“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
— Vladimir Lenin, Jewish Communist revolutionary in Russia
Anybody who has been paying attention over the past five years can see the hidden hand at work in the so-called Alt-Right and “White Nationalist” movements.
While the media drones on about “white supremacists” and “antisemitism”, the truth is that Jews are actually the ones leading these movements, and there is a clear agenda at work.
This is nothing new.
In 1970, Frank Collin (real name Cohn) was a Jew who founded the National Socialist Party of America (NSPA), which would go on to be one of the largest “neo-nazi” parties at that time. Collin/Cohn would regularly lead “neo-nazi” marches around Chicago, which ultimately culminated in the Skokie Affair.
Frank Collin/Cohn was eventually found guilty of child molestation and sexually abusing young boys at the NSPA headquarters in Chicago. Predictably, he went to jail and the whole NSPA movement fizzled out.
Just like in the 1970s, today we see the exact same dynamic at work: Jews leading the Alt Right and so-called “White Nationalist” movements.
1. Andrew Escher Auernheimer (aka Weev) / Daily Stormer
It is no secret that the webmaster of the Daily Stormer is/has been Andrew Escher Auernheimer (aka Weev), an Ashkenazi Jew on both sides of his family.
Auernheimer has admitted to being a Jew many times over the years. He has also been outed by his own jewish family. Speaking to Newsweek, his mother Alyse said,
“He doesn’t like us,” she said, adding that her son comes from a “large, mixed-race family” with Native American heritage, and that he most certainly has Jewish lineage “on both sides of his family.”
In October 2010, Auernheimer admitted his genetic ties to the Jew Theodore Herzl, the founder of the Zionist movement on his official reddit account (still active), which was also verified in one of his court cases:
Well, my line is related to Theodore Herzl, so I have blood ties to Zionist thought.
Like Frank Collin/Cohn, Auernheimer has also served time in jail for illicit activities and crimes.
Below you see the Jew Andrew Escher Auernheimer (right), who looks uncannily like the gay jewish pedophile Allen Ginsberg (left):
Here’s another article exposing Weev from Occidental Dissent (archived), detailing how Weev at the Daily Stormer is tied in with Chabad Lubavitch Jews in New York, including Jared Kushner (from the Trump Administration).
Here’s Auernheimer promoting violence on a show with Christopher Cantwell, another Alt Right clown and admitted FBI informant.
Hunter Wallace at Occidental Dissent has an excellent overview exposing “Weev” and his promotion of violence over the years (archived version).
Weev’s (and Daily Stormer’s) subversive and dishonest agenda:
- Promote violence among their White audience.
- Link to and reference other controlled-opposition outlets, particularly other Jews within the Alt Right.
- Promote raping and violence against women, rather than having large White families.
- Promote “based” non-Whites and various forms of multiculturalism and race-mixing.
- Promote various lies, such as “some Moslems” being behind 9/11, which we’ve shown is false.
- Promote the lie that mainstream denominational Christianity is real Christianity.
- Promote the big lie that the Jews are the Israelites/Hebrews of the Bible.
- Avoid honest discussions about the Bible, Christianity, real White identity, and the importance of having strong Christian families.
- Create a sense of despair and hopelessness regarding the state of the world and the all-pervasive Jews, whereby the only recourse for Whites is to pull another Dylan Roof or similar nonsense.
2. Breitbart “News” Network
Breitbart is a jewish operation to the core – and it has been that way from the beginning.
In an article from August 2016, Breitbart’s jewish CEO Lary Solov stated:
“They say that we are “anti-Semitic,” though our company was founded by Jews, is largely staffed by Jews, and has an entire section (Breitbart Jerusalem) dedicated to reporting on and defending the Jewish state of Israel.”
As one of the largest of the so-called “alternative” media websites, Breitbart attempts to be edgy by reporting stories that may be popular with racially aware Whites, while at the same time controlling the narrative and obscuring the hidden Jewish Hand behind the power structure.
In 2015, the Jew Larry Solov wrote an article explaining how Breitbart was born in Israel:
“A lot of people don’t realize this but Breitbart News Network really got its start in Jerusalem. It was the summer of 2007, and Andrew had been invited to tour Israel as part of a media junket. I agreed to tag along as his lawyer and best friend. What neither of us knew at the time was that the trip would change our lives and give us the inspiration for Breitbart News Network.”
One of its co-founders was Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s Chief Strategist, who described Breitbart as “THE platform for the alt-right.” Yes, this is the same Steven Bannon who was recently outed for his close associations with Mossad operative and pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein.
Ben Shapiro, another Jew who plays the part of an edgy “conservative” when he’s not studying The Talmud, which is the jewish blueprint for subverting White Christian society, also spent a few years training at Breitbart as a “political commentator”.
3. Ezra Levant / Rebel Media
It’s no secret that Ezra Levant, the loudmouth behind Rebel Media, is jewish.
Like Breitbart, Levant plays the role of “conservative” without ever going near the topics of race or the jewish hand at work in various arenas.
We’ve discussed Ezra Levant before in his relation to Tommy Robinson. Levant appears to be one of Tommy’s handlers, while also being his money manager who collects donations for his legal defense, but we’ll discuss Tommy more below.
Levant’s job is to keep all discussion about Muslims focused on Islam, rather than the jewish enablers.
4. Gatestone Institute, Jihad Watch, and the Kosher Crusaders
The Gatestone Institute seems to be the largest among the kosher-approved anti-Islam websites.
The goal of these websites is simple: lead the opposition by criticizing Islam, but don’t go anywhere near the topic of who is enabling, funding, and supporting Muslim immigration into the West. Because if you go there, then that would be antisemitic, of course.
These are what we call the Kosher Crusaders. They will appear to oppose Islam, but they’ll never let you know the root cause of the problem.
The Gatestone Institute is right out of the jewish playbook for creating a fake opposition movement:
One of the major publishers of online content friendly to the far-right party is an American website financed in large part and lead by Jewish philanthropist Nina Rosenwald.
Rosenwald’s site, the Gatestone Institute, publishes a steady flow of inflammatory content about the German election, focused on stoking fears about immigrants and Muslims. In one of the most recent posts, the website warns of the construction of mosques in Germany and claims that Christianity is becoming ‘extinct’.
Here is Rosenwald with Alan Dershowitz, a self-described Hillary Clinton supporter who also seems deeply connected with many other personalities on the “alt right” and the Trump administration through their mutual connections to Jeffrey Epstein.
Sites like Gatestone also keep Christians blind to the enemy within while ensuring they never see the bigger picture.
We learn from Wikipedia that John Bolton, the neocon Jew who has a penchant for getting America into wars against Muslims for the sole benefit of Israel, is also actively involved in the Gatestone Institute.
“Bolton has been involved with numerous conservative organizations, including the anti-Muslim Gatestone Institute, where he served as the organization Chairman until March 2018, and as a Director of the Project for the New American Century, which favored going to war with Iraq.”
Next up from the Kosher Crusaders is Robert Spencer, a close associate of fellow jewish “conservative” kingpin David Horowitz whose Freedom Center funds Spencer’s website Jihad Watch, a fairly large site that gets quite a bit of traffic. But the m.o. is the same: criticize Islam, never discuss Jews, and support Israel!
There are many other Kosher Crusaders we could discuss, such as Pamella Geller, but you get the point.
5. Lauren “Southern” Simonsen
Lauren Simonsen goes by the name “Lauren Southern” as part of her act. Also part of her act is the bad blonde “aryan” dye job to make herself more appealing to young, naive White men, despite her attraction to Black men, like the “conservative” one she “dated” in high school:
In various contexts she has admitted her jewish ancestry.
For example:
Lauren “Southern” Simonsen previously worked for the Jew Ezra Levant at Rebel Media.
She has made videos criticizing third world immigration into the West, and like her fellow tribe members in the Alt Right, she’ll never let you know the source of the problem.
In 2018, she went on a world tour with Stephan Molyneux, another Jew who pretends to be a “white nationalist”.
Hundreds Mistakenly Protest Jewish Woman for White Supremacist in Australia
6. Mike Cernovich
Mike Cernovich is another jewish Alt Right figure who has been heavily promoted in the media. Recently, Cernovich has gone into overdrive trying to convince people that Jeffrey Epstein was not connected to the Israeli Mossad.
Here he is with his mentor Alan Dershowitz, who just so happens to have been Jeffrey Epstein’s attorney and alleged frequent visitor a Epstein’s teenage rape parties:
Here we have Cernovich attempting to speak for his “fellow white people” on Twitter.
Same story, different talking head.
7. Mike “Enoch” Peinovich / The Right Stuff
Mike “Enoch” Peinovich is the Jew behind TheRightStuff, an “antisemetic” website which hosts various “white nationalist” podcasts which have been featured at Andrew Anglin’s Daily Stormer.
When he first came to public attention, he tried to hide the fact that his wife was jewish, but eventually admitted it, after which he allegedly divorced her to maintain his street cred among nationalists, but all of this was a way to distract his followers from the fact that he himself, not just his wife, is jewish.
Enoch has a habit of wearing dark sunglasses in public to create a “tough” and “fashy” image, but when he takes them off, he looks nebbishly jewish:
Mike “Enoch” Peinovich has, in fact, admitted to being jewish on at least three separate occasions, as you can hear in this video:
Update: Mike “Enoch” Peinovich is now actively blocking anyone on Twitter who points out that he is a Jew. For Peinovich, the truth is “gay ops” and needs to be shut down.
8. Milo Yiannopoulos
Milo Yiannopoulos is a gay jewish “antisemite” whom we have covered before on this site:
Yiannopoulos is a poster child of the “fake Right” whose sole purpose is to subvert and discredit any legitimate opposition to the jewish-dominated liberal agenda.
Not only is Yiannopoulos a flaming homosexual who has a penchant for Black men, he’s also an admitted crypto-Jew who loves to troll both liberals and conservatives. He’s a political clown who does nothing but distract White people from the real problems that we face.
Yiannopoulos just so happens to be another jewish “antisemite” who got his start at Breitbart (there seems to be a pattern here). As Wikipedia points out:
In October 2015, the Breitbart News Network placed Yiannopoulos in charge of its new “Breitbart Tech” section. The site has six full-time staff, including an eSports specialist, and was edited by Yiannopoulos until his resignation on 21 February 2017.
Wikipedia also points out how Yiannopoulos promotes pedophilia:
In the interview in a January 2016 episode of the podcast Drunken Peasants, Yiannopoulos stated that sexual relationships between 13-year-old boys and adult men and women can “happen perfectly consensually”, because some 13-year-olds are, in his view, sexually and emotionally mature enough to consent to sex with adults; he spoke favourably both of gay 13-year-old boys having sex with adult men and straight 13-year-old boys having sex with adult women. He used his own experience as an example, saying he was mature enough to be capable of giving consent at a young age.
And most recently, documents released in a lawsuit involving the “United The Right” rally in Charlottesville reveal that Yiannopoulos is, in fact, an FBI informant who has a “vault” of materials to discredit and “doxx” figures in the Alt-Right.
9. Paul Gottfried – the “Jewish Godfather of the Alt Right”
Paul Gottfried is often called the “Jewish Godfather of the Alt Right.”
Here’s an excerpt from Gottfried’s Wikipedia page:
Gottfried is also the first person to use the term “alternative right”, when referring specifically to developments within American right-wing politics, in 2008. Richard B. Spencer co-created the term with Gottfried while working together at Taki’s Magazine and helped it to gain wide currency through media attention surrounding conferences organized by his think tank, the National Policy Institute.
Here you can see Gottfried with Richard Spencer and Pat Buchanan:
The pro-homosexual “conservative” Richard Spencer is also quite the character, with deep family ties to the CIA and various mainstream political figures. Many also claim he is jewish.
Here’s Spencer hanging out with his “wife” and former First Lady Laura Bush:
10. Stefan Molyneux – A jewish actor posing as a “white nationalist”
Stefan Molyneux is a jewish actor who plays the role of a “white nationalist” and “antisemite” who points out facts about Jews. Molyneux has been caught in numerous lies over the years and has flip-flopped on many issues.
He is jewish on both sides of his family.
Mother’s side:
Father’s side:
Molyneux is an actor who makes a lot of money conning his audience:
Molyneux will occasionally discuss facts about Jews, particularly on Twitter, while feeding his audience various lies and controlling the narrative.
As more people wake up to the JQ, Molyneux has been intensifying his rhetoric and calling out his fellow Jews (to a limited extent), in attempt to stay ahead of the curve. This helps to ensure he can continue to collect donations (growing his audience) while also controlling the narrative.
Update: Here’s what it looks like when Molneux’s cover as a “fellow white person” gets blown (on the day we published this article). Notice he never denies his jewish ethnicity, but instead makes various excuses and concludes with “I do not identify as Jewish.”
Molyneux clearly lacks the self-awareness and insight to understand just how jewish his way of thinking really is. He will mock a man who doesn’t “identify” as a man, yet he fully expects us to believe he’s not jewish just because he chooses not to “identify” as a Jew. This is textbook jewish chutzpah and hypocrisy.
Subversive and dishonest activities:
- Minimizes and conceals jewish power and corruption, while attributing jewish control of certain industries to Jews allegedly having a “high IQ” like another high-profile shill, Jordan Peterson
- Attacks people who question the official version of 9/11 and the Holocaust (“facts don’t matter“).
- Works with Alex Jones to promote false narratives
11. “Tommy Robinson” (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon)
Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) is the face of Fake Nationalism for the UK.
Below you can see Tommy posing with a jewish Zionist and a Mossad agent, while also sporting an Israeli Defense Forces shirt.
Tommy Robinson is part of the Kosher Crusader crowd. He is loudly promoted in both the mainstream and “alternative” media, while being financed by various jewish sources.
Tommy Robinson and the English Defense League are paid jewish puppets and controlled opposition. Zionist Jews couldn’t hijack the BNP, so they funded Tommy Robinson and the English Defense League to create a Jew-friendly version of Nationalism. Many years ago, Nick Griffin (former head of BNP), explained what happened.
Tommy himself is also jewish, and he has admitted this many times.
We’ve covered the Tommy Robinson scam in many articles here on CFT:
- Investigation Reveals Tommy Robinson’s ‘Right Wing’ Financial Support is Jewish
- Jewish Pro-Israel Think Tank Admits to Funding Tommy Robinson’s Legal Defense
- Jewish Media Continues to Groom Tommy Robinson As Face of UK “Far Right”
- Traitor Tommy Robinson Supports Racist Israeli Jews But Not White British People
- Why Big Jewish Money is Behind the Free Tommy Robinson Protests
Just another face of the Kosher-approved Alt Right.
