When the owners of a Ukrainian cafe — housed in a former synagogue — worked two lightning bolts into their logo to advertise the re-energizing qualities of their coffee, they unwittingly sent many Jews who suffer from Nazi Derangement Syndrome into a tailspin — imagining pogroms and Gas Chambers™ in their imminent future:
On Tuesday, the owners said the whole thing “is a case of a font gone wrong” and apologized to “anyone whose feelings may have been hurt.” It was a trial that was never fully implemented, they said, and will drop the logo. Cafe Escobar in Chervnitsi, near Lviv, introduced the logo on July 25 in a video that showed a filter holder emblazoned with the letters “Essco,” in which the S’s closely resemble the SS logo also designed to evoke two lightning bolts.
The SS symbol is offensive to many throughout Europe, but especially in Ukraine. During World War II, local men from the country’s west were drafted into an SS unit, the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division, also known as the 1st Galician. Reviled by some for the many murders perpetrated by its troops, the soldiers of the 1st Galician are also celebrated as heroes in Ukraine today, principally for fighting the Soviet Union. Ukraine’s ongoing conflict with Russia, which began in 2014, has mainstreamed the glorification of the 1st Galician and other Nazi collaborators while also launching a polarizing debate in society.
Eduard Dolinsky, the director of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, has been spearheading efforts to delegitimize Nazi imagery and homage to collaborators in Ukraine, and on Monday he posted Cafe Escobar’s promotional material on his Facebook page. The picture featured an attractive young woman studying a menu emblazoned with the logo. “A coffeeshop with the symbols of the Nazi SS is located in Chernivtsi on Synagogue St. 31,” Dolinsky wrote in typical understatement on his page, which has more than 23,000 followers. Those followers reacted less reservedly, accusing the owners of fascist sympathies and referring to the pictures as evidence of moral degeneration.
…The cafe has preserved some of the Hebrew text on the walls from when it was the Great Synagogue of Chervnitsi, an eclectic building from 1853 combining baroque and Classicist elements. Its promotional material has featured the Hebrew-language writings. In its post Tuesday, the cafe said the logo situation was a big misunderstanding. “In fact, this is a case of a font gone wrong. It was a trial,” the owners said in the Facebook post. “In our imagination, we saw two lightning bolts as a symbol for energy, but the font was chosen unsuccessfully.”
The logo and font, they said, have “nothing to do with SS…We didn’t make any Nazi references, we assure you! And sorry if this caused negative emotions. We apologize to anyone whose feelings may have been hurt.”
Jews very rightfully fear the Ukrainians — after all, bolshevik Jews murdered tens of millions of Ukrainians in the Holodomor in the 1930s — and they are probably wondering when the Ukrainians are going to exact revenge — but in reality, all the Ukrainians want from the Jews is an official apology.
And that’s rich, though — hearing Jews — the world’s greatest purveyors of filth and moral corruption — accuse anyone of “moral degeneration” — least of all, the National Socialists.
One of the purposes of the German SS — or Schutzstaffel — was ultimately to combat Jewish bolshevism and the moral degeneration it wrought on the German folk — essentially turning Germany into Europe’s Sodom and Gomorrah during the pre-war Weimar period.
In 1937, the National Socialists staged the Degenerate Art exhibit in Munich — to demonstrate the debasing effect that “modernism” had on classical art — and the demoralizing effect it had on normal people — they refused to even call it art, instead putting art — “kunst” — in quotation marks.
And to this day, Jews are still upset about it because the exhibit featured all the so-called “avant garde” “art” that they valued — and still revere today.
That said, Jews are not helping their own cause by having a meltdown over seeing a couple of lightning bolts on the side of a paper coffee cup — or a baseball cap, or striped blazers, or a logo for Amazon, or amorphous stains on a concrete walk.
If Jews are going to get upset about lightning bolts, they should first make sure that they are indeed associated directly the “Nazis” — like this gentleman’s front gate in Australia, which convinced a local Jew that the homeowner intended to “commit murder.”
This medical condition — Nazi Derangement Syndrome — is not caused by “Nazis” at all but is rather self-inflicted — Jews themselves invented the term “Nazi” to smear the National Socialists in Germany who opposed them — so that strawman “Nazis” exist only in their minds, not in the real world.
