive Him; too often their sympathies are with the money-changers rather than with Him who drove them out.”
Extract from a letter of a British Officer. (October 27, 1938.)
“. . . We did not realize the war scare much down here. The only shock we had was the threat to billet 6,000 slum children and women upon us, apparently for the “duration,” which might have been some ten years. I never heard a more fantastic or ill-digested scheme.
“I had a lot to do in the last war with billeting large bodies of troops, and also disposing of refugees – and one thing I learned was that to dump swarms of undisciplined strangers on ordinary inhabitants and just tell the latter to carry on is the last thing to be done. It will produce rows, rapes, robberies, murders, food and water shortage and epidemics in no time at all.”
judaism and Christianity are antithetical and polar opposite of each other. Just because some organisations add “Christian” to their name does not in any way make them Christian – do not fall into that / for their trap. Never call these antiChrist organisations Christian regardless of what they claim or how they are labelled. ‘By their fruits shall ye know them’.
But yes, it IS no wonder that ‘mainstream’ “churches” are hemorrhaging White people; as the Word says, “I [God} will write my law upon your {true Israel/White] heart.’ They may not know what, but people know that there is something wrong… We gotta tell em when the opportunity presents.