President Eisenhower’s appointment of Solicitor General Simon E. Sobeloff as Judge of the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals was finally confirmed by the Senate last night after eight hours of debate, with a vote of 64 to 19, overriding Southern opposition:
The issue beneath the Southern opposition appeared to be Mr. Sobeloff’s presentation before the Supreme Court of the Administration’s plan for carrying out the court’s school desegregation decision. The response of his supporters was that he argued before the court eleven months after the decision and wasn’t even Solicitor General when the court made its original ruling in 1954.
On the roll call 35 Republicans and 29 Democrats voted for confirmation and 15 Democrats and 4 Republicans against. President Eisenhower first submitted the Sobeloff nomination July 14, 1955, but it was still bottled up in committee when Congress adjourned the following month. The President renominated Sobeloff January 12 and the Senate Judiciary Committee finally approved on June 29. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals covers Virginia, North and South Carolina, Maryland and West Virginia. Mr. Sobeloff, a Baltimore resident, is a former Chief Judge of Maryland State Court of Appeals.
Long active in Jewish affairs, Mr. Sobeloff is a former national vice president of the American Jewish Congress. He also served as president of B’nai B’rith in Baltimore, as well as president of the Board of Jewish Education there. He has been a member of the board of directors of the Associated Jewish Charities in his home city since 1925.
Senator Everett Dirksen, Illinois Republican, hailed Mr. Sobeloff’s confirmation and predicted he would “grace the bench with distinction and will be one of the greatest judicial minds of our time.”
The fact that Sobeloff was a member of B’nai B’rith — a powerful international Jewish secret society — should have been prima facie evidence that he was unfit to sit on the court — but that’s exactly why he was chosen.
B’nai B’rith is the Jewish supremacist organization that oversees the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish supremacist and domestic spying organization, whose goal is to destroy the hegemony of White Christian America and replace it with non-White immigrants and other assorted flotsam and jetsam to be ruled over by a Jewish elite.
And Brown v. The Board of Education was the first major Jewish salvo in their overt war against post-war White America — forcing racial desegregation upon America at the end of the barrel of a gun.
Of course, desegregation has been an unmitigated disaster for both Whites and Blacks — Black neighborhoods and communities went from relatively stable and self-sustaining to crime- and drug-ridden urban blight and welfare dependency within one generation.
Desegregation and “civil rights” implanted the Jewish narcotic of impossible “equality” in the minds of Blacks — and with it came resentment, anger, and the paranoia that their failure to live up to White standards was all the fault of “