Why are Jews leading the Alt Right and white nationalist movements?
Answer: to control the opposition, subvert those looking for the truth and real solutions, and promote their own agenda. Here’s the agenda we see being pushed by those above:
- Incite violence among their White audience, including shootings and other illegal activity – common with the Daily Stormer crowd. (Note: Promoting violence is a counter-productive strategy at this point in time, as it achieves nothing, alienates others who may be open to these truths, destroys the lives of those committing crimes, is used to take away our rights (free speech and gun rights), and is used by the controlled media to vilify Whites.)
- Obscure and conceal the truth and bigger picture. Many of the Jews in the Alt-Right will give their audience some truth, but then obscure the bigger picture, promote lies, and lead people down endless rabbit holes of confusion.
- Promote lies and disinformation. Many Jews in the Alt Right promote lies about history, the 9-11 attacks, the truth about jewish identity, and various other topics, while constantly bashing Christianity.
- Promote non-solutions. Jews love to promote the Alt Right, politics, and various forms of “activism” because these are all non-solutions that will never go anywhere.
By their fruits you shall know them.
Blueprint for subversion: honeypots, informants, and illegal activity
If you look at various White Nationalist movements over the decades, there is a common theme of infiltration, subversion, and the promotion of illegal activity.
This is how these movements are ultimately destroyed.
The Aryan Nations in Idaho was another large movement in the 1980s and 1990s. An article on the Ruby Ridge tragedy reveals the degree to which government agents actively infiltrate these groups:
The irony of the federal government’s desire to obtain informants within the Aryan Nations is that different branches of federal law enforcement and intelligence gathering occupied five of the six key positions in the organization. This means that the Aryan Nations were effectively a government-run shop, with agents spying on each other to ensure the integrity of an investigation – into an organization almost entirely run by the federal government.
The government had an obsession with the Aryan Nations due to Robert Jay Matthews, who was a member of The Order, a terrorist organization including members of the Aryan Nations. The FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team burned Matthews alive inside his own home.
Due to his ongoing refusal to snitch, Weaver was then arrested in January 1991, on illegal firearms sales charges. These charges stemmed from Weaver’s earlier “sale” of two shortened shotguns to Faderley, the undercover ATF agent – a sale which the feds later admitted constituted illegal entrapment.
Weaver was basically entrapped by federal agents posing as “fellow patriots” who goaded him into a shotgun sale. Weaver’s son, wife, and dog were later killed by government snipers stemming from charges related to the fake gun transaction.
The Aryan Nations compound in Hayden Lake, Idaho was also brought down after guards shot at a vehicle and two people. The occupants then sued the Aryan Nations (with the help of jewish lawyers at the SPLC) and won a multi-million dollar suit, effectively bankrupting the organization. Once again, violence and illegal activity was the downfall of the organization.
This same blueprint is being carried out today, and you also see it at work in various nationalist movements in Europe:
- Infiltrate the organization and collect data on all the members.
- Promote violence and other illegal activities.
- When violence or illegal activity is carried out, come down on the organization and its members with all available resources.
Don’t be fooled. They are not giving you any solutions.
becuase they control all oposition
Hard to believe, but no lies detected.
EVERY mystery in history and it’s a malevolent force and it doesn’t make sense…… it’s the jews!!
i have exposed some traitorous orgs that have come out in support of israel starting with visegrad 24 i have had my suspicions for a while now but it took the situation between fake israel and their butchery against palestinians for them to come out in support of israel they promote the occult number 6 million jew holocaust even though jews are responsible for the mass murder of millions of our kin , visegrad got upset for jews with protests against them and they had a go at a palestinian who objects to perversions and gay marriage so visegrad 24 has come out of the closet as they say , oh and they are pushing the evil nazi jew lies saying nazis did evil experiments , its been quite full on with visegrad 24 some have called them out as a zionist shill account and israel 24 and many have questioned their sudden change but i have noticed they never say who is behind mass immigration and the anti white hate they never talk about the kalergi plan nor who was behind communism they tell you half the story but not the rest anyway i called them out on my page as i feel its my duty to expose the deceivers the traitors i judge i discriminate against ,
now another has revealed themselves as israel jew supporters defending jews that get upset for their behaviour and this uk justice forum was going all out shilling for israel they showed a pic of israel supporter with the occult flag of fake israel saying its star of david when king davids symbol was the harp , uk justice forum was saying israel is last line of defence against migrant invasion when its the jewish state of israel who are behind the migrant invasion they cover the migrant invasion but never say who is behind it telling you half the story , with visegrad 24 and uk justice forum the trust is gone and are shilling for the enemies of the white race and christianity , a reader here west knows all about me exposing them on my page , if you unmask traitors shills deceivers tell others
are you serious about trump, hes as zionist as they come.
David Icke – I have been suspicious of he rants about rothschild zionism, says that jews bankrolled Hitler according to what Times of Israel has said. Gordon Bowden said in a video that Icke is involved in fraud. Sources:
https://yes2truthblog.wordpress.com/2020/10/27/is-david-icke-a-member-of-antifa/ , https://www.timesofisrael.com/slammed-as-holocaust-denier-david-icke-barred-from-australia/
David Icke mentioned from 47 minutes
I would like CFT readers’ views on him – thanks
Icke is a complete fraud and gatekeeper. The things that come from his mouth are a joke.
And also truth seeker and unz review which alternate articles exposing the Jewish conspiracy then denying it. Today the Unz review published article claiming everything about the Holocaust was true , while previously posting revisionist articles.They also have a Jew called Markow who claims only a minority of Jews are involved in the conspiracy, most Jews being victims of it
David Icke talks truth on jews, yet poisons the well with reptilian nonsense , but ultimately he acts as a gate keeper from Christianity. Same as Adam Green , (Know more news) who acts as a gatekeeper from christian Identity.
Another is Lauren Witzke – she was Mexican drug cartel drug runner and friends with Laura Loomer. She admitted she became Christian because it would be a good look for her election campaign. Here she is getting upset because people were leaving leaflets about the Jewish leading role in covid. Someone told me it could be Mossad agents handing out the leaflets to push antisemitism laws so whats your opinion on this please
Lauren Witzke
Conveniently, These stupid things started showing up around Florida before DeSantis went to sign this bill.
These leaflets are the reason that we are opening a door to infringements on our 1A Rights. You give them an INCH on this, and soon all criticisms will be criminalized.
You can’t tell me this wasn’t an organized effort to chill the speech of anyone who questions America’s foreign policy.
It was a set up- and DeSantis took the bait.
From what I am seeing coming out of so-called Christian channel TruNews slandering Hitler, and you have Rick Wiles demanding Gab censor people with pro-Hitler views. So you may as well add TruNews to the list too.
There is a so called activist on Twitter called “Syrian Girl” aka Mimi al Laham, Maram Susli whatever she goes by – I had my suspicions of her and an Facebook friend also had suspicions too. She claims to be from a family that fled Syria but many have look into her claims found nothing on her some doubt she ever lived in Syria – some doubt she is even Syrian. The pics of her in Syria could of been holiday pics or building up a persona they do actually do that.
Recently I looked up pics of Syrian Girl I noticed differences in her appearance in early tv appearance on Australian insight chat show her skin tone was pale brown she had narrow eyes. In another pic some time after that chatshow appearance her eyes are wider and she has white skin. Her accent seems false too also in another pic where she was going by Maram Susli her head looked larger puffed out cheeks large lips looking well built its just that when you notice things about her and you begin to wonder who is she.
Syrian Girl promotes follows retweets known shills gatekeepers like Lauren Southern – she also promoted Stefan Molenyuex – others she promotes are Grayzone News which is i reckon a Mossad front org run by Max Blumenthal whose father Sidney Blumenthal is close friends with Hillary Clinton and other shady people. Some members of Grayzone like Raina Khalek in her past tweets was calling for Syrian military assets to be bombed. Rania was also calling for draconian lockdowns cheering on Antifa and BLM rioters statue pullers.
Grayzone member jew Aaron Mate says 911 truth is a waste of time – they push the narrative Saudis did it when many Saudi hijackers were seen alive and well after 911, Grayzone promotes Assange who also says 911 truth is a waste of time. Syrian girl promotes Grayzone after showing her articles what Grayzone are about she still retweeted and kept on promoting them. Syrian girl Slandered the prophet Moses – also when i brought up Hitler, she said Hitler is responsible for Palestinians plight. I tried get her to watch that movie “Greatest Story Never Told.
Syrian Girl goes on the Alex Jones show – some note that she has never been on exclusively arabic speaking channels like Al Manar. I found this video the person makes some good points also says she could be Israeli
All those mentioned in this article never took much notice of them. Lauren Southern is a fan of Alexander Dugin whose idol is Alister Crowley. Another on social media not to trust is Nina Byzantina – if you are critical of communism it triggers her. Another I triggered is Sarah Abdallah when truths were told about Assange and mentioned how Russia sold Syria dodgy s300 which came with codes sold to Israel. Russia did same to Iran – sold iran s300 then it was discovered the codes were sold to Israel. Russia did the same to other countries too so this so called Lebanese activist did not like what I said even though it was the truth.
There were many so-called christian profiles on Twitter that exposed themselves by supporting Dugin – if you know who Dugin is you will understand…
The Daily Stormer is not run by Andrew Escher Auernheimer, but by Andrew Anglin, I believe from Minesota and he certainly not Jewish.
I think it is a humoristic and funny sarcastic site. Judge for your self
it can be found here htttps://dailystormer.name
If a Jewish rabbi (is there any other kind?) is against Anglin, isn’t that a point in Anglin’s favor?
Yes Yes absolutely by promoting a pedophile he is making Whites a favour!
We can say the same for Trump then, some jews hate him and therefore he is the new Hitler and saviour of the White race absolutely!!
You are quoted as typing this. Yet this website wants NO part in “honest” “bible” conversation and doubts. Neither does “mainline denominational christianity” Instead of having honest talk in buildings almost ALL “visitors” have to basically be quite over fear of being thrown out.
“Avoid honest discussions about the Bible” —- this website acts like that
Last time i checked “christianity” was held in syn-a-gue before “church buildings”
Nobody wants honest conversations of the bible in “christian circles” sit down shut up.
Did you know one of the oldest cults on the planet is the cult of the serpent? So then why is “moses” basically wor-shipping the serpent by putting it on a staff.
Yes i know the “orthodox” meaning, but honestly look at the similarities.
The same goes for do NOT KILL, yet then it says go slaughter and rape and commite genocide. How about circumcision? IT IS TRAUMA BASED mind manipulation at its finest.
How about how the bible in Isa, and book of Rev. has “jesus christ” as the same being as “lucifeR” in Isa, “morning star”
How about judge a tree by its fruits? The bible causes divisions WHEREVER it goes diving familes, countries makes the nations weak which the book of Isa has as an aspect of lucifer.
Instead of having our own vain heroes, europeans look to “vain jew heroes”
No corpse of judah has been produced and never will be to prove there are “jews”
So go keep sowing division as a “work of god”
According to the epistle of James, probably 0 men or women have pure religion right now therefore the opposite is true
A real Christ was manifested but when doesn’t matter
bla bla bla
I’m new here and thought to respond to some of what you wrote but, on second thought, it doesn’t seem like anything another might have to offer you would be taken in the way that it was offered. You are very wrong about many things but I think that no amount of evidence would actually convince you that you are wrong.
Maybe the reason that people don’t want to engage with you is not because of the questions that you bring up but rather the way in which you bring them up. You come across as angry and decided. What good could come of someone who is sincere in taking the time to engage with you?
Can any man or woman convince another man or woman who is adamant about what they “know” to be true that they are incorrect and instead they should be so convicted in another way altogether? Do your own honest research. Look into that with which you disagree. Look at it honestly and in humility. See what comes.
If people actually could convince each other of anything within the duration of a brief conversation, “debates” would all be potential “conversion conversations”. I think that when people change their minds on anything, they do it quietly, in a spirit of humility, after much contemplation, and in the company of only themselves and their thoughts. In order to change our minds about anything, we must first be able to admit to ourselves that we were wrong.
I refer too not call them Jews or Jewish because that is a derivative of Judah which they are no more from Judah than a monkey from the moon call them that what they are the sons of and daughters of Cain Cainites ,
Revelation 2:9
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
John 8:44
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
1 John 3:12
“Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.”
The topic of this article brings to my mind a statement made by the late Eustace Mullins,
It was an interview on the internet I saw long time ago and he was asked on the point of the infiltrators and false opposition, how do we know them?
He made this biblical statement that I always remember that is relevant to this article:
‘You will know them if they are on tv. Who controls the tv? Simple and to the point.
What about his mentor Ezra Pound, inside man that stood up to ZOG and was confined to the insane asylum. He had Eustace write ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’ There is a story there for CFT.
In Germany too, friends
We have activists who are really brave and get fines for that actions or speech.
We have news pages that are fully on our side. They scare us. They point to Islam as a throat cutter and some pages list all criminal cases involving foreigners. And thats a lot each day.
We have the blond an chute Miriam Hope in the JewTube, but she forgot to take off her “Star of David”.
We have Carolin Matthie on JewTube, who tells us bad government stories every day. She also had a Masonic finger ring on in the daily V-Log …
We have Martin Sellner who is together with a US Breitbart activist (Brittany Pettibone)
In the Netherlands there is a Geert Wilders, tall, blond-Germanic … but also visits Israel occasionally .. and so on …
Then we have the new.-right Party AfD. (Alternative für Deutschland) … which also likes to make pro-Israhell statements.
Long story short;
All these heroes of the white race are without the slightest criticism of Israhell.
One negative word about Israhell and they block you in the comment area / forum.
Conclusion; Here in Central Europe everything is Jewish. The new right activists are all Jewish. ALL
Except Ingo Dennis Schulz, channel TTA on Bitchute. But the channel in Europe is closed. Bitchute has to block many unjudged channels in Europe. All pro white channels from the USA are also blocked here and can only be seen with VPN
We need Christ, and fellowship with one another, while carefully screening those we let in to our private gatherings….And we NEED such gatherings, to discuss away from their prying eyes just how we are going to get around these gatekeepers to protect our people from being deceived and misdirected, especially in being led away from our eternal King.
Stay safe, and God bless.
What ALL readers have to see here and “FULLY UNDERSTAND” is the proven facts that the Jews behind this Far Right media scam “OWN” many of the people you presently hold in high esteem.
