The forthcoming TV adaptation of “Moon Knight,” a Marvel comic series about a rabbi’s son who leaves religion for a life of vigilante justice, could star Oscar Issac, a confused actor who denies he’s Jewish even though he admits he has Jewish ancestry:
Oscar Isaac is in talks to play Marc Spector in “Moon Knight,” set for release on Disney+ next year, Deadline reported Monday. Spector is the central character in the Moon Knight series, which launched in 1975 and chronicles Spector’s rejection of his father’s Judaism, his life of violence and his second life of vigilantism, which includes tracking down and punishing antisemites.
Writing last year in Forbes, Josh Weiss argued for the adaptation to embrace Spector’s Jewishness, in part because of its resonance at a time of rising antisemitism and discrimination. He wrote:
“Moon Knight is truly Marvel’s mensch, a comic book hero that has experienced religious persecution firsthand and now refuses to let it go by unpunished. It’s a relatable character motivation that is able to echo discrimination in the modern day, not just for Jews, but for people of all creeds and walks of life. Marc Spector gives a voice to the voiceless, a physical embodiment of “never again.”
Murphy’s Multiverse, an independent website tracking entertainment news, suggested earlier Monday that Disney was looking for a Jewish actor to play Spector and floated Daveed Diggs and Nick Kroll as two who could fit the bill.
Isaac is not Jewish, though he has said that he was given the middle name Isaac because of Jewish roots on his father’s side. He has also said that after dropping his original last name, Hernandez, because he believed it was stopping him from landing roles, he lost out on one gig because a director believed he was Jewish.
Isaac’s previous roles have included at least one with a strong Jewish identity: Mossad agent Peter Malkin in 2018’s “Operation Finale,” which dramatizes the Israeli operation that captured Nazi fugitive Adolf Eichmann in Argentina.
Not surprisingly, kitschy comic book superheroes were originally Jewish — the first and most famous — the brainchild of two Jews — Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster — was, of course, Superman whose shtick was protecting weaklings (read immigrant Jews) against bullies (read evil Nazis).
But like all Jews who wished to “integrate” into White America, they erased any explicit Jewishness from the superheroes — and thereby universalizing the superhero metaphor — because that’s what Jews do — universalize their suffering and their ersatz religion.
Fast forward 80 years, and we now find Jews deeply entrenched in power in America — they have literally become “The Establishment” and the bullies — yet they apparently still need superheroes to defend them against Nazis, White supremacists, and your garden-variety ‘antisemites’.
But this time around, they don’t need to hide their Jewish identity — and pass themselves off as White — like they once did back in the days when they were social climbing.
Now their superhero can be overtly Jewish — he can finally come out of the closet and reveal his true self to the world — like the much-anticipated Anti-Christ by evangelical “Christians”.
And, of course, this Jewish superhero will be played by a Mestizo — a Cuban-Guatemalan crypto-Jew who changed his Latino last name because, like all aspiring actors, he didn’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to realize Hollywood was run by Jews not Latinos — despite his disingenuous claim that he once lost a role because the director allegedly “believed he was Jewish.”
But then again, according to Jewish actress Emily Rossum, Hollywood is actually controlled by “White supremacists” — which will, no doubt, keep the Moon Knight’s dance card full.
New York Jews take Andrew Cuomo To Court because he compared them to the KKK
We can only hope this will inspire the jewish youth to take a leaping bound off of a high rise to fly to the nearest place of hero necessity.
Up, up, and oy vey!
Well, this will be another garbage show from Shittywood. I predict it will be cancelled before the first season is even over. The only ones that will watch it are zionists and some sheep.
BTW there is no such thing as jewish ancestry. DNA has proven there is no race of jews. 90% come from Eastern Europe. The rest are from the Mediterranean area. I get a real kick out of people who say they are jewish but you go to their house and you don’t see any jewish religious symbols anywhere in the house – they don’t go to a synagogue but they claim to be Jewish.
