A new documentary film — “Til Kingdom Come” — explores the troubling dependence Israel has developed on billions in funding from zealous evangelical Christians in America who believe they are financing their own “Rapture“.
(The Yeshiva World) Jewish immigration to Israel was once a strictly Jewish-funded mission, but in order to hasten the second coming of “Jesus”, evangelical Zionist Christians are now funding at least one third of all Jews making “aliyah” to Israel, according to a tally by The Associated Press in 2018:
The figures reflect the ever tightening relationship between Israel and its evangelical Christian allies, whom Israel has come to count on for everything from political support to tourism dollars.
“After 2000 years of oppression and persecution, today you have Christians who are helping Jews,” said Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, a group that raises money from evangelical Christians for Jewish causes. “This is an amazing thing.”
…Israeli charities raise millions of dollars from Christians around the world, and evangelical Christians make up 13 percent of all tourists to Israel. A parliamentary caucus works with evangelical legislators around the world to foster support for Israel.
Israelis can also thank white evangelicals for helping to put President Donald Trump, an ardent supporter of Israel’s nationalist government, in the White House.
“Israel has no better friends, I mean that, no better friends in the world than the Christian communities around the world,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a Christian media summit in Jerusalem last year.
European and American Jewish philanthropists championed immigration to Israel, known as “Aliyah,” or ascending, even before the creation of the state in 1948, by working to settle Jews in what was then Ottoman and British Palestine. In the decades after independence, the government partnered with Jewish groups to organize dramatic airlifts of Jews from troubled countries.
Christian support for the Aliyah largely began with the collapse of the Soviet Union and has grown in recent years as American Jews have redirected charitable donations to niche causes. That has forced nonprofits to expand their pool of benefactors.
“We don’t see any reason why not to rely on help, including donations, from all our friends around the world, be they Jewish, Christian or others,” said Yigal Palmor, a spokesman for the Jewish Agency, a nonprofit that spearheads Jewish immigration to Israel.
The Israeli Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption, however, said it has no ties to Christian groups.
Of the more than 28,000 Jews who immigrated to Israel in 2017, at least 8,500 arrived thanks to Christian donations, according to official figures and numbers provided by the Fellowship and Jerusalem’s International Christian Embassy, another prominent group that raises money from evangelicals. The Jewish Agency receives additional undisclosed funds from other Christian donors, meaning that share could be even higher.
Not everyone is pleased. Some in Israel are suspicious that the evangelical embrace stems from a belief that the modern Jewish state is a precursor to the so-called apocalypse — when “J” will return and Jews will either accept Christianity or die.
The Liberal American Jewish community bristle at the evangelicals’ ties to the political right and their support for Israel’s settlement enterprise in the West Bank, a major sticking point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street, a liberal Israel advocacy group in Washington, said the Jewish community should be “wary of taking help from those who are playing with our lives to further their own religious and ideological purposes.”
Evangelical Christianity is one of the fastest growing religious movements, making up more than a third of the world’s estimated 2 billion Christians. Evangelicals say their affinity for Israel stems from Christianity’s Jewish roots. Some view Israel’s establishment as fulfilling biblical prophecy, ushering in an anticipated Messianic age, though the Jewish and Christian views differ on that.
“It’s a connection. It’s a DNA that goes back to Sunday school, to their very being. It’s a love affair, it’s a romance with a nation that is connected to heaven and earth,” said (((Mike Evans))), an evangelical Christian who sits on Trump’s evangelical faith advisory board.
In recent years, suspicions have diminished in Israel, thanks in part to the steady flow of donations as well as evangelical representatives playing down talk of the end of days. They say it is not a central tenet for most of the world’s evangelicals or what makes them love Israel.
Johnnie Moore, the faith board’s spokesman, said the skepticism over evangelical support was “ignorant” and “offensive.”
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews says it gave $188 million to the Jewish Agency over the course of a two decade-long partnership, with Eckstein even sitting on the agency’s executive board. But after disagreements over how to publicize the Fellowship’s support, the two had a falling out and the Fellowship struck out on its own in 2014.
Its own Aliyah project has since ferried thousands of Jews to Israel from 27 countries, providing them with financial assistance beyond that extended by the state, as well as vocational training and assistance with local bureaucracy. The Fellowship said it has spent nearly $20 million on Aliyah since 2014. Eckstein said the organization believed Jewish-funded groups were not doing enough, particularly following the conflict in Crimea.