We know the Bush’s were all Gentile toadies as well as the ENTIRE Trump family. For those of you that still support Donald Trump as the Messiah your “SO” brainwashed your almost beyond redemption. He is TOTALLY owned including his expensive socks. His first wife was a Jew, all three of his older children are Jewish by birth mother, Trump’s total fake wealth is Jewish controlled.
You want to re-elect this stooge to the Oval Office ???
Good work.
If only more of our folk would realize these traps; the truth and turn back to their God they would do well. Unfortunately it seems all the more, of them being deceived, are resorting back to heathen Odinism and the like claiming, “Christianity is a jew lie”. In doing such they naturally flock to any who echo their sentiments; to those who masquerade and tickle their ears, therefore they cannot even perceive the real solution. None of the like have I encountered have had any ear to hear, nor be reasoned with but are obstinate and scoff at the very mention of scripture. They vainly imagine our people shall triumph over our enemies by the flesh and might, apart from Jesus Christ.
How right was the Lord in saying we are a “stick-necked” people.
Christ Jesus was referring to the Jews/pharisees when He said they were a ‘stiff-necked people’.
George lincoln Rockwell was the original founder of the NSUSA a retired naval commandeer he was a well
spoken orator with a strong belief in the principles of national socialism, he was assassinated by the usual
suspects in 1968
Exodus 32:9 Context
6And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play. 7And the LORD said unto Moses, Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves: 8They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them: they have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
9And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people:
10Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation. 11And Moses besought the LORD his God, and said, LORD, why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people, which thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power, and with a mighty hand? 12Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.
Beck: The “Alt-Right” Riddlers also sow seeds of division between our EXCLUSIVE, Ethnic-European Tribe.
They HISS and pass judgement between Ethnic-European sub-Tribes using agressive words like “OBSTINATE”, “SCOFF”, “THEY CANNOT EVEN PERCEIVE”, like you have.
They foment internecine arguments between our sub-Tribes by using religion or faiths as a weapon to throw at our BLOOD brothers and sisters from across kitchen-tables and across war-trenches, like you have.
They foment SEPARATION rather than UNITY by weaving and proscribing words like “THEY” and “THEIR”, as OPPOSED to “US” and “OUR”, like you have.
They betray their inbred, Freudian-schizophrenia by refracting, then ARROGANTLY projecting their OWN inferiority-complex by using insults to describe OUR Ethnic-European Tribe (i.e. “How right was the Lord in saying we are a ‘stick-necked’ people”.)…….like you have.
You’ve done all of those Beck. I think you are a TROLLING “Alt-Right”® “jew” ™, interposing betwixt Ethnic-European UNITY.
Birds of a feather.
“They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the *promise* that are counted for the seed.” Romans 9:7-8
29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the *promise.* Galatians 3 [not according to the ‘flesh]
Christ, by turning away from the primitive genetic superiority “of the flesh” espoused by the founders of racism created a religious movement based on faith and spirit
False. Due to false translations. Due to mistranslations by the enemy.
Do not be deceived.
I’m a Christian and I rely upon Scripture, particularly the comments of Jesus, as part of the foundation of my world view. In that regard, I have always supported the existence of and peace for the nation of Israel and I consider that every Christian should do likewise.
But I’ve never sat in the dark regarding the evil that comes from the Jews and, as the last few years have passed and I’ve paid more attention, I’ve come to see that every societal evil and problem that exists, from the control of nearly all banking and commerce, the markets, racial infighting, the introduction of the Covid flus and the mRNA human killing vaccines, all manner of porn, child abuse and sex trafficking to conspiracies to subjugate the entire world under a Jewish cabal are in fact a reality.
So I struggle, not with keeping the Lord’s commands about the nation of Israel, I will be obedient in that matter, but with the logic of that command when the hellish wickedness of the Jews is well known among the nations and is becoming more apparent as each day passes.
I don’t believe that Jesus intended his followers concede to and support the Jewish contemporaries of those who murdered Him during His days upon the planet so all of the plans and schemes of world wide Jews. It’s a problem.
John, what “Lord’s commands about the nation of Israel”?
“…the LORD had said unto Abram [Abraham], I will bless THEE, and make THY name great. I will bless them that bless THEE, and curse him that curseth THEE: and in THEE shall all families of the earth be blessed.” – Genesis 12:1-3
The Holy Bible clearly states in Genesis 12:1-3 that God’s blessing is bestowed upon Abraham. The beneficiary of God’s promises is further clarified in Galatians 3:16 which states:
“Now to Abraham [Abram] and HIS seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to THY seed, WHICH IS CHRIST.”
Those who believe on Jesus Christ are ‘The Chosen People’. Please watch: http://serialkilleroverlords.com/
I have always understood Israel in the NT to mean Christ’s Church. The Catholic Church.
quick glaze: I think you are a TROLLING “Alt-Right”® “jew” ™, interposing yourself betwixt Ethnic-European UNITY. Your Tribe (using YOUR Ignatius Loyola) divided OUR Ethnic-European Tribe starting with YOUR Inquisitions and The Reformation. As during the Thirty Years’ War, the Boer Wars, WW1 and WW2, and infinitesimal internecine, civil wars, we mutually murdered our brothers and sisters because YOUR Tribe infiltrated OUR Tribe and Christian religion. Protestant or Catholic is irrelevant. Jesus………not “franchises” of Jesus, is one of many elixirs consolidating our Ethnic-European BLOOD-LINE.
Christ Jesus made no ‘commands’ regarding Judea. He told the Jews their temple (and therefore their priesthood) would be destroyed –and it was. He never discussed, mentioned or intimated that there’d be another Judea/’israel’. You might try getting out of that evangelical mindset because it will be your undoing.
Cecil, you’re conflating temple, priesthood, Judea and Israel. These are all distinctly different concepts, but you haven’t explained why you’ve lumped them all together.
Also you seem to unwittingly be in the evangelical mindset, because you still believe the modern-day Jews are actual Israelites.
John, if you have been around this site and read enough articles here you will begin to realize that the cabal you speak of is not Israel. Let your heart not be troubled (John 14:1) because cabal is of Philistine /Canaanite extraction. They (many) worship Baal and the star of Remphan (Saturn) not Jahve. John 8:44
” I have always supported the existence of and peace for the nation of Israel and I consider that every Christian should do likewise.”
The Nation of Israel is a people, not a “country”
You do not understand the translation…Whitepeople are the “people of israel” not ashkenazi’s…they are not even hebrew, they are khazarian’s
They have stolen White people’s identity as the chosen of god by stealing the name “jew” and usurping it, and dirtying it with their actions
I believe Alex Jones is Jewish , and why he has gotten away for 27 years as he loves to brag of exposing the New World Order of which he exposed NOTHING that others haven’t already exposed. He has the same Jewish looking face of the 1950’s 1960’s Jewish Beatniks. If he was the danger he claims to the New world Order, he would have been gotten rid of long ago and has proof , others have had their videos, websites, articles, books, banned or removed from sale or the internet or unable to financially continue who were not even anywhere as visible nor aggressive or sexually expilicit , while this fat slob is allowed to continue.
I have to agree with you there. I lived in Austin when Alex Jones first popped up on the radio/cable access. Billboards all over town. And very little pushback from the overwhelming liberal/communist population there. CIA is also my guess.
History teaches us – and warns – that when books http://www.vho.org/censor/tA.html are burned and banned, http://www.ihr.org/books/ztn.html and people are convicted and thrown into prison for crimes of conscience, http://www.zundelsite.org/archive/index.html some scary truth is being concealed and hidden … and something very rotten is already out there https://www.bitchute.com/video/2mid5xAn5s6s/
Exactly here you can identify the deceitful and recognize him in his main guise https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/04/saint-hitler-was-a-man-of-god-doing-gods-work/#comment-43613
Some jews can pass for white. These are the torries, bluebloods, relatives of royalty. These “half blood princes” are being forced down into the middle class which is being eliminated, and they know it, so they are trying to lead those whom they formally abused.
It’s the olive-skinned, dark-haired ones. Two sizes usually, fat cobblepots like Nadler and Barr or skinny beady eyed like Fausti, Seinfeld. They are not creative. They are robotic. Stoic. Lack empathy and compassion and are regressive genetically. They live off of the blood, adrenochromes, physical and sexual abuse and labor of the goyim. Especially their children and teens.
The problem I have with all this finger pointing crypto jew talk is that, let’s assume that you have a guy named John who claims to want to help the White Nationalist movement. John wants to promote its ideals and help build its user base. As long as he’s not advocating for any violence, even covertly, then it doesn’t really matter if he’s secretly a Jew, does it? Sure, you can out him as a Jew but what does that serve? Within the White Nationalist community there is ALWAYS a plethora of people pointing fingers at people for being “glowies” and “jews”, etc. But I look at it like this… if my black neighbor wants to help keep blacks and others out of my neighborhood… even though he’s black.. I’m not going to stand in his way. Would you? It seems most White Nationalists would! And that’s just cutting your own throat on the altar of virtue.
Do you know how many people of latin descent agree with keeping the U.S. a primarily white nation? A LOT! A friend of mine decends from border jumpers and he openly admits that if America doesn’t stay mostly white, his way of life will diminish. And you’d be a fool to reject his help. Of course, he’s not welcome to knock up my daughters nor do I welcome his brand of cuck normie Republican politics, but I don’t understand what good it does to purity spiral into a literal oblivion by eliminating him.
This is the very problem with White Nationalist communities. The DEvolve into paranoia, finger pointing, and self destruction. On one side, you have fake white nationalist, crypto Jews hell-bent on calling everyone else a Jew or a glowie, and on the other side you have Jews hell bent on driving everyone to criminality. See what’s going on? You’ve got to ignore these people entirely! The white nationalist community really needs to focus on something specific within their agenda that they’re trying to promote.
Look at Mormonism as a prime example. It’s not explicitly ‘white only’… but its core group IS white. It will always be that way because non whites don’t tend to agree with its prescriptions. Its prescribed way of life seems to primarily entice a small number of white people with just a few non whites thrown in. This is good because it gives it cover from accusations of racial discrimination while at the same facilitating its own growth and the sustainability of its obvious racial core.
Those in the WN community must out of the shadows and out of the world of Conspiracy Theory and stop looking for the Jew at every turn and just continue to push the white agenda and the ideology that it’s based on. Atheism is retarded because you can’t really build a community of people based on something that they DON’T believe. And that’s what is happening to White Nationalism today. They’re trying to build a community without ideology and entirely centered around excluding people… which is NOT an ethos!
Pretend for a second that Jews never existed. What would White Nationalism look like? What ideals would it hold? Spare me the 14 words. Just tell me what it believes in. From the looks of things, without the sneaky merchant apparently creeping around every corner, it wouldn’t exist! And therein lies the problem with the advancement of White Nationalism. Its entire focus is just creating conspiracy theories on who’s a Jew. How can you ever expect whites to adopt a belief system when you’ve reduced yourself down to Jew Blasting everyone, grainy black and white videos on Bitchute, and obsessions with Hitler? I’d LOVE to see a white nationalist ideal flourish and rise to the top. But you’ll never get there if your primary focus is finger pointing. You MUST establish what your beliefs are – what ideological principles you stand for that are supposedly almost entirely unique to whites, and then promote those things and stop rejecting the help of those on the outside. Let them help you even if it undermines their own future.
Good luck
Justin, perhaps you’re still young, but I can assure as someone who has been at this a LONG time, White Nationalism might as well be called “Gray Nationalism” or “Civic Nationalism” if you compromise on race. You will always be forced to accept your country as “white enough”. Beware of anyone who denigrates you for “purity spiraling”. White is White, not gray, like Mike Enoch. The grays can help you only so much because they will accept gray as “white enough”. Your children can never be “too” White.
Like your Mexican “friend”, every non-White comes to White countries because they are still majority White. With every “good” one, there are five bad ones. You see the “good” one and think all can be that way. That Mexican “friend” of yours is going to knock up someone’s White daughter, or his friends will, or his son will. And over a couple generations, there goes your White country without even having to let more in. If your Mexican friend really loved America, he would voluntarily self-deport.
That said, White Nationalism is not the answer because any “movement” will always be subverted at this point. White people need to understand who they are and what makes them unique — and it goes much deeper than the color of their skin or their IQs. Find out who you are and what this struggle is really about:
No, I’m not young. I’ve been at this for over 20 years. I’m 40 now. I’m focused on optics and strategy – getting the maximum amount of what I’m after while having to compromise the least. This is part of being an adult (no offense intended).
Again, you cannot create a society built around something superficial – that is the exclusion of something else. Being white is fine but it necessarily contrasts itself with being non-white. Again, that is not an ethos. You see what I’m saying? You must have an ethos! And at the end of the day, the ethos and way of life is the most important thing. And when you prop up those ideals, you inevitably prove that it is whites that predominantly want to live that lifestyle. How many blacks do you see rushing to join the Mormon church? Very little, right? And so their people and their way of life is protected. That’s good strategy. But they would never survive if they said “only whites can be Mormon!”
It’s not a coincidence that most Mormons are white. It’s not a coincidence that most American conservatives are white. An ethos like American Conservatism, while loved by a few non-whites, is primarily owned and maintained by whites because only whites fundamentally agree with those principals because the predisposition to that belief system is written into their genetic code. This is called Behavioral Genetics. And American Conservatism, as an example, IS an ethos. But a “pure white society” is not an ethos. As a result of not having a real ethos, you will purity spiral into oblivion and you will destroy what really matters. And that’s what’s happening with all this finger pointing. It accomplishes nothing (except destruction) and Jews and the Feds know it! It’s bad strategy.
Look… 95% of white Americans have less than 5% of non white DNA. Know what that means? It means that they’re already sexually selecting based on race. But they’re not stopping there. They’re also sexually selecting based on ethos. You don’t have to create an all white society for them to continue to do that. You just have to build an ethos that entices them to stay within that community and by doing this you will prevent the “unequal yoking”. There will always be outliers but the super majority will be protected. And that’s the goal!