I know of such a person and you can’t convince him he’s not jewish. He’s not very bright which is why I don’t talk to him anymore.
Oh p**s off. The evil inside of Jews is definitely genetic.
No, I didn't chose you people
Pure garbage!
End the Joo-ish Food Tax.
Seth Friedman
Hitler and the Nazis were funded and propped up by wall street. Read Trading With The Enemy by Charles Higham.
The official story of everything is always a lie.
Seth, you must be joking. Charles Hingham was a notorious “feared and bitchy” homosexual and Hollywood gossip hound whose literary specialty was salacious, unauthorized biographies of celebrities. He wrote a book claiming that Errol Flynn was a Nazi spy. Seriously. And you want us to trust him as an expert on “Nazi” financing?
A much more reliable and accurate book on this subject is James and Suzanne Pool’s “Who Financed Hitler: The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power, 1919-1933”. And guess what? The vast majority of Hitler’s funding came from Germans. Did Wall Street do business with Hitler early on? Sure, everyone did, but that doesn’t mean they secretly promoted him.
Zero BeeEss
Modern day jews ignore the bitter fact that Kuhn-Loeb of Wall Street bankrolled Lenin and the Bolsheviks with $20 million in gold.
THAT is proven, not conjecture or fantasy.
Jews also suppress the FACT that the debt free Third Reich currency was, by 1937-39, the strongest currency in the world…and a major embarrassment to the money jews in London and on Wall Street, with their engineered Boom-Bust economic manipulation.
International Jewry declared World War on Germany in 1933, and jews were the only ones that “won” W W 2…with approx. the same European population after the war, as before.
So much for the Six Million jive and lies, and Holohoax, Inc.
T joes
You are a wise man. Pogroms have happened in history when the Jewish debt money system has shifted the wealth of the host to the banker, as it always does over time. The math curve of compounding interest match(ed) the quantity of money indicator M3, so they got rid of M3, before it scared the poop out of mummy’s and daddy’s.
Make the cure of $1 borrowed in 1913 with 6% interest yearly capitalized in. Do it for 110 years to 2023 to see the exponential growth THAT IS UNSTOPPABLE, just to maintain the status quo. Read a book Truth in Money published in ’82 to understand.
Allen Renche
“In prewar central Europe, the largest Jewish community was in Germany, with about 525,000”. This was followed by Hungary with 445,000 (5.1%), Czechoslovakia with 357,000 (2.4%), and Austria with 191,000 (Source: Holocaust Encyclopedia)
My first thought is — So What???!!!
Wall Street would have been smart to invest in Hitler’s Germany. And stop calling them “nazi”.
The Jew calls them Nazi. Are you a Jew??? Your name implies such.
Grow up and educate yourself before making comments without any thought and purpose. Your juvenile comment implies you actually believe in the Jew’s version of ww2.
Here is a hint — the great men and women of Germany circa 1939 were the Good Guys!
If you are a sincere person —
Ned Flanders
Wrong, Hitler was not financed by “Wallstreet”
“a confused actor who denies he’s Jewish even though he admits he has Jewish ancestry:” Peole really need to grasp that just because you have some Jewish ancestor does NOT make you a Jew.
Just because your brother is a member of Hell’s Angels does nit make YOU a Hell’s Angel.
For 3,500 years antiGENTILISM has been the glue binding Judaism
For 2,000 years antiCHRISTianity has been the Super Glue of Jewish HATE.
Jews have-to-have “antisemitism” to maintain their identity and cohesiveness.
The Jew cries out in pain as it strikes.
We all recognize the phenomenon of suicide-by-cop. Expand “suicide” to “racial suicide,” “auto-genocide,” “sui-genocide,” etc, and switch out “goy” for “cop.” The Jews are demanding to be genocided in racial self defense the same way a criminal forces a cop to defend himself. It’s hard to explain Jewish behavior in any other way.