Some 200 Jews from Ukraine arrived at Israel’s Ben Gurion International airport recently wearing Fellowship t-shirts. They were greeted by a gaggle of boisterous Israeli student volunteers, waving flags and chanting Hebrew folk songs.
One of the new arrivals, Serghey Lanovyy, said it made no difference to him that his Aliyah was funded by Christians.
“Religion is religion. You can believe whatever you want but if people need help, they need help,” he said.
A Zionist Jew named Samuel Untermyer financed the writing of the Scofield Bible — published by the “prestigious” Oxford University Press — which has become the standard Bible in America used to justify dispensational Christian support for the ersatz nation of modern-day Israel.
Yes, this is the same Samuel Untermyer who helped write the Federal Reserve Act legislation that enabled the Zionist Rothschild banking cartel to take control of the United States — and fund two world wars against their existential enemy — Germany.
The late Rabbi Eckstein mentioned in this article fleeced evangelical Christians out of at least a billion dollars — and his daughter is now continuing the Rapture shakedown.
Israel has always been a welfare state, heavily dependent on billions in foreign aid from the U.S. each year, along with billions in “Holocaust” reparations from Germany and other European nations — and billions from Jewish “charities” and organized crime in the diaspora — along with evangelical Christian “rapture dollars”.
But that’s just the beginning of the deception — the Scofield Bible has also been instrumental in convincing Christians that modern-day ‘Jews” were true Israelites while White Europeans were descendants Japheth’s son Gomer (Genesis 10:2) rather than the Israelite Gomer of Hosea’s prophecy — the Gomri or Gimmeri, or Cimmerians, Khumry, or Scythian-Celts — the ten northern tribes of the Assyrian captivity.
It’s hard to over-estimate the impact of this deception — fake Khazar Jewish converts posing as real Israelites have convinced real Israelite Christians worldwide to fund their conquest and ethnic cleansing of Palestine in order to “rebuild” the “Third Temple” in Jerusalem as the seat of a worldwide Bolshevik government to enslave the entire planet — and destroy the remnant of true Israel in the process.
And each evangelical Christian sincerely believes they are doing “God’s work” in ushering in the reign of this antichrist crime syndicate — and the Zionist Jews are more than happy to allow them to finance that delusion.
A Jewish Rabbi and his wife have been running ads on television for years to send money to help poor starving Jews in Russia. It was when I realized that they sometimes used a woman actress to encourage Christians to send money that I realized that it seemed to be a never ending need to collect money to support starving Jews in Russia. For all of the homeless American people in this country, our politicians in the Democratic Party want to bring foreigners into this country. They are encouraged to come here, purposely to eventually reduce the population of White’s in this and other White Christian countries and eventually put them under the control of minorities and make them examples of Rhodesia and South Africa. Harvard is where the O Bama’s sent their daughters to college and where it is now said to be dominated by minorities. The Democrat ‘s like Alexandria Cortez and Bernie Sanders want free college education , because statistics show that Black’s and other minorities will flood the colleges and universities. Is it any wonder that so many Black’s and foreigners hold degrees and hold positions of influence in sports, news media , Government, Police, Military Military., medical and many other areas.? A good way also to not have to work a 40 hour job for 4 years. Jan Lamprecht of History Revisited says that every Secretary of State of South Africa has been a Jew. How many Presidents did Henry Kissinger serve under? Several. A video shows Jews being interviewed in which one claims that the reason, the Jews are encouraging minorities into White Christian countries is in REVENGE for all of the wrongs the Jews feel that they have suffered under the Christian world. This should be proof enough of the evil and revenge that burns in the hearts and minds and intentions of Jews. Could one really trust to turn your back on a Jew if alone and they could get even revenge that burns in their hearts because a person is a Christian or just because he is a White.? Sometimes, it seems that thinking of these things makes one feel, that it is like a dream. One wakes up feeling how real the dream was but can’t believe it sees or seemed so real.
Jesus only. I am a follower in and believer in and of Jesus only. Non-dem. OT is old news. Only proves Jesus was their messiag and they blew it and all bets and blessings are off.