I’m already part of a group of white nationalists in my community (irl). And I’m pretty sure, but I can’t prove, that out of the 20 or so who identify with our group, one of them is a Jew and another one is probably a fed. But I don’t care! Neither one of them is recommending criminality or anything that would subvert the culture, religion, ideals, and politics (see: ethos) we stand for. And once they do, whether Jew or Gentile, we will force them out. So if their goal is to destroy the movement, they’re doing a really bad job because they’ve done nothing but help us. We do things like improve our local community and help keep property values up – ensuring that only whites can afford to live in this neighborhood. We take part in our local politics to keep public transportation out and as far away as possible, thus keeping property values up and reducing the influx of low wage workers. We stonewalled an attempt by some degenerate corporation to put a dollar store in our community. There’s not even a Walmart nearby! We attend PTA meetings and make our schools as expensive as possible (lol). All these thing raise the cost of living and keep the unwanted people out. We don’t sit around and watch old Hitler films. None of us own a swastika. We don’t Sieg Heil. We don’t use inflammatory rhetoric. Most of us don’t even care about the Third Reich. Instead, we build the communities that well-to-do, polo shirt wearing, affluent white people want to live in and, as a result, no one else can afford to live in, save for a few non whites who happen to be affluent and financially wealthy. I’m pretty sure the aforementioned non-whites know that if more non-whites moved in, the equity of their homes would tank! In fact, my black neighbor made a remark the other day about enjoying the fact that he’s the only black guy in the neighborhood. As a result, no one is kicking in our doors and trying to push Chapter 13 residents on us. No one is accusing us of racism. No one is actively trying to destroy our community. It works! We leave our doors unlocked and our kids play in the front with very little supervision.
If you asked me which one I’d rather live in: a 100% white neighborhood that is constantly being attacked by outsiders and the government for being too white, or a 95% white neighborhood that is well-to-do, affluent, Christian, and morally stable… which would I choose? Like I said… we don’t purity spiral because it’s destructive. Instead, we prop up our belief system and ethos and, as a result, we end up keeping people out who don’t conform to those high standards. My point is that if you militantly defend American Conservatism, you will inevitably defend white people and white communities. If you only defend white people, you will inevitably see the destruction of those people. It’s ironic, isn’t it? And unless you’re going to sterilize everyone below a certain IQ or pay people to migrate out of the nation, or force them out somehow, you’re going to have to play ball and compromise just a little bit to get what you want.
Ryan Faulk (Aka “The Alternative Hypothesis”) – an open white nationalist – created an excellent video on this very issue. You should check it out, albeit it will make you a little uncomfortable. But he’s absolutely right! And it’s the last 1/4 of the video that is particularly important. Let me know what you think. https://www.bitchute.com/video/yx5lABaziSM/
I happen to know that Peinovich (Mike Enoch) isn’t Jewish. You got some bad info on that one, but otherwise pretty good summary/overview. And no, I’m not going to spoon-feed you the info showing Enoch ain’t a Jew, as it’s readily available online. There is/was a lot of misinfo+disinfo out there, but if you’re curious you’ll be able to find out for yourself. BTW he doesn’t even look that Jewish (not that this really matters) — search up Marko Jarić, Serbian former professional basketball player. That’s what Enoch looks like — a “poor man’s” version of Jarić. And oddly enough, Enoch is indeed Serbian as well.
Hey, check it out: Mike Enoch is a dead ringer for Rabbi Avi Berman in Israel:
Henry Makow is in my opinion, nothing but an Israeli Intelligence, Mossad Disinformation Agent for the past 20 years, wherein his mandate is to cover up, hide, obfuscate and shift blame, for the acts, omissions, crimes, conspiracies, anti-social and anti-human behavior of Jews, worldwide. With the advent of the Internet, these Jews were worried that their nefarious criminal acts would come to light in unregulated form, hence his website was born.
He uses all of these different types of “words” or ‘titles” for the nefarious activities of Jews, worldwide, such as “Illuminati, “Freemasons,” “Communists,” “Satanists,” “Witches,” “Deep State,” but never just “Jews.” Sometimes he comes close, whenever it is so obvious that Jews are unmistakably involved, by dividing them into right-wing “Zionists” or left-wing “Communists,” but still, it’s really always just “Jews.”
That’s because Henry Makow is a fake, a shill, a stooge, and a liar, and a dis-info agent, for International Jews, in their subversive and nefarious plots and plans for world domination, and global government, with them at the top, headquartered in Jerusalem Israel, with the rest of the world serving and enslaved to them, for all of eternity. When reading his informative articles, just replace the words provided above with “Jews,” and you will fully understand the peril of the world that exists, now, in its current state.
Excellent Investigative reporting; THANK YOU.
It’s not a surprise however because jews are filthy liars who care nothing about honor, truth, or the REAL CREATOR GOD. As soon as Jesus returns, the “sin-agogue of evil-doers” is going to burn for real – THEIR HOLOCAUST LIES WILL FINALLY COME TRUE.
CFT…this is another great exposé supporting my position that they are on the right and the left…they call me Nazi, racist and antisemite all the want but they never dispute the facts….hypocrites and a dangerous, cult….having the world believe that they are victims of Christian Europe while in fact they are the villains…..ruthless and unconscionable, exploiting people, pitting them against each other and inciting hatred and division. As a participant observer I learned how to detect the scammers and hypocrites. Thank you…..the truth needs no defense…..
We could have mentioned Michael (Weiner) Savage of border, language, culture fame as another one.
Also Alex (Bill Hicks? Comedian) Jones who was married to one. Jones actually used to teach the truth at one time and now claims the saudis run the media. the saudis are likely the cousins of esau edom when he married a daughter of Ishmael.
They are the Edomite / Canaanites who intermarried into our lineages. They were the satanic human hybrids of Genesis 6. Churches lie about this like everything else. Ezra 9 is a chapter of a book they will never touch.
Ezra is fine, Esther is an inserted fiction.
Great piece. You should look into Mike Stathis of AVA Investment Analytics. A couple of years ago he also exposed the Alt Right movement as being Jew run in several audios. He also exposed Anglin and many others who claim to expose Jews. Most are Jewish and are in it for the cash or to lead people into a road of distraction.
It’s hard to find real sources that expose Jewish control these days. Nearly all sources are controlled op run by Jews. Stathis has tremendous credibility so the Jews fear him because he speaks the truth. That’s why they banned him from day one, even before he specifically mentioned the Jewish problem. I’m going to email his staff the link to this piece.
Except TruNews.com
You are deceived about TruNews Rick Wiles…he is definitely controlled opposition net to trap the unaware Christian. I also believe he is connected to fbi. He has hosted (hired) some very shady people. He has censored me many times when it comes to the holohoax.
He foams at the mouth in every single episode bringing up the terrible ‘Nazi’s’ and the blasphemous accusations against A. Hitler. One time I sent a message to his ‘contact’ and my computer was attacked and shut down. Ask yourself how he gets away with ‘calling out the jews, israel, mossad, etc’ when he lives VERY COMFORTABLY on a big estate (even brags about it) in FLORIDA…the state jammed packed with jews? Check this out:
As it is…Edward Szall ( a supposedly converted jew) was fired after he was revealed to be involved with antifa only
after he was caught.
Lauren Witzke (another supposed Christian) was fired as being in cahoots with Edward/antifa.
Milo Yannopoulos (a CON ARTIST jew) was let go and I never heard why.
I do not watch the Wiley because I know what he is and does. He incites, lies, cons, deceives…which is why I watched him. Watching these cons teaches us and sharpens our senses to the red flags we should all heed and know. All I know…is the terrible judgement soon to come to these liars. Unfortunately they will take the weak among the so-called Christians with them. The Bible warns us of these things.
This was brought to my attention TRUNEWS PAYS BROOKLYN SYNAGOGUE $15,000 COVID FINE https://www.trunews.com/stream/trunews-pays-brooklyn-synagogue-15-000-covid-fine
So Christians who donate to TruNews used their funds to pay a fine of enemies of Christianity. I have said this on another article – TruNews had Milo on – the jewish gay sodomite who admits he is ok with pedophilia. When I questioned them on Twitter and showed a video of him admitting it, their response, “Oh it’s an old video – Milo Yiannopoulos defends pedophilia and pedophiles.
They made excuses for Milo who by the way did a creepy photoshoot with Laura Loomer – Milo was in a blood filled bath also seen pic of Milo do occult symbolism. Milo is friends with Lauren Witzke who was also on TruNews who only became christian because of her senate run. I found out from a follower that she worked for Mexican drug cartels doing drug running.
Lauren was silent on Israel and the jewish question – like Milo she was friends with (((Laura Loomer))) – despite what i said to TruNews they did not want to know. I have seen them use Hitler in a negative way some call them out on it and get mocked. Milo threatened someone on Twitter – threatened to rape that person to death. Milo is not a nice man
Also they promoted Mike Lindell of My Pillow who i found out attends Christians United for Israel. Also Rick Wiles called orthodox jews “bretheren” – he said refreshing to see them denounce Zionism. I asked them to do a story about a real account how IDF sniper teams killed 400 possibly more American soldiers in Iraq and blame put on Iraqis – did TruNews report on this?
I asked TruNews to watch “The Greatest Story Never Told” – but they just ignored me. But the only times they respond is when I call them out as controlled opposition. They pushed the “china virus” narrative – they would not listen to me when i said it’s mainly psychological warfare. Rick Wiles pulled the “I am sick with Covid” nonsense then he said he had pneumonia – oh he got better within less than a week said it’s “God’s miracle”.
I questioned Rick on his bs silence – people like that will either ignore you or block you but i love it when i trigger these frauds. I tell Christians i meet online that you have to be both warrior and spiritual and question everything ask difficult questions – it’s the only way you expose such frauds as for Edward Szall who promotes Grayzone content – Grayzone who says 911 truth is a waste of time and they promote the false narrative the Saudis did it
Rick Wiles Censors Truth and Aids Genocide Operation
TruNews and Violation of Florida Deceptive Trade Practices
Travis J. DeCosta – Attorney for TruNews
so tru news censors truth takes money promises to do a documentary then cancels it but does not give money back , so sparrow is correct tru news is controlled opposition nice profile pic sparrow , sparrows are a daily visitor to my garden
TruNews Can’t Handle the Truth , It’s been over a year since the TruNews filmmakers spent days with us but the film hasn’t been released. Learn why we have reason to believe that TRUNEWS and RICK WILES are censoring valuable information to citizens around the world.
So tru news is doing like what Alex Jones and Infowars does – many people have brought vital info to Info Wars, but they do not bother to broadcast it. I say set up your own blog – be your own teller of truth – forget about alt media fakes.
On Twitter Wiles was calling those that have visions dreams that come true as heretics getting messages from satan the devil – many such people who have had dreams that have come true have warned people and have saved lives but according to rick wiles you’re a heretic for using your dreams visions – so according to him someone like Alison Dubois is a heretic – and he would consider Jacob a heretic for his visions of angels and stairway to heaven on what is known as Jacob’s pillow which made its way to ancient Briton – the stone now goes by the name Stone of Destiny.
I found out Wiles wrote a book about his dreams visions – he talked about them on TruNews, so its ok for him to have visions but calls others who have visions a heretic contradicting himself.
Enoch-Peinovich, I remember people on Dailty stormer came out with that allegation, that Mike Enoch was a jew, because his wife was jew. So to prove everybody wrong Enoch-Peinovich did a DNA test and it came out that he was almost 100% European or so. But still I didn’t believe, because I’ve seen his eyes and the way he was talking. I made some comments about that I didn’t believe his DNA test and plus the stand Dailystormer has on Christianity so I was BANNED from Dailystormer.
most of this animosity toward the daily stormer is based on erroneous info – i suspect that the sources responsible for it really don’t spend much time reading the stormer – andrew anglin is an ardent christian and anyone familiar w/ him knows this. the stormer constantly warns readers regarding violence and the potential consequences of it. he readily acknowledges anyone exposed as a jew and provides enormous amount of thoughtful commentary – very interesting and enlightening ! he possesses a very clever sense of humor as well. i would recommend spending some time on the site to familiarize oneself with it before spreading heresay commentary and faulty judgement.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Anglin and most of the staff and associates of DS are Jewish. And like all Jews posing as white nationalists, they seek to make whites look evil and to create the impression that there are white terrorist groups targeting Jews. I too was banned from DS for exposing that Trump was controlled by Jews early on while Anglin was pumping Trump.
Clearly you’re full of bullshit. Who at the daily stormed is jewish? How do you prove Anglin is jewish?what evidence do you have of that?
Yea okay ANDREW (Anglin). Anyone who looks at your face can tell you’re Jewish. Your parents even admitted you’re part Jewish. Also the article exposed (the more obvious) Jew, Andrew Escher Auernheimer. Many people know Anglin is Jewish and Anglin knows it. That’s why a few years ago he ran a fake DNA test and reported the fake results to his cult followers.
Please provide proof that Andrew Anglin’s parents admitted he was “part Jewish”. Provide links to the alleged interview, otherwise it’s just a rumor or urban legend.
I know that Weev Auernheimer’s mother in an interview talked about being Jewish, but I’ve never heard Anglin’s family admitting to any such thing.
I actually met the Jew on a metro north train, along with seventh son, his cohort, over Memorial Day weekend. They were all headed upstate NY to some “Fashy bath house” party with their MAGA hats on.
Coincidence would have it I was actually listening to their last episode of TRS, and of all the gin joints in all the world, I hear Enochs voice coming from the seat behind me.
I got up, turned around and the second I laid eyes on Enoch and saw those eyes, I knew my suspicions were correct. He’s a Jew and the rest are fed plants.
I let him know I recognized their voice. He was SCARED about that, let me tell you. And they all became eerily silent after that. You’d think they be excited to meet a fan. Nope. It was the most awkward conversation ever. I still wish I’d had stayed quiet and listened in on them, but word was the mum as I said, so after about 15 I got my stuff and moved to the next train car.
I was very happy to see he got doxxed shortly after that.. the end of that summer I believe..
To this day I never forgot it. And I doubt that Kike did either .
With all his chutzpah he couldnt believe this random girl on a train recognized his voice …
Wow, that’s a great story, Mrs. One. Enoch looks and sounds like a Jew but for some reason he thinks like he can “pass” as White–maybe he fools enough of them to fool himself into believing that. He’s the worst.
Oh no. He was very arrogant about it after he caught and steadied himself. The whole lot of em.
As I’m talking to Enoch for the few seconds about “how I found the show and movement”
(Answer, Ive lived next to jews my whole life. I’ve SEEN what they and their muliti-cult have done) they were all (there were about 6 of them) eyeing and smirking at each other like the “cool kids that know something I don’t”
Even agreed I should move as I said “I’m doing so cause I can understand your uncomfortable now and afraid of being doxxed“ ?
That took the smirk off their faces but he agreed … “yea thanks”
Right Jew .
I swear to this day I wish I would have shut up and taped him, as Milo the Jew knows Jew York is a one party consent state, and legally recorded his ass. But, turns out I didn’t have to tango with what I’m sure are fed plants, and the light was shone down on that roach nest anyway.
But I’ll never forget the look of fear on this bastards face as a 5’6 120 lbd girl wipes around and put the fear of God in his ratchet jew life.