Their own obsession with all things “Nazi” has literally unhinged Jews to the point that many are firmly convinced that “another” imagined “Nazi uprising” and Holocaust is imminent — unless they assiduously stamp out even a whiff of opposition to them.
Thus the new Jewish proverb, “Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to get you.”
Ah, so when will Jews be held accountable for killing
– 66 millions in Russia?
– 12 millions in Ukraine?
Yes, Jews did this.
Simply knowing this fact is considered ‘Antisemetic’.
When they’ve exhausted all other forms of fallacy & rhetoric, they will ask “why do you know so much about this?”
And then say something like- “The only people who know so much about these subjects are people who already have a hateful reason for researching it.”
They may also just deny it ever happened, or deny that there was any intent to exterminate or harm Russians/ Ukrainians like that.
If you could find a definition online anywhere for “semitism”, this maybe be indeed what it falls under…?
I will let you goyim in on a little secret:
Whenever I am getting beat
Or feel my argument is lost
I use a trick my father taught
And scream the dread word “Holocaust!”
I never need to fear defeat
Though every word I say is crossed
I have a word that trumps them all
Should I but speak it: “Holocaust!”
And when I find myself in court
I know who’s going to win because
The judge will lend a kindly ear
When he hears me say “Holocaust!”
The politicians bow and scrape
Dissenting voices are all quashed
When I stand at the podium
And merely say: “The Holocaust!”
Historians become perplexed
When into prisons they are tossed
Ah, they unwisely delved into
The mysteries of “Holocaust!”
Should you awaken from your slumber
There among the great unwashed
You’ll hear the television screech
The lullaby of “Holocaust!”
I have no need to prove my facts
All challenges are quickly squashed
When I am at the wheel
Of the juggernaut called “Holocaust!”
The years roll on eternally!
The world revolves without a pause
Yet in six million years, you’ll see
We’ll still be crying: “Holocaust!”
Rabbi, your incredible tales of survival against all odds never cease to amaze. Irene Schitzplatt and Yankel Wiernik have nothing on you in the “indomitable will” dept.
My names’s initials are SS as are my 2 son’s own. We are immensely proud of it and that shall Never change…Sieg Heil! Haha….no seriously
If there actually had been gas chambers…..we would not be in the fix we are in today.
Even when Juden have massive amounts of wealth–like now–& control nearly every govt in the West, its never enough.
They want it all & also for the Goyim to be constantly flagellating themselves & begging the Jude for mercy & forgiveness for an event that never happened.
They claim to be the smartest on the planet, but in reality, they’re not, because an intelligent person would learn from past mistakes & change their rancid behavior, but not Juden, since they think their G-d has made them better than everyone else, & given them the right to rule over all Gentiles.
109 times & counting….
I was one of the Jews in Auschwitz – or was it Treblinka? – who put G-d on trial for His countless crimes against the Jews. And while I did in the end vote “guilty!” I did not vote to execute Him. That is a lie!
I wish I could find the website, but jews have been kicked out well over 1,000 times.
Yes, we got that one removed too. Mazel tov!
Deo gratias, dear CFT-crew, for this excellent article.
Greetings from Germany, which – but this time together with most nations of the world – is again perverted by the Jews (and their countless non-Jewish helpers) into Weimar-Sodom-and-Gomorrah.
But indeed, as the CFT-crew correctly writes again and again, we Europeans and the other European-based nations world-wide, are guilty for our treason against Our Lord Jesus Christ. We don’t want Him to rule as Christ the King. So his opponent, the Prince of the World (=Satan), rules the world.
It’s our fault, really. 🙁
We must come back to the very root of our culture: to Jesus Christ our King.
Gott mit uns!
(=God with us, written on the belt-buckle of all of Adolf H’s Wehrmacht soldiers.)
Gidday from New Zealand, Waffenbruder! You are entirely correct. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Here is an example from NZ as to how our Christian nations are falling… a couple of years ago the Speaker of the House in NZ parliament removed Jesus Christ from the daily opening prayer. What good can come from these antichrists holding sway? None!
Thank you for your kind words, dear Mr Christ-is-King!
God bless you.
Good-day to you in New Zealand.
Why do I have the suspicion that the owners of this coffee shop are Jews? It’s in an old synagogue, and they kept many of the interior decorations out of respect for Jews…..oh, the ironies….
We will never forget Bermax Coffee.
Is it an annudah Shoah???