ALL organized religons are infiltrated and run by beholden secret-society members now. Hands down. Promise. If one isn’t, they eventually will be because….money.
NEVER donate to a “business charity” as the money goes to the owners and rarely, if even at all sometimes, gets to the people the owners claim need it.
Use cash. God bless.
What is it’s opposite side? Indicates from the all messiah fans compacting in israel that all them will fall at a glance. Because before physical rising of messiah untill zionist empire will fall first and warriors of messiah will die or defeat. So it tacitly says another unacquainted story that they’re compacting for fall down at a time which inspired in the Islamic religious book hadith.
https://www.eutimes.net /2021/03/. netanyahu-concerned-israel-could-be-overrun-with-blacks-and-fake-jews-from-africa/
For years, the “eutimes” has been stealing our articles like this one, putting their name on them, and republishing them without giving us any obvious credit. They are thieves and dishonest, and we do not allow any links to “their” articles. They are a spam site. Boycott them.
Which led me to ask the question who is behind the EU times and take a look at the about section:
“European Union Times is an international newspaper based in Europe with operational branches in the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Russia, the United States of America and Canada. Our online edition of The European Union Times (also known as The EU Times) is constantly updated to bring you the top news stories from around the world. It is produced by a dedicated staff from the European Union and by contributors from all around the world. EUTimes.net/International features the latest multimedia technologies, from live video streaming to audio packages to searchable archives of news features and background information. The site is updated continuously throughout the day.”
To make things clear, we DO endorse communism in its original Soviet Union form, we disavow Antifa as not real communists but as a bunch of Satanist schizophrenics who should all be sent to the Siberian gulags. We also support nationalism! We are both socialists and nationalists. Had the Axis and the USSR got along back in the 40s like they should have, the world would have been a totally different place now (for the good).
I will not be surprised to find out if they are Djuhoe’s….like the ones who celebrated from New York City when the communist took power in Russia. Nationalist are in not international, which tells you straight up that they are master deceivers. Only members of the predator tribe can make those bold claims to be operating in different countries….
Communists who support “nationalism” are actually Stalinists. That was the schism in the Soviet Union, between the “nationalism” of Stalin and the internationalism of Trotsky. That’s why Trotsky was assassinated.
The idea that communist nationalists could peacefully co-exist with German National Socialists is ridiculous. Stalin himself eventually was assassinated by the (((internationalists))), who are the de facto leaders of the so-called NWO.
@CFT, Thank you, the (((internationalists))) aka Jewish supremacist fascist imperialist think they have duped all the people of the world to drink their cool-aid, but they are now finding out that they’re not really smart after all, because they are outed as the dictatorial void of conscience power hungry, predators that they are by their own actions, self-serving arrogance and insatiable maw. Those who were persecuted, vilified and called anti-semite for opposing their death and destruction ideology are being vindicated….each and everyone of them was right.
Alex Jones, pretentious patriot, is also accused by other websites of stealing their news and putting it out as his own and not giving them credit.
Brainwashed whites ! It never ends.
“The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
“1. As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise, but let the law of Moses be kept in your hearts.
“2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your goods make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs. [the law was that on becoming converted Jews gave up their possessions];
“3. As for what you say about their making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.
“4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
“5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
“6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you because will find by experience that, humiliated as you are you will reach the actuality of power.
Signed V.S.S.V.F.F., Prince of the Jews, 21st Caslue (November), 1489.
LOL! I have never met a poor jewish person in my life. Never. The ones that were not as well to do as the others were still set for life and knew people that were so rich they could get a job or loan and be fine. Not fair. Just because they were born a jew. Like royalty, instantly set for life. Not fair. They try to make you think there is all this royalty problems and crisis and affairs. No. They are so rich they live deliberately and do what they want all of the time. Not fair. They never worry about being homeless or starving. They have protection. They have MANY houses and cars and basically live life as if on vacation while we are supposed to bow and salute them all because of lucky sperm. Not impressed.
Jews do not need money. OMG! This is hilarious. They print the money. They print “our” money. Well, actually we do all the work, they just allow us to print “our” money after they dictate how much money we can print and how much interest is on it and when we have to pay them back. America is a struggling small business owner right now about to be taken over by
jewish corporate raiders, any of which, have more money than any of these charities claim to need. Then don’t. Most of the donations go to the owners and staff anyway. It’a a tax write off for them.