“ Was there any form of filth or crime without at least one jew involved in it? If you cut into such a sore, you find, like a maggot in a rotting body, OFTEN DAZZLED by the sudden light, a jew!”
And also truth seeker and unz review which alternate articles exposing the Jewish conspiracy then denying it. Today the Unz review published article claiming everything about the Holocaust was true , while previously posting revisionist articles.They also have a Jew called Markow who claims only a minority of Jews are involved in the conspiracy, most Jews being victims of it
I have suspected ENOCH as a jew. So why is a man like Erick Striker hanging out with Enoch? Is Striker jewish himself? But excellent article. I always wonder where the creator of 911 Missing link disappear?
‘Suspected’ Enoch was a Jew? Just look at him. Have you ever seen a White man who looks like him? I haven’t.
Erick Striker? Note the weird, nontraditional spelling of the first name. Sounds more like the name of a D.C. comic superhero than a real person. And wouldn’t you know it, D.C. comics is a Jew operation, as are all comics.
My all time favorite Jew name theft is “Ashley Montagu.” Montague Francis Ashley-Montagu (1905 – 1999) — born Israel Ehrenberg. I say old chap, he simply cannot be a Jew with a name like that.
This article is fantastic. I was following a few of these breadcrumbs to their conclusion, but even though it takes a lot to really shock me, I am shocked now, at how thouroughly they have infested white identity groups in order to mislead and destroy…I WILL be sharing this article, so that more people know just what we are dealing with. The Hubris of these people is legendary…Because they cant seem to separate “Being wise” from “Being deceptive”….But that’s because of their true identity….
HERE is why they have gone to great lengths to seek the destruction of white western Christians, and who they really are.
Judeo-Christianity is a lie, for Judaism is the ANTITHESIS of Christianity. Christianity wasn’t born from Judaism, but rather was perverted by it.
Yes, the current flooding of every (and only) white nation by the hand of the Jew was foretold as an end times sign.
YOU ARE HERE>>>>>>Revelation 12:15
And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
Who is the woman? It’s universally agreed by bible scholars, that whenever God refers to his people, he uses the term woman in some way, to show he is married to his people. Most know this as the bride of Christ. But there is a less flattering term for some…
When those white people who were the bride of Christ turn against and divorce God and instead serve those of the Babylonian Talmud, and ride the Beast to prosper (ZOG and white Liberals)and remember, the whore is described as being cloaked in red (Communism Marxism) then these leftist whites are no longer of God and become the WHORE of BABYLON.
Revelation 17:15
And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
When asked who the anti-Christ really was, Christ said “He who denies father and son are anti-Christ. Even now, there are many anti-Christs”
They misrepresented Christ as a Jew because they thought the enmity between serpent and Adam would cause people to turn from Christ, but they didn’t. So instead, they used that lie to their advantage in other ways, thereby deceiving the whole world!
The herald of Judah is a lion…Who uses a Lion as a banner? Not Jews. Theirs is the star of Remphrem/Baphomet Germans however, HAVE used the herald of a lion, going all the way back to the knights of Teuton and before that, Scythia. In fact, you can find Lion heralds in EVERY European nation! Usually 3 of them, which is a significant observation when you understand the meaning.
Revelation 13:7
And it was given to him (Anti-Christ/Jewry) to make war with the saints (Germany, the tribe of the Lion herald of Judah), and to overcome them: and then power was given him(Anti-Christ, Jewry) over all kindreds, and languages, and nations (The western white nations are all kindred with the German peoples).
ANOTHER lie they want people to believe, is that they (Jews) created Christianity for mass control. But observe their burning hatred of Christ and Christianity. Would they REALLY hate their own psy-op? Would they let their psy-op make whites the greatest of nations for 100s of years as they themselves were homeless vagabonds and wanderers right up to WW2 (which btw fulfills the legacy of Cain, gen. 4:12)
If you STILL doubt that the white races are the scattered lost tribes of Israel, Gods people, here is more undeniable verification….
[Watch the following video, “100 Proofs that the Israelites Were White”]
Do jews know who THEY really are then ? Yes, most of them…
“EDOM IS MODERN JEWRY.” The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41.
So you see, NOTHING is lost yet, nor will it ever be. Prophecy is playing out to the letter, and this does NOT end well for the plunderers, defilers, and invaders of the lands of Gods people, the white Christian Americans.
White people didn’t “steal” the bible from the sub-Saharan Africans, nor did we adopt it from jews, who were constantly kicked out of Europe and were vagabonds and wanderers until the slave trade made them wealthy and powerful. Whites embraced Christianity FIRST because it was OUR religion.
“Christ is our King, and Christianity is our race which you knew once as Israel”- Justin Martyr, 100-160 AD, from Paragraphs of Trypho chapter 135.
If you still doubt this is the jews motivation behind what they are doing to white nations, try this…
The bible even describes both Israel and Christ as white people (Song of Solomon 5:10, Lamentations 4:7, Revelation 1:14, 15) (Describing Christ as John saw him). His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow… and his eyes were as flames of fire. And his feet were as fine brass, as if burnt in a furnace.
1) It says head AND hair, not hair on head.
2) Why would a man in his 30s be described as having “white” hair? There was no such word as BLONDE yet.
3) Eyes of fire= Blue eyes. Not only is the color of flame blue, but flame has been used often to describe blue eyed people (smoldering blue eyes, for example)
Things look bleak atm. With their idoctrinated heathen hordes burning the nations our fathers built as I write this, some of which just burned homes with children in them, blocking the fire and rescue while they did so intentionally. Jews cackle with glee as their minions loot and burn, but keep faith- this story WILL play our as God as told us in prophecy. This does NOT end well for the enemies of Christ OR his people. They think Christ is “Idolotry” and that he boils in excrement begging THEM for forgiveness…Remember that Hubris I mentioned? I know from a personal experience I had, that they are ALL in for a rude awakening….This tribulation was foretold, but they ARENT going to like what comes next…
May our blessed and eternal King bless you all!
God bless and protect you all.
[Note: we edited this comment for length, ed. CFT]
I totally agree and glad you see the flood of the dragon of revelation 12 as non white immigration.
Personally I believe Hitler was a member of the tribe and was controlled opposition. Had he allowed the German army and air force to crush Dunkirk the war would have been over with 1/3 of a million british troops captured or killed. Instead he allowed them to fight Rommel in Africa and end up destroying Germany by fighting the entire world almost. I am chaplain bob walker and am so happy to see others teaching the truth of the Bible and Jesus.
There’s no credible evidence that Hitler was a Jew–the original sources claiming he was a Jew were the Jewish communist newspapers in Germany trying to discredit him in the 1930s. He didn’t destroy the British at Dunkirk because he still believed at that point that the British would join him in a common cause against Bolshevism–that the Anglo-Saxon blood connection would prevail. He was naive about that.
Henry Makow and Christopher Jon Bjerknes are two Jews who push this theory that Hitler was “controlled opposition”. That should tell you something. Jews want White people demoralized into believe all our great leaders have either been Jews or Jewish stooges. It’s a trick. Don’t fall for it.
Well Hitler was certainly no Christian and his decisions cost an entire generation of Germans their lives. Name a Bible college Hitler started? I can wait.
the seed of the devil always plays both sides – always.
Germany needed a Luther and the Devil sent them Hitler. Germany was the country that gave us the printing press and the first books printed were Bibles. Oh and Hitler did not have to kill the Brits at Dunkirk, a surrender would have been easy since the Brits had no heavy artillery and were out of supplies. No Hitler let them escape to fight and kill Germans and Rommel in Africa. Still Hitler was no Christian.
Be careful. There is a lot of disinformation about Hitler and his relationship with Christianity, much of it based on the spurious book “Table Talk” which British Intelligence officer, Hugh Trevor-Roper had a hand in, along with the fake “Hitler Diaries”. Hitler would have called himself a Christian–and he certainly defended it in his discussions with Goebbels (see his diaries).
Hitler was a politician and leader, not a self-conscious Christian first. Good luck finding any world leader in the last 100 years that you would describe as a real Christian. And like Jesus Christ, the Jews hate Hitler for much of the same reasons. Both stood up to them and rebuked them, and exposed their lies to the world. And for that, both were destroyed. Hitler must have done something right to be hated so much by the Jews.
That said, National Socialism is based on Christian principles as is explained in the book “Positive Christianity In The Third Reich” which was written in Germany in the 1930s–a must read before you make any conclusions about Hitler and Christianity:
Chaplain Bob Walker, you must be a “hollywood historian” who believes the jewish version of WWII. The National Socialists were the last Christian Crusaders fighting for the light. GOTT MIT UNS
“For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. And when I look on my people I see it work and work and toil and labor, and at the end of the week it has only for its wage wretchedness and misery. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people is plundered and exploited.”
– Adolf Hitler
I think you may be right.
Read the book ‘ The Chief Culprit” by Viktor Suvorov
book for sale @ …nip.org.
Bob Walker, if only you knew how wrong you’re about Herr Adolf Hitler! You wouldn’t be able to handle the truth if it was right in front of your face. And if perhaps you somehow would understand, it would but utterly destroy what you have learned through your controlled public school system! The ministry of lies and deception has done an excellent job keeping you and billions of people in perpetual ignorance.
Very, very nice! Thank you so much for your insight; I couldn’t agree more. The Nation of Isra-elites (Caucasians) IS the true “chosen” of God.
Sorry I got carried away with the length, but I do know that if people had the knowledge of the word as it is written, rather then as they are TOLD it is written, and studied the word of God for themselves and came to these conclusions, perhaps our brothers and sisters around the world would snap out of thier daze and delusion, and turn thier faces back to GOD OUR BLESSED AND ETERNAL FATHER!
Christ our King will reign forever in glory, and we will be with him for all of time when this mess is finally over! God bless and protect you all!!!
Your comment stands out as inspired. Glad to have come across it…
As the Jewish atheist conservative with the Soviet living experience,I wonder all the time at the small and primitive anti-Jewish luggage = the nazism. Possibly the extreme right ideology long preservation is balanced by the extreme left primitive marxism.So the western world after the ww2 `ve degrade as the nazi Heidegger is on his horse,haha.
I am TOTALLY confused as to why people have a problem with jews. They’re smart people. They do tend to obfuscate the problems (statistically) with blacks (murder, assault, rape, robbery) … but if there are also those jewish people who acknowledge those challenges head on, then, maybe it’s not a jewish-thing and just that jews are perhaps, people who’re more committed (read: polarized) to whatever beliefs they hold on average.
They DO tend to be targeted more viciously than other groups (on average) … just as asians are targeted by blacks … as well.
Perhaps I don’t get it bc I’m irreligious. Either way, thanks to anyone who replies to attempt to explain it for me.
Where is your proof that Jews are “targeted more viciously than other groups (on average)”? You know the Holocaust is a big lie, right? All those supposed pogroms in Russia and eastern Europe? Many of them are either made up or justified. They’ve been kicked out of every country and state in Europe repeatedly for the same reasons: their obnoxious behavior, including rapacious usury and ritual murder of children.
White people are a patient people–it takes a lot to rile us up, and the Jews have done it throughout history.
Their intelligence? What have they ever produced with it? Where is their Shakespeare, Bach, Michelangelo? Where is their great architecture, their great inventions? civilizations? What have they left behind that is worth anything? They produce kitsch. Pop culture. Low-brow comedy. Bottom of the barrel culture. They are destroyers–just look at what they did to Russia–they are repeating that destruction right here in America and western Europe.
“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
— Maurice Samuel, jewish author, “You Gentiles”, 1924
This is very eloquent. Extremely well said. I’m going to save it.
Read how the Jews destroyed Germany after Word War I–this is their modus operandi everywhere they go:
Absolutely CORRECT
Let me show you some reasons people have a problem with Jews, often straight from Jews themselves.
*We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause* – Israel Cohen,Zionist 1912
“Some have said that diversity is about getting rid of white people. Well, they are right. And that’s a GOOD thing”– Emily Goldstein, Jewish Journalist, 2015
“If your trying to say we have been plotting to replace the white population in America with immigrants, your absolutely right. And it doesn’t matter if you know or not. We have been at this for some time now. Nothing can stop us now. Nothing.”- Mark Potok,Jewish attorney, SPLC, 2011
“There has been a rise in anti-Semitism because at this time, Europe has not yet learned how to be multi-cultural. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were. They are now going into a multi-cultural role, and jews will be resented because we are at the center of this and leading it. But without us, Europe will not survive.- Barbara Specter, Jewish Zionist 2016
:We will continue to bash all the dead white males, and the live ones. And their women too. We wont stop until the construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not dismantled. Destroyed.” Noel Ignatiev, Jewish author of race traitor magazine and professor at Harvard-1994.
” We will continue to promote multiculturalism, until the white Christian people are no more, and because they are a weak in thier flaws of self righteous benevolence, our task should not be to difficult. And only then we will stop identifying as white. And thus, our turn will come where we (jews) will rule the world. Who, then, can stand against us?”Oskar Schmitz in Der Jude, 1926,
*”The European of tomorrow will be a hybrid of Negro and Asians blended with the so called white race. We (Jews) are going to make this happen, one race ruled over by the pure blooded Jew*- Coudenhove Kalergi, “Godfather” and mastermind behind the creation of the European Union, 1914
An unrelenting flow of immigration, its not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. For the first time ever in America, white Caucasians of European descent like myself will be an absolute minority in America. And this is what we want. THIS is the source of our strength!”- Creepy Joe Biden, jewish Zionist (who pretends he is white) 2014.(++NOTE++ There are several videos where he boasts about being a Zionist, and he has typical features of them, not of Caucasians. He is PRETENDING to be a European! A ploy they use often.)
It has surprised some people to find out that the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People {NAACP} is NOT a Negro BUT the JEW ARTHUR SPINGARN. It is the Jews who are behind desegregation, while they keep the strictest of segregation laws in Israel which shows, with no doubts, their intent with pushing multiculturalism in every, and ONLY in every white majority nation on Earth.
Mark Potok, of the SPLC, keeps a chart like THIS on his office wall which has surfaced in photographs…
European global population-
1900 30%
1990 16%
2018 8%
Projected for 2040 4%
People don’t just lose 96 % of their population without a catalyst. And thanks to the ego of those boasting in the above quotes, its easy to figure out who that catalyst has been.
They like to defend themselves by saying “Whites are just blaming jews the way blacks blame whites for their problems”.
I am NOT blaming them for any of my problems. I’m accusing them of the genocide of my people. There IS a difference!