The preoccupation with this exaggerated anti-Semite fear reveals an obsession in spirit , which is evidently not satisfied . This conceals the repressed desire to destroy a maligned enemy for a violation or wrong that they cannot suffer and supercedes the people subjected to their propaganda with the one hero or victim — themselves.
They own every voice of media, can order laws from their supine congress or nullify the host nation’s law with their Supreme Court. The President of the most powerful state is their humblest servant. Of what are they afraid? that they invent guardian angels to protect them and humiliate their enemy again and again and again. There is always a new generation to be educated by the egotistic, maniacal, frustrated destroyer. .
These people have serious, serious issues, self-serving arrogant and dictatorial but nobody dares to tell that…..
Jewry already has had very many of their “Super-heroes” inside America. This below is only one:
‘I got to be my country’s James Bond’: Hollywood producer tells how he spied for Israel and had access to bank accounts to pay for guns and helicopters”
•Movie tycoon Arnon Milchan, who owns New Regency Films and produced Fight club and Pretty Woman, opened up in a TV interview about his clandestine deals to acquire weapons for Israel in the 70s
•He says he worked to promote the country’s alleged nuclear program
•Claims he convinced other Hollywood bigwigs, including the late director Sydney Pollack, to get involved
•Robert De Niro says he knew what Milchan was doing at the time
•’I did it for my country and I’m proud of it,’ says the movie producer
•Milchan’s next film is Noah, a Darren Aronofsky-directed take on the Bible, starring Russell Crowe, Emma Watson and Anthony Hopkins”
“Who Controls America?
Who Controls Hollywood?”
Patrick White
This could become a franchise. Holohoax Girl! Reparations Man! Supremacy Woman!
Patrick, Lest we forget… The Saga of the Heroic Porn Peddlers, aka,:
“The main capitalists in the pornography industry”!/2010/11/main-capitalists-in-pornography_30.html
We could have an entire movie series on “jew serial killers”
America is just like pre WWII Germany and Russia. We need another Hitler.
The first Hitler didn’t work out so well, and you want to try it again? What’s the definition of insanity? Trying the same thing over and over expecting different results?
And I agree. Obviously God did not have Hitler’s back. So…..something wrong happened there. Simply — “not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit”
We will never win without God’s Spirit.
Sadly, there are many White people who still see Hitler as some kind of superhero. To quote Gordon Lightfoot, “Heroes often fail.”
hitler & the NSDAP were massively outnumbered by the zionist occupied governments of the u.s.s.r., england, and the U.S.A. and they still almost won.
Ok……………..Are you trying to make a larger point?
Ann T. Zemitik
I’m shocked! When (((Bob Eiger))) was handed the reins of the Disney brand by Walt’s traitorous family, I never suspected he’d do something like THIS. Oh, wait. It’s EXACTLY what’s to be expected from the anti-Caucasian filth.
Rabbi Glickman
Well, yes… but these things must be done delicately. Very delicately. Lest the Gentiles wake up to the game and commence Holocaust II – Revenge of the Goyim!
Adrien Arcand
There’s not even one holocaust to begin with.
You must be confused.
No, not confused, the “rabbi” is being ironic.
Great Commentary…..
If only this was an Intelligence contest!
Sy Bergsteinowitz
We need a superhero who tracks down and dispenses justice to those Mohel Rabbi pedophiles who get paid shekels to first mutilate a baby boy’s penis, then use their lips to suck off the blood.
Anyone else try that and they’d be arrested for orally sodomizing a baby boy, but since its from Judaism, well anything is legal…even sodomizing a baby boy.
Frank Christian Castle
Now you know why Stan Lee was held up inside his own home and Marvel comics went PC. The first Marvel comic book movie was The Punisher starring Dolph Lundgren. It was low budget, but true to the character regarding who was fighting against. This movie could never be made now. Not with the “stereotypes”, especially the jewish ones.
That makes sense because Disney bought Marvel after they made Stan a T.I. and kept him indoors after that movie. Since then, Disney puts out commie crap.
Vox Day
Word on the street is that Trump is financing it. Thanks, Stephen Miller.