Let’s see George Lucas, Spielberg, Katzner,
Geffen, Lorenzo, Ichan, take your pick. Any of these guys could donate and help. They are all rich jews. Why didn’t they move to israel after it magically appeared in the desert, paid for by the blood of millions of Christians. I bet these guys could help your charity.
off topic…
Tanzania Leader John Magufuli Has Died – Did NOT Bow to the NWO COVID Scam-Demic!
’God will help us,’ Tanzania president ‘rejects’ virus lockdown (May, 2020) —> https://www.africanews.com/202….0/05/20/god-will-hel
It’s time for Africa to rein in Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer president (story from Feb 8, 2021 – supported by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) —> https://www.theguardian.com/gl….obal-development/202
OMG, the first thing that crossed my mind was they probably killed him, that I read that he died of a heart attack but this article now confirms my suspicion. America needs to reign in the international fascists that the predatory and corrupt monetary system unleashed on humanity. Germany took a stand against these predators and America declared war against Germany. With massive propaganda they convinced people that Germany was such a danger and had to perish….Prussia had to go and America became the Kingdom of snake, that’s why they had a fit when Donald Trump recited the Snake Poem….America waged war against Germany, subjugated Europe and embraced the SNAKE, https://youtu.be/qSrOXvoNLwg
Tanzania. My word. With reports of the death of The President, the Vice President will assume the Role under Tanzanian law. Guess what, just by coincidence, the Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan is a member of World Economic Forum.
The fix is in, you want to destroy a nation go through its women….the chicken will come home to roast….thanks for sharing. International Marxist imperialism is not a conspiracy theory…Klaus Schwab is a Marxist and pushing the public private partnership of violence and oppression with impunity, that only benefits the predatory international oligarchy
Absolutely, the Waaahhmens have a lot to answer for but their white knights
with their rose colored glasses must ‘protect’ them from their own accountability,
it’s almost hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic. Lots going on with Schwaby boy as you
suggest, give these a whirl. Peace.
Well, thank you…..”There would be no need for the German Brownshirts in Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s if the KPD, the German communist party used only legal means to try to obtain power, but they did not, they employed terrorist groups to attempt to seize power in Germany.”
When I posted on Facebook that Hitler was a response to the Bolshevik communist tyranny in Germany, I was censored. While the truth is out there. Woodrow Wilson on behalf of the Bolshevik communist wall street waged WWI against Germany and wreaked havoc on their economy. When Germans resisted the tyranny FDR went at it again on behalf of the Bolshevik communist wall street and the propaganda machine called in liberation, while in fact it was Bolshevik communist subjugation of the continent and putting Jewish supremacist at the center of the universe.
Klaus Schwab published his thesis and started a not-for-profit corporation in the 1970’s to further the post-WWII private-public Bolshevik communist NWO agenda laid out by Henry Kissinger. He can finally celebrate because after 50 years his brand of international communist imperialism is becoming mainstream. Marxist are in essence Zionist supremacist, and you don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist supremacist.
Here’s another tidbit for you, Lisette, another “cohen-cidence”. Recall that Woodrow Wilson had been having an illicit extra marital affair with a woman in Princeton, New Jersey, and the very same Samuel Untermyer approached Wilson and let him know that he was representing this woman who now wanted $40,000 for breach of promise, and showed Wilson a packet of love letters he had written her.
Wilson, of course, didn’t have the money, so Untermyer offered to pay her off out of his own pocket on condition that Wilson agreed to appoint Untermyer’s Zionist buddy, Louis Brandeis to the U.S. Supreme Court. But that wasn’t the only favor Untermyer demanded. He also wanted Wilson to sign off on the Federal Reserve Act, which Untermyer just so happened to have helped write on behalf of his Jewish banker friends.
Thank you, I knew about the story but not all the players. Connecting the dots is very important. I read about Louis Brandeis and his judicial activism and now I know how he became a SC justice. Louis Brandeis was supposedly against corporate abuse during his days because the majority of wealth was still in the hands of the Anglo’s, while making it easier for the members of his tribe to enslaving every man, women and child, and transfering wealth and power to themselves with impunity.