Follow the trail from ANY of the issues plaguing whites in their own nations (and yes, America, Australia, and Canada count as “white nations”-Until a Jew destroyed our immigration restrictions with the Hart-Cellar act of 1965, America had a 93% white population from its inception. Jews have heavily promoted the idea in the MSM and Hollywood, which yes these are controlled by Jews as well-remember THAT when they are siding with rioters and giving false blame to whites and cops based on lies and false data and narratives!) that white people “stole the land” from Amer Indians and “put them to Genocide”…This is a gross misrepresentation of historical fact. So called “Native” Americans aren’t native to America at all, but came up from South America and slaughtered the Pueblo who WERE living on the land, but don’t feel bad for them…Because as the burial site at Magic River , the Kennewick man, and other examples in archeology show, the first people on American soil were a now extinct people of white ethnicity, hacked to death and buried in mass graves found in every corner of the country. They make “Natives” appear to be peaceful horse clans (false, even the horse part) attuned to nature (if you consider crocodile worship attuned to nature, I guess….?) who were just being peaceful and harmonious until the big bad white man came to rape and murder….NOTHING could be farther from the truth.
Here are some stats to back that claim up.
Then maybe whites are still evil because of the slavery of Africans then, right?
False. It was a Jewish enterprise which they used their media control to shift and magnify the blame on white Christians.
And don’t even get me started on how deep the lies run with the “Holocaust”
Name ANY other historical event not connected to Jews that is ILLEGAL in over 15 European countries to question, criticize, or investigate as it is with the Holocaust?
Instead of asking what peoples problems with the Jew are, and more profound question is how they haven’t gotten themselves wiped off the map yet (But they HAVE been kicked out of over 225 European countries after being caught and exposed in nefarious activities) if white people are so prone to evil and bigotry. Remember, these are the people who fought with the courts to keep Leo Franks files sealed for nearly 100 years, and if you read the now released files, you will know why they did as well. Consider THAT when you see all the Jewish plaques and movies protesting the innocence of a Jewish man so vile, his own wife refused to be buried in their joint family plot with him.
Take care, and do some digging. The facts are not that hidden, they just arrogantly assume most people will believe their media, and wont bother to research. There Is a REASON people like us who try to share the truth are BANNED on every mainstream (Jewish owned) platform and have our free speech rights spat upon for sharing facts….Because if even 25 percent of white America ever learned what a few of us have learned, God have mercy on them all.
A good place to start finding MORE reasons, is to research what they did to the USS Liberty (and the recordings) and the dancing Jew from Mossad caught taking selfies on 911.
God bless.
Mike Stathis of AVA Investment Analytics exposed the Alt-Right movement, Anglin, Jordan, Peterson, David Duke, Jared Taylor and just about every other Jew /Jew puppet years ago. Stathis is one of the world’s top investment analysts and he was the only person who accurately predicted the 2008 financial crisis which was detailed in books he wrote in 2006. Even though he worked at big name Wall Street firms, the Jew publishers refused to publish his books. Anyone who read his books could have made a fortune. He’s also been the only person to expose the Jewish gold pumpers and Jewish fraudsters in the financial media. I suggest you spend a lot of time looking into Stathis. I’ve been following him since 2007, and I’ve made a ton of money following his research. I’ve followed his story (as he reports casually on bits and pieces, from FBI watching him, etc.) so I know what he’s been through. He basically packed up and retired and left the US because he said it’s all Jew controlled. He works part time publishing investment research but he’s not as active as a few years ago probably because he has no audience. The audience belongs to the Jew puppets and Jewish liars.
They want you dead
I love your site and have referred many people to it. I see this comment section is still active so I want to chime in with one thing.
I have always been a little suspicious of Enoch, but having said that, I am a regular listener of TRS. Aside from taking the establishment narrative as truth vis a vis coronachan, I have never heard anyone on TRS (Enoch himself or any of the other shows on the network) feed people disinformation or lead them down the wrong path. They are focused on the #1 problem, the Jew, and have done amazing work exposing it. Not only that, TRS has The Godcast podcast on their network, and even those who aren’t Christians never speak badly of us.
The bottom line is, TRS is doing work VERY few others are doing, and if Enoch is some sort of Jewish agent meant to co-opt and destroy our movement, he’s done a horrible job. I’m not saying we shouldn’t always have a watchful eye and scrutinize, but I honestly don’t think he belongs on this list.
Interesting! Enjoyed the interaction@
Please mail me!i am german and ill.
Do you have books about jewish witchcraft?
Is don black from the stormfront website jewish?they never answer me.
Thank you very much!
Bernd, we don’t know of any specific books on ‘jewish witchcraft’, which is also known as the Kabbalah. Perhaps someone else knows a good book exposing Kabbalah.
But an essential part of ‘jewish witchcraft’ is their occult ritual murder of young Christian children, and the following book, written by a Jew named Ariel Toaff, is an excellent source for that:
Faith Goldy is another one who. How does her looks and name not wake people up? No wonder whites are being replaced successfully.
Together with Lauren “Southern” she is still close to Brittany “Pettibone” Sellner to keep tabs on the Sellners. As obvious as it can be.
A few things give “Faith Goldy” away: her name, like her pal Lauren Southern’s, is clearly made up. And the only people who change their names to “Gold” variants are Jews.
She got her start with super Jew, Ezra Levant’s Rebel Media. She claims to be an Ukrainian and Greek, but she looks like she’s been touched with the tar brush, which could be her ‘Greek’ ancestry along with (((something))) else. She claims to be only 30 years old, but looks closer to 40.
If she’s an example of a “conservative” Canadian, the country and its White inhabitants are doomed.
BNP absolutely Jew controlled, directly through Dugin who features on his new “knights templar” site. Also, as Tommy is going down, it’s evident that some of his handlers are regrouping around Mark Collett’s Patriotic Alternative. Ralph Masilamani is known to have used the same security detail as Tommy and he’s now pulling in. And they all have the same of bots listed above on their videos. Quite funny to watch it all happen really.
B N P are not infiltrated .
Clues to P.A. Are the NON-White Guests they have~like a few weeks ago they had on the Enoch/Peinovich clown preceded by a mongrel half-Jap. What kind of white nationalist political organization featured non-whites as guests?!?!?! F*^+ Collette and his snake oil.
You forgot Evalion from Jewtube in the listing ! 😀
I am shocked that you did not include Ron Unz in this list.
Yes, he’ll be added with the next update, in addition to a few others.
Unz is likely as good a Jew as you can get
Ron Unz has a very good website with virtually no censorship that I am aware of.
Or “Brother” Nathaniel Kapner and hus shuck and jive routine w/his orthodox get up. Can’t believe this clown pushing the Jesus was a Jevv nonsense (Jevv=made up word never seen b4 18th century) or Eli James (aka Joseph November) or William Finckelstein (convicted murderer) of the Christian Identity movement. What better source for Christian Israel truth than a convicted murderer? What a poster boy.
This essay has some solid research. One suggestion, though: publish a revised version that includes in-depth research on Richard Spencer’s background. You mention the C.I.A. but only in passing–without any show of evidence. We need a definitive picture of Spencer, including his ethnic background, whether/why his family moved to Texas and sent their kids to the same school as the Bush boys. Also, find out why Spencer refused to sue the city of Charlottesville, and whether/why attorney Sam Dickson refused to represent Spencer in that case.
There are so many untrustworthy characters hanging around the internet, that the only way to fight your way through it all is to pick and choose anything that agrees with your own point of view, which is the only “valid” thing available to you, whether you are temporarily a bit misguided or not. On Daily Stormer, whether Anglin is friend or foe, there are good pointers towards things like Black on White Racism for example, which with the demise of Flaherty have become more difficult to track down. If we find ourselves doubting everybody, including me, I have recently been called a shill, simply because a guy who was alleged to be a dodgy person, left a comment on one of my posts. Have trust in yourself .
That is why Christianity ultimately is the answer. Trusting in ourselves is exactly what put us in this boat. If you are already spiritually driven and hear and obey the laws of God written on your heart, that’s one thing (an EXTREMELY RARE quality found in our people today), so we must put our trust in God, whom we learn to be the ultimate truth and understanding through studying the Scriptures He essentially wrote for us. That is how you gain the wisdom for discernment.
As a Christian who believes the Word of God, trusting Him, you can easily see through the facade that is the Alt-right and WN and all of these pompous cults of personality! Accepting Christ as your king means nothing else matters but the execution of God’s laws which produces Heaven on Earth. What are we as a people missing here…?
One must assume an op like Anglin is preaching crap Jews approve of and his base likes. The pppl that still like Anglin at this point are unpersuadable
Charlottesvillle was a total false flag that’s why no lawsuits. ALL “unite the right” leaders were either JevviSh or Jevv puppets. Best video exposing the clowns associated with this govt operation is from Creator Johnny Gat it’s called “Are Trump Fans Retarded” 1st half had trump clips (campaign lies vs reality) while last half is of the “leaders” exposed by their own words.
This comment didn’t age well
Any white person worth their salt would be LIVING OUT their beliefs, whether Christian or heathen. While the internet is the place to find the truth as well as find like-minded brethren, it is a cesspool of SJWs – mostly jews and those jewish between the ears, but plenty of hypocritical Christian pharisees too.
The internet is no place to force your beliefs on others. No amount of fact finding, historical revision, linguistics, or Biblical knowledge will ever show or prove who’s ‘way’ is correct. Christians are supposed to “let their light shine”. Only through your everyday behavior will the Truth be made manifest.
At this point, in my Christian opinion, white people need to pull their collective heads out of the jewish internet sphincter and start making an impact in their own families and communities. If your ‘way’ works, your fruits will be made manifest and will withstand any scrutiny, thus proving how ‘faith’ in your ‘way’ can positively benefit your people.
This way all White non-christians will actually experience the failure of their modus operendi when they try to be ‘good WNs’ and actually try to lead their people to a WN ‘utopia’…
I have personally seen the infiltrators at job.
A lot of european nicknames in Daily Stormer were banned only for having talked about the aryan spirituality citing Khrishna, the Aryavarta, the fact that persians are old indoaryans, the fact that there are genetically aryans with different phenotypes, or others- my german friend Kikophobia, for example- citing Goebbels who wrote ‘ Some southern and eastern nationalists ask me if we consider them aryan even if they are not blond blue eyed- I want to say them it is the jew who try to divide us basing aryanity on a specific physical phenotype and not on genetic, cultural, historical ties.’
I few months I have seen how they put, first of all, the anglosaxons against the southern europeans, discriminating them: spanish and portugueses were the first to leave; then, they harassed some germans, among them my friend Kikophobia, who cited Wagner and Goethe for talking about the real ‘Geist’ or Spirit that there was behind the reaction of the Nationalsozialisten Arbeiter Partei in 1933; then, I see my italian friends disappearing, just after the germans; the french and the british were the only one remaining there. I simply kept reading the discussions without writing anymore.
Then, I saw the americans against the britishes, and the briths went; I had a private conversation with a briton friend who told me ‘ I go, here you cannot breath.’
Mainly, americans and australians, with some french resisting there, were the only one talking on themselves.
Andrew Anglin never banned the jew Weev and another jew who was harassing the forum.
My friend Race Realist who was super skilled in genetic issues about the aryan migrations, and the indoaryan family around the world, stopped to write.
My last comment was in french, to say goodbye to a french friend: It was long time I didn’t write anything on that place, only reading, but when Anglin and his crowd of jews and niggers began to offend two swedish girls who had been raped and killed by a bunch of moroccan- chimpanzees, I wrote, in french, to this friend: ‘ Do you think a real european, or a real american of european ancestry, would call ‘ whores’ two victims odf the negro moroccan shits, and go along insulting them, who have been killed and beheaded? Only mongrels with negro blood, aka jews and niggers, can do this. See you in Europe, brother.’
He said me ‘ I think you are right, this place is full of jew- niggers.’
And then, I don’t know anything else, because I never opened anymore the page of that open cesspole.
How do we know this site isn’t being run by Jews?
That’s a reasonable question, “Foher”. You will never find a jewish-run site that openly questions the legitimacy of jewish identity, about who they are and what their actually origins are. Their true power comes from masquerading as descendants of the Tribe of Judah, or “God’s Chosen,” and this site repeatedly and consistently exposes that lie. That is their ultimate “get out of jail free” card, even more powerful than the fake Holocaust narrative they push.
You will also never find a jewish-run site that denies Jews are White people. Again, their power is based on their ability to “pass” as White and infiltrate our groups.
We do not advocate “White” nationalism, nor do we advocate violence, which plays right into the hands of our enemies.
Also, from a Christian perspective, we deny that Christ was a Jew, another power card that Jews play to keep the goyim at bay.
If you took the time to read through many of the articles on this site, you’d find that we are consistent in our perspective. Thanks for your interest!
There is no other site out there that definitively defines “jewishness”, shining the light of Christ on their nearly endless lies intent on keeping the line blurred between us and them.
If this site was run by jews, I have no doubt their inherent chutzpah would not be helping them keep any kind of anonymity. Self-loathing jews like Nathaniel Kapner make it a point to let EVERYONE know that they are jewish as the inevitable tool to convince the goyim that what they have to say about their own people is 100% true.
While the Kapner’s of this world indeed reveal the core secrets of the jewish identity and agenda, (((their))) ultimate goal is to still leave that door cracked open to allow in the ‘good’ jew to our white Christian societies in order to start the whole judaization process all over again…no jew will ever espouse the consistent Scriptural position taken on this subject by the writers of this site, or by many of the obviously white Christians who comment here…
Why, you ask? To derail us.
This one listed in the favorites column so it can be found quickly at anytime to share with Trumptards and Qbots.
Thanks for the info. John Kaminski posted to me and I am very awakened by this.
If you really want to divide the men from the boys here about whether someone’s Jewish or not Jewish I would suggest you get them on to the topic of the Holocaust.
That’s where you will find who really are the ones teaching the truth because if you expose the Holocaust and show the lies that are associated with that then you’re going to see who really is up on the news about the Jews..Jim Rizoli has made it his mission to take on the Holocaust head on.
For this he’s had hundreds upon hundreds of videos taken off of YouTube, Vimeo, been kicked off of cable TV and currently uses BitChute as his major open gate to bring forth the truth about the Holocaust…. like I said the Holocaust issue is the third rail and all these people that you are talking about need to take a stand on that issue, by making that leap then we’ll know who really are the truthers vss the trollers..
Thanks for the commercial but yes out the holocaust and you remove “evil” from being a word to describe NAZIs and Hitler. ITs a big one but ultimately, everyone is being herded to go along with MSM explanations of these stage mass shooting events which is odd since most have no trouble understanding that 911 was an NWO hit on America
A christian site that completely disregards the very central theme of the bible.
– Love your enemy as yourself
– Turn the other cheek
To bad you’re so few.
Christ never taught that we should love his enemies, the Edomite Jews, who sought to murder him. The Bible teaches that the Jews and their descendants are cursed forever for the murder of Christ, but you think we are nevertheless supposed to “turn the other cheek” and “love” them as ourselves? You’ve obviously never read the Bible, and if you have, you have no understanding of it except what you see on t.v.
That’s what got us this infestation problem. Turning the other cheek to a demonic supremacist cult with no morals or respect for humanity. We must recognize and call out the problem to deal with it effectively and stop believing their well crafted lies.
You are confusing “love” with “luv”. It says “love” your enemies, not “luv” them.
Hmmm…another non-Christian trying to tell Christians what the Bible says.
Wrong again, my brother.
We are to love our brother who may have made themselves our enemy. We are to turn our cheek to our brethren. There is no dictate to love GOD’S enemies. There is no stipulation to turn our cheek to GOD’S enemies. We are not to love the world. We are not to turn our cheek to the world…we are not to be there to be struck in the first place. Thus the relevance of the Christian concept of “First time, shame on you. Second time, shame on me…”
Massive misunderstanding of what Christian “love” is. God loved the Jews and sent Christ to correct them. To love is to correct. Not grovel in untruth for fear of offending someone.
Massive corruption of the meaning of love is one of core problems.
As well as massive corruption of of the identity of the “Jews”…
Sorry, God does NOT love the jews, who have been definitively identified as Edomites, descendants of Esau. And what does God say about Esau?
“Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”
BjørnThorsønn: You are another hasbara Jew troll, posing as someone of Nordic decent. More than likely you are sitting in a control room in Tel Aviv performing yourTalmudmic duties. Or at least a Christian Zionut who loves everything Israel, Trump and all the other phonies in the so-called christian church. Go back to the hole you crawled out of.
Sorry son, you need to go back and reread your bible, apparently you are still blind to the truth of The Word. Please, for your sake, don’t post uneducated quips about The Word, makes you sound like a moron.
If the Lord does not love everyone and actually hated Esau, should we love the enemies of the Lord?
if Jesus died for ALL then why did he speak in parables to hide the gospel from some?
Matthew Chapter 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is NOT GIVEN not given.
12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.
Malachi 1:3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.
God hated Esau (Yes I know they want to CONvince us this means love less)
Obadiah 1:18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
Malachi 1:4 Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever. indignation is extreme hatred.
…The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever…. how long is for ever?
David said: Psalms 139:21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
2 Chronicles 19:2 And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.
So should we love the Lord’s enemies? Love Satan? I think not
Not only are Jews leading the AR/WN movement, homosexuals like Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents are too. Maybe the title (and names) should be updated to this: “Why Are Jews & Homosexuals Leading The Alt-Right & ‘White’ Nationalist Movements?”
Further down in these wonderfully active comments is probably the most appropriate question I have seen posed here:
“Would some of you kindly provide details about how “following” Christ will create racial homogeneity attitudes and behavior and structures?”
The answer is quite simple really, and there are many forms in which to phrase it, so for the sake of expedience I’ll just choose one: The Two Great Commandments as taught by Jesus. They are the culmination of not only the Ten Commandments, but of ALL of God’s laws…
Love God with your whole heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.
When you come to grips with the fact that the God of the Bible is the one and only true Creator, the Alpha and Omega, the one and only True God, and that He is the author of all the natural laws, of which one of the most important is “kind after kind”, then as a Christian believer, you will always keep the laws of God as your compass, fearing not to offend Him rather than His enemies. And if you are following God’s laws, then your neighbor could be none other than one of your own brethren, and you are to treat them with love and respect.
As you can see, Christianity represents the common sense, LAWFUL understanding of ‘racism’, or ‘racial reality’. Christianity represents the highest standard of regard for white people and the blueprint for how our Father promises we can live in peace and prosperity…
What language do “white” people speak? This is your first mistake identifying yourself or others as “white” putting yourself in ((their)) divide & conquer box. God loves all his children
You seem to recognize the language…you are here, are you not? It is the same language that non-whites were not meant to accept – the ‘language’ of exclusivity, of HOLINESS, of Truth…therefore all non-Israelites (i.e. non-whites) including jews cannot speak it. And that plays into the jews hands??? Excluding Satan’s children from our Christian societies is the ONLY way to begin to heal ourselves and our land.
And you are right, God does love all of His children. Good thing they are all white.
All the trees God did not plant will be uprooted and thrown in the fire, and Christ only came for the lost sheep of the House of Israel…
Funny how we can discuss addressing wrongs done and we are arrested, shut off the net, demonetised etc etc, yet (((they))) can – and do – not only provoke and incite violence, as well as actually routinely commit attrocities against US and nothing happens to them, except getting paid. Hmmm…
NATURALLY I wouldnt consider suggesting wholesale violence against those seeking to genocide us and steal our country, but I am reminded of the old saying abouth things that are good for both geese and ganders…
The photo with the segment on Lauren Southern is not of Lauren Southern, it’s a photo from an advert which can be seen on sites like pornhub.
Thanks, we changed it.
No worries. I saw a near identical photo on Johnny Gat’s youtube video about Lauren Southern and thought that it’s a shame when bad or sloppy evidence is mixed in with the good, it kind of sullies the whole thing.
How did YOU know that? LoL!
Mr Richard Spencer on that pic with his non-white georgian-russian wife.
If White Nationalists aren’t able to take one look at Mike Enoch and know he’s not White, their movement is doomed before it even gets out of the starting gate.
This comment is in reply to all those who are questioning the veracity of this article based on the message and/or perceived race of certain named personalities:
By their fruits you will know them.
The author of this article must have known they were going to be opening a can of worms with this article, but it needs to be done. The white race – the literal children of God – cannot walk hand-in-hand with their Father and Satan at the same time. We as Christians must draw God’s line in the sand!
The author of this article has made it quite clear WHY these named personalities can’t be trusted.
First and foremost, no jew can be trusted to have the best interest of whites in mind…ever! Second, any white person who defends the jew and calls themselves a WN cannot be trusted…ever!
Really quite simple, actually.
No WN will ever be able to accomplish whatever White ‘utopia’ they are dreaming up. They are only chasing the proverbial jewish pipe dream. Only with God’s Law and Christian temperance will we Ever achieve what God has planned for His children from the very beginning…the entire earth being the Kingdom of God.
White Nationalism plays right into the hands of the Jews for the simple reason that the majority of Americans believe Jews are White, and Jews are more than happy to allow White Americans to believe that, as long as it continues to serve jewish interests.
They’re white until you bring up the holocaust
Agreed. You have nailed those admitted jews and crypto-jews. I had a website until I let it pass in late 2017. For that site, I published conclusive research about some of them, and in the last two years I have collected conclusive evidence on the rest of them. Meanwhile, I weigh the choices on what kind of project to pursue next.
Disagree. However, I disagree with you on two very important points.
1. I suppose that if you were around in 1775 and 1776 you would have told our true Founding Fathers of the U.S.A. that promoting violence against the violent enemy is unacceptable!
2. Your anti-violence stance, I suppose, comes from your beliefs. (Please note that beliefs are not knowledge. Consider the important difference in the definitions of those words.) Who wrote the Bible? Jews. Who wrote the Bible and named themselves “the Chosen People”? Jews. Who wrote the Bible but don’t “believe” in it nor follow it? Jews.
You see, the jews wrote the bible for OTHERS to foolishly follow, so that the OTHERS would turn the other cheek, lay down the sword, and be suicidal pacifists easy to defeat.
In conclusion, I admire your realizations and rejection of the jews pretending to be Whites and pretending to be pro-White and/or anti-jews. But neither your beliefs nor your stance against violence will stop a gang of Africans from raping and murdering your favorite females, or stop the jews from murdering thousands of people in controlled demolitions (such as WTC 1, 2, and 7), or stop the jews from horrifically annihilating a mostly Christian country (such as Germany of 1939).
James Laffrey
You have the same misinformed roadblock virtually every WN runs into that prevents them from seeing the bigger picture. Plain and simple, the Bible is not a jewish book (IF it was written by jews, it would have come out reading like the Talmud and the Koran – both of which, incidentally, are the jewish ‘rip offs’ of the Hebrew Scriptures, aka The Bible). The Israelites, of whom the Bible was written by, for, and about, are NOT the jews of today, but the white race from antiquity up until today.
Having that huge void in knowledge will throw anyone off their game.
As for standing against promoting violence – I am a bit disappointed that you don’t recognize the difference between self-defense and advocated violence for violence sake. The colonists were defending themselves against the encroaching military that the English crown was literally quartering in their homes in a tyrannical effort to micro-manage the economy from across the ocean. Only less than 5% of the total colonial population took up arms to fight the incoming British troops. This earth shaking event also HAD to happen, because it was prophecied IN THE BIBLE. After all, why wouldn’t it? It’s been prophecizing major events in our history the whole time…
Christ wants us to defend ourselves, to stand up for Him – when we are able to according to God’s will, not according to our will in order to force things to happen. Anything more than advocating being armed and ready is inciting unnecessary violence and mayhem which not only solves nothing, but gives fuel to the enemy’s fire!
Please reconsider your position, my friend 😉
‘Biblical scolarship’ must be avoided in as much as possible or at least limited to the Gospels. Take a hint from Wagner: The Jew Poison In The Protestant Reformation, “The Popes knew well what they were doing when they withheld the Bible from the people, for the Old Testament in particular – so bound up with the New – might distort the pure idea of Christ to such an extent that any nonsense and every deed of violence could claim its sanction….We must view it as a grave misfortune that Luther had no other instrument of authority against the decadent Roman Church than just this Bible.”
—Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner should not be held up as any kind of “authority” on the Bible. Wagner failed to understand Luther’s real mis-step, and that was in believing the Jews wrote the Bible, which is demonstrably false. By insisting that the Jews were the descendants of the Israelites, Luther perpetuated a lie first promoted by the Catholic Church, and set up all subsequent Protestants to foolishly worship Jews as their “spiritual elders”.
Christ himself quoted extensively from the Old Testament, because the “pure idea” of Christ is, in fact, throughout the Old Testament. What is crucial for Christians is to be able to read the Bible without falsely worshiping Jews.
Luther in the book “THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES” plainly stated they were the children of the devil and there was no salvation for them. He knew all about the Talmud and could read Hebrew of the Bible. Genesis 3 comes to mind.
James, what was the name of your website?
James, what was the name of your website?
Christianity is not a European religion !
What triggered the viking age ? Analysis of the geopolitical situation and and the state of religion in Europe before the Viking Age.
Declaring that Europe was ‘polytheistic by default’ prior to the ‘Viking age’ is seriously dishonest scholarship. ‘Polytheism’ is paganism, and every pagan makes the same mistake when judging Christianity. They think it’s just another ‘religion’ like any other pagan religion, as if you can ‘choose’ it.
Christianity has existed since the creation of the white man by his God, as it is the blueprint for our existence, referred to by our Father as the “Kingdom of Heaven”. No false, pagan religion can ever do for the white race what Christianity has accomplished…and Christianity has not even achieved yet what it is capable of! All forms of paganism amongst whites is only after whites decided to thumb their noses at their Creator…
With that being said, the ‘lost tribes of Israel’ began mass dispersion into Europe prior to 500BC. The reason they were the ‘lost tribes’ is because God divorced them when they turned away from Him and BECAME pagans, which they evidently took with them into Europe…but their paganism still retained their Hebrew/Christian roots, therefor making the European peoples, the descendants of the Israelites, ripe for REACCEPTING Christianity as a way of life when Christ precipitated the great revival of the Word of God.
sorry but the idea of the ‘lost tribe of israel’ in europe is simply historically, archeologically, and genetically bullshits.
europeans, or better, indoeuropeans, are aryans ( here in Europe we still consider themselves aryans, even if we are forbid to tell it openl, but we know aryan is our ethnonimous name ), and you can only talk about the historically proven Aryan MIgration from Siberia to Europe.
check the genetics, the history, study, look at the maps in this site, and you will see.
R1b L 23 cluster is considered the oldest aryan haplogroup known, and it generated in Siberia ( Out of Africa theory is BS in the case of indoeuropeans ): funnily, my father carries it.
” Lost Tribes of a Non- Existant entity called “Israel” “? No, thanks.
I am an aryan, of aryan heritage, of aryan ancestors, and I don’t want to be called otherwise by no one.
Ginevra, your ‘aryanism’ had to come from somewhere, and the last time I checked, there isn’t, and never was, some kind of ‘aryan factory’ in Siberia spitting out white babies to live in this world. To deliberately discount the innumerable sources that point to the Levant/Mesopotamia (Middle East) as the source of white DNA, as per the Bible, is deliberately discounting the veracity of the Scriptures. Refusing to ‘study to find thyself approved’ will always leave you on the outside looking in.
Btw, allow me to let you in on another secret. This word ‘aryan’, which you so lovingly adhere to describe the white race, comes from 2 Hebrew words: “ar” meaning mountain and “Yah” being the abbreviated name of the God of the Bible. So the word “aryan” literally means “mountain of Yahweh”. Not coincidentally (and if you read the Bible you’d know), the Israelites are frequently referred to symbolically as “mountains” in the Old Testament.
“Christians for Truth”
The best way to conceal a lie is between two truths. When you comment too close to the Truth, or they see they haven’t your level of knowledge, their clique of self-styled we-know-more-about-everything-than-everyone … well, they delete you. The way around that is post their suspect behavior on other sites, and what they deleted. If they kill this post that will happen because a liar is a vile, satanic creature. Lets find out the truth, shall we…
‘RogueOps Novels’ left a recent comment advocating violence as a solution. We edited his comment, and he now feels this site “hides the truth”. If he continues to post comments advocating violence of any kind, he will be blocked permanently.
I don’t know Rogue, these guys are pretty reasonable. I’m sure they’d allow your comments through if it didn’t contain any incitement to violence.
One of the regular commenters here usually concludes by saying “Ammo up!”. Apparently the editors here don’t see it as inciting violence, but rather advocating readiness. Discerning whites should know the difference. Christ knows He is “sending us as sheep among wolves” but that we are to conduct ourselves “as wise as serpents yet harmless as doves”. Being armed and ready does not make us vicious, violent, and evil – as the jew would have the public believe – but deliberately planning to do harm beyond any defensive measures plays right into their already well laid traps.
Wow. I’ve been reading this site for months and had it pegged as one of the best, and now this?
If you had done the smallest amount of research into the weev thing then you’d know that claim is nonsense.
As for DailyStormer? Besides some inconsequential issues where I disagree with Anglin, his message is pretty much spot on.
This is a crazy writeup. There’s a lot of names here which belong, that’s great, but you’re so wrong on others it makes me really doubt this websites ability and/or motives. Sad.
Seriously, if you’re racially aware at all, you would take one look at Weev and know he’s not White. You really think that guy is White? He’s a professional troll, who lies about lying and not lying. Don’t fall for his schtick, seriously….
The masses finally started believing Weev was Jewish when the MSM reported on it. I had pointed it out years ago as did many others but the best way to tell is by his extremist lingo which covert Jews use all the time when proclaiming truth as a white man. Does it do us any good at all to have the masses think we believe in murdering Jewish children or stating Oklahoma was white payback?
(Of course McVeigh was an Oswald like Patsi in a staged event that killed innocent ppl but what does Weev say? Not that it was a psyop but that McVeigh’s a hero
Jared Taylor, Stephan Molynueax and Jordan Peterson’s strategies are to take you right up to the gate – but to pass through, you must figure it for yourself. This allows them to be palatable to most audiences, avoid being banned, whilst facilitating a vast community awakening. Also, no matter how well they explain that ‘not all jews…’ they will be deliberately misquoted and targeted for destruction.
For example, Jordan Peterson constantly reference’s Solzhenitsyn (famous for the the Gulag Archipelago). Solzhenitsyn also wrote ‘200 Years Together’ about Jewish influence in Tzarist Russia, at the end of chapter 15, he writes that Jews must answer for the “revolutionary cutthroats” in their ranks.
They give you hints.
You are being far too kind to these guys, probably because you like what they have to say, and some of it is reasonable and helpful to a degree, but they are all rabbit holes: learn what you can and get away, move on to a higher truth.
The late great investigative journalist Michael Collins Piper exposed Jared Taylor years ago for his personal ties to Abe Foxman at the ADL. It seems that the ADL agreed to lay off AmRen as long as they avoided the JQ. Going on and on about obvious racial IQ differences and crime statistics gets boring quickly, no?
Molyneux is a pseudo intellectual, like most Jews, whose facile and glib command of the language makes his superficial points sound profound and edgy. He has begun to hint at the JQ because he’s well aware that so many of his followers smell a rat. He’s a libertarian, which a jewish concept to the core. Don’t get sucked in.
Peterson is a closet communist who has admitted to collecting Soviet-era art to hang all over his house for years. He’s what the socialists call a “gradualist”, who advocates the “slow boil” of socialist take over of the institutions of power rather than quick, violent revolution as in Russia. He’s written NWO documents for the U.N. He’s the very definition of a Judas Goat, very evil, manipulative, and subversive, which is why the jewish media promotes him so heavily. Of the three, he’s by far the worst.
I would add that Jared Taylor, Stephan Molynueax and Jordan Peterson never promote Christianity as a way out, IMHO the only way out, of our people’s current malaise. But if they did they would lose most of their audience…
So-called White Nationalists, almost to a man, claim that Christianity is the real enemy of the White race and is the reason we got in this mess in the first place, a message that is 100% kosher-approved.
I do need to ask who isn’t a jew in the movement if everyone that isn’t pure is a complete jew, can we point to the pure leaders of the movement so we know who to trust?
There are real White people in the alt Right, but that doesn’t mean you can trust them completely. The White race has been betrayed by their own people far too often.
Without a return to Christ, the White European race is lost. None of these alt Right figures advocate a returning to Christianity which is the foundation of our culture for the last 2,000 years. That is the last thing the Jews want because they cannot fight against it.
Start reading the History articles (top menu) on this website, especially the ones about our ancient origins, and once you figure out who the White race really is and what our true origins are, you’ll then know what the real answers are.
As long as we are following men, we’ll fall for wolves in sheep’s clothing. Christ is the true Vine, so we should follow Him and His teaching. He has clearly laid out how to claim His Kingdom, which is the only viable future for the White race, but people don’t seem to think it’s good enough. They look for worldly leaders and political solutions, when the only solution is following Christ.
Would some of you kindly provide details about how “following” Christ will create racial homogeneity attitudes and behavior and structures? I just see the language as being abstract enough that it glosses over what physically needs to occur such as actions.
Hermit, your question is extremely heartening. However, the answer you seek, I (or any of my Christian brethren) cannot appropriately answer within this comment section. The entire Bible is replete with the exact instructions to answer your question. It also comes replete with all the stories about what happens to us when we DON’T follow God’s instructions.
I simply suggest, for starters, reading as many articles AND the comments here as you can. Every one either directly or indirectly answers your question…may God bless your journey! Christ IS the answer…
Hint: Christianity became not only history’s most dominant white culture, but the the world’s most dominant culture, and not through violent conquest, but through peaceful, loving discourse with our brethren…
GOOD point Love…Right now,Im THOROUGHLY confused!
Unfortunately many non-Jews pretend to be us while getting paid by the JEW . There is no shortcut
This article makes a good point I do not consider often, but do not forget a lot of jews are persecuted as white in America as well especially the ones that are mixed with europa genetics, so it’s easy to see why some may authentically identify as whites–it occurred in Germany as well.
America is pretty mixed because of well you know our immigration policies over the past 70 years, it’s easy to see how muddled some peoples identities can get. I’m not doing a ‘what is white’ fallacy here just trying to understand some of the exceptions to the rule. but yes some definitely are shills with a f**king motive.
You have Redice down as controlled OP. Why so? I’ve always found their message to be pretty wholesome. Wheres your evidence for them being compromised!?
RedIce is not controlled opposition. This article is all over the place. It’s sad tbh – I really thought this was a site I could trust.
The article doesn’t discuss RedIce….it appears only in a meme that someone else created, it looks like. Probably an oversight.
It was part of a meme, which we did not create. We removed the meme from the article.
But redice is a Jewish controlled op. Lokteff is a Russian Jewish surname. Do any of you even bother to research the people on these programs? Or contemplate where operations money comes from considering most of you have never donated to grassroots activists?
Red Ice pretends staged events are real and interview ad-nauseum, many controlled ops and Lana’s mom spent about a month trying to win my approval for that behavior. they are clearly controlled in some form
hello my fellow (((White Nationalist))))
“Hello my fellow white nationalist patriot! Let’s stock up on weapons and then post a manifesto online. We can make America great again.” — FBI Agent
That’s funny, but so true. Thanks!
Hey, what you got on Kyle Hunt? As far as I know he is not a Jew.
I don’t trust anyone on the internet. Even pages I agree with, I will always try to independently confirm their claims. In fact, a site you often agree with can make you let your guard down which is why the topic of alt-right misdirection is so important.
I have concluded that we cannot vote our way out of our current situation. The idea of marches or “militias” has not worked nor are they likely to. My own way of dealing with the situation is to legally minimize my contributions to the system in the way of taxes as well as purchases from corporations that subsidize those that want me extinct. I think “western” societies are pursuing so many non-sensical, non-viable and mutually contradictory policies that they will be seen as failed states within a decade (or sooner). When I pointed this out on Renegade, I got a lot of down votes. They are a bit of an odd crowd over there. I will still visit them but as always, use due diligence.
Kyle Hunt and his mudshark wife Sinead promote nation-wrecking feminism, degeneracy, and “diversity” with non-Whites, and constantly attack Christianity. They are either stupid or controlled opposition, probably both. But they are degenerates to the core and there’s lots of evidence of Sinead running around with negros.
Just yesterday they posted an article “celebrating diversity” and working with non-Whites. http://archive.is/TQ9qr
Wow, that’s the same garbage that this female author, Veronica Clark was peddling over ten years ago, this fake idea that Hitler advocated “diversity”. She wrote this bogus book, “Triumph of Diversity: A New Look at Hitler’s Armed Forces,” and now Kyle Hunt is promoting the same idea? Makes sense because Veronica Clark, like his wifey Sinead, is a feminist….
No, Chesterton, that’s incorrect. Veronica never stated that Hitler “advocated diversity” or even implied that nonsense. Hitler’s armed forces were in fact, comparatively speaking, a triumph of diversity. That doesn’t mean they were color-blind and willing to open their gene pool to the world. Such a generalized basic-b**ch appraisal of a vastly complex subject is peak ignorance. Veronica’s thesis centers on the lies of mainstream media and academia that paint Hitler and the Nazis as the most unapologetic, evil and racist political entity/party/regime to have ever existed. It’s a fact that the Nazis had the most ethnically diverse military of modern times and Veronica’s work utilizes that fact, and others, in deep context, to destroy this pillar which holds up the entire narrative of fraudulent mainstream discourse and the academic hijacking of history: That the Nazis were the most vile racists who ever lived and wanted to take over the world with muh Aryan blue eyed ubermensch…etc etc blah blah blah. If you actually read her books, which you never would and likely couldn’t comprehend, you’d know how ludicrous your remarks appear to someone who actually has and understands her intentions.
“She wrote this bogus book”….hilarious, basic b**ch comment. Care to debunk just one aspect, just one tidbit? Please, have at it. I enjoy cringefests. BTW, what is a “fake idea”? Oh dear Lord! Read her books and form a real argument if you want to run your mouth about what’s in them. Anything else is weak-d**k nonsense.
The Nazis did promote “diversity” insofar as mixing with other white races, including Slavs. Hitler even said so himself, according to primary sources. But if you’re implying that Hitler promoted diversity as far as with non-whites and that Veronica Clark suggested anything like that, you’re completely wrong.
Boris, you seem a little overly sensitive and you are jumping the fence on defining ‘diversity’ when it suits you, all because Chesterton gave his opinion that Veronica’s book is ‘bogus’. Slow down big fella. Chesterton’s comments on diversity here are plainly predicated on “working with non-whites”, not interbreeding with them (though that is still the inevitable result despite your sophistic pleas otherwise).
I personally believe it was Hitler’s ‘diversity’ among his ranks as well as alliances that resulted in the defeat if the Third Reich. Our people do not need the aid of non-whites in ANY capacity to protect and conserve our land and our culture, and the memory of Hitler and the Third Reich does not need to be apologized for by a woman who wants to focus on the mistake of ‘buddying up’ with beasts to prove the regime wasn’t ‘racist’…because it was! Apparently not enough.
Veronica should have spent more time debunking the jewish concept of ‘racism’ instead of pandering to liberal bleeding hearts and making Hitler and the Third Reich look like hypocritical idiots!
He supports Sinead. I literally heard him send a 3-3-3 signal to his likely mason bros
RamZPaul is Jewish? I don’t believe that. Seriously.
Yes, he actually admitted it a few years ago during one of his videos. He said he was about 1/8th jewish, which means one of his great grandparents was jewish, which is why he doesn’t really “look” jewish. Although he could have been lying to deflect any charges of “antisemitism”….
I’d consider 1/8th to not be jewish in my opinion. Being a jew is often about more than the dna, it’s about the practices, their community and the participation in manipulation.
In the early days of the settling of Palestine by the Jews after WWII, having only 1/8th jewish ancestry was enough to get you citizenship because they needed bodies to fill the land. Even the Jews have changed how they define a Jew, depending on the circumstances.
RamZPaul has openly advocated race mixing more than once, but that’s okay with him because he’s already race mixed. He’s amusing and has some good insights, but not to be taken seriously.
One eighth? Not really.
I can confirm this too. I heard him on a podcast several years ago admitting that he had some Jew DNA. I forget the name of the show, but I don’t forget that he was talking about driving through San Francisco one day when he almost ran over “Brother” Nathanael, who stepped onto a pedestrian crossing a little too hastily.
If only RamZ had put his foot down, and Nathanael had moved just that bit quicker. What could have been.
lol…that’s funny, right there!
He’s certainly controlled by them
Well. What’s wrong with Bro Nathanael? Thanks for a fabulous article & God bless you
Brother Nathaniel repeats the lie that Jesus was a Jew and that He came for everyone, contradicting Christ’s own words when he stated he came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew 15:24).
Yes but remember Christ also said, “My kingdom is not of this world” So the Israel He was referring to was not the flesh and blood Isreal, the Israel of God(those whose Hearts have been circumcised from the foundation of the world) Those whom were foreknown of God before Abraham was. That is the Israel Christ was talking about!
You don’t become an Israelite merely by believing in Jesus, which is the absurd notion that the mainstream churches teach. There is a flesh and blood people of Israel, pure descendants of Jacob/Israel and the 12 tribes (Matt 15:24, James 1).
In Jeremiah’s prophecy (Jer 31:31), God promised that the New Covenant would only be with those same Israelites with whom he had the first Covenant. You are making both God and Christ liars if you claim the New Covenant is with anyone but Israelites by birthright.
As a rule, I don’t trust anything from a jewish claim outside of mathematics or the physical sciences and even here it must be accompanied by either a valid mathematical proof or independently confirmed by experimental results.
Einstein was once of the greatest scientific frauds of all time, as was Jonas Salk, the inventor of the useless and dangerous polio vaccine. Both jews, both frauds.
Was Ayn Styn a fraud?
Big fraud, yes.
He’s obsessed with money and mocks Christianity with his goofy attire
Mike peinovich specifically wants us to keep podcasting forever while losing. Ask yourself this, and to the author please add this, if they’re so dissident, how does he still have a credit card processor, a Twitter , a YouTube channel and a .biz domain ?
And Cantwell whom this article derisively called a ‘clown’ is almost completely shut out of the financial system. So what, if someone’s still able to make money that proves their controlled opposition? Not sound logic. Mike does podcasting which reaches and influences a lot of people. What are YOU doing specifically? What has he said that’s wrong? What would you suggest doing aside from podcasting? Running for office, flyering, IRL activism…etc. These are all good things. There is a very large division of labor. But one of the most important things to do is countering the mainstream brainwashing that people have been given with the truth and that’s the first step in getting whites to become racially conscious.
Try making a podcast like his you’ll be shut down within days . He’s controlled opp. He preaches to a choir, it’s just jews know that people will figure out what’s up and TRS holds them back from doing action, just keep listening to podcasts forever
Cantwell spends most of his shows vaping, begging for money, and telling everyone how smart he is. And then he fantasizes about winning some big lawsuit against Charlottesville and use the money to buy land in New Hampshire and set up a White libertarian fifedom where he and his loyal donors can live and vape happily ever after. Come on, seriously?
fCantwell is the ” Joe Exotic’ of the alt right and yes hes at least part Jewish
This Article should be pinned to the Front Page. Don’t let this one go down the memory hole.
Well done!
Pinning this page to Front Page are like dropping a nuclear bomb