Untermeyer has a park named after him in Yonkers, where I endured the violence of fraud and corruption of New York, and it was not a coincidence. I had to live it to get a clear understanding how the predators operate. I love Frederic Bastiat, who addressed this legal plunder and perversion of the law. The White men who wrote the Constitution warned about tyranny….and Woodrow Wilson did exactly what the Constitution was put in place to prevent. We better start speaking up and out, boldly
This whole scam is the only thing that allows the jew to continue their parasitical existence in the West; were it not for the fake ‘chosen ones/Israelite’ fable, then they would be thrown out of every decent country in the world. Again.
This is why, when offered, numerous different times over dozens of years, a ‘homeland’ of their own in several different places, they refused; they HAD to hold out for Palestine to reinforce/continue the ruse. The jew has never invented nor contributed a single worthwhile thing – they are a parasitic race. If the dumb goy would simply read their Bibles and think just a little bit, the gig would be over. But few do, and with the 24/7 propaganda fed to the masses – including, regrettably, the church going Whites – it makes it hard to see any Truth and to look beyond. I reckon one must have “His Word written on their heart” and a “love for the truth/eyes to see and ears to hear” to take the time.
As for these charlatans soliciting contributions, heres a tip… If you get their propaganda in the mail, if it has a postage paid return envelope, be sure and return it. I usually add a little message ranging from a couple of Scriptures pointing out who (((they))) are, or a note something akin to ‘what fellowship doth light [Christians] have with [jewish] darkness?’ or even a longer tome enumerating their evil and advocating exodus from all White countries since all us evil antisemites are so bad… My fave tho is the ones claiming to aid all the poor ol starving jews in the mideast…I just suggest they take some of that 38 BILLION dollars – and note that such is above board and we know the under the table is much more – that the taxpayer has already been robbed and feed em themselves. Either/any way, it costs them money… 🙂
European and American Jewish philanthropists championed immigration to Israel, known as “Aliyah,”….American Jews make “Aliyah” to Israel and end up in Europe pushing the anti-White people multicultural agenda with the help of governments. Others come straight to Europe with the same agenda, and tell Europeans how racist White American’s are too Black people….yep, Jews will educate us what we can learn from Germany after Jews used America to foment global hatred against Germany. Israel needs to Nuke Europe for what it did to the Jews….Jews have their own country but they can’t stop living among those very same people who were so bad to the Jews. The biggest fraud perpetrated against humanity is the Jews are perpetual victim of a holohoax and antisemitism….
We find what the stooges for Israel want Americans to do:
“Washington Examiner: Irish Americans Must Sacrifice Themselves In A War With China”
“”Former” CIA officer Kevin Carroll, who last month wrote a column for the Washington Examiner calling the Capitol protesters “terrorists” like Al Qaeda who must be “ruthlessly hunted down,” has a new piece out calling for Irish Americans to sacrifice themselves in a war with China.”
‘OPINION: Irish Americans are at their best when serving others.’
Former CIA officer says enough, the cocaine importing assassination wing of the Bolshevik communist who control America. I saw a video of a CIA agent bragging about how they control America and that they would despose of Donald Trump when the time was right, but I forgot the title so I am having a hard-time finding it. This CIA is staging coups around the world and they also targeted Desi Delano Bouterse in Suriname for assassination under Ronald Reagan who is praised for ending the socalled Cold-War. The parasitical cowards use White guys to go and die in their imperialist wars. They propped up communist China to destroy America and now this warmongering psycho wants Irish American’s to sacrifice themselves for the predatory international Bolshevik communist cabal. He needs to be charged with advocating genocide….
Here we have the author, he’s a lawyer and partner of a Washington D.C law firm, obvious swamp creature…. https://www.wiggin.com/person/kevin-t-carroll/
Never donate. Never. Check the small print and you will find that usually 90 percent or more goes to staff ond owners and it’s also a tax write off for those rich owners.
Never donate after a national disaster. Biggest scam ever. a declaration of emergency means the govt prints money for the vicitims who rarely see it anyway as most goes to red cross and other orgs, npo’s, ngo’s basically govt groups that pretend not to be but really are that get LOTS of money from the declaration.
Never donate. Money is completely controlled by those who run THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC and they can print all they want, take what they want, then loan the rest out at out interst. It’s not about money, even some “natural” disasters.
Look up Norman Dodd’s interview on charities and tax exempt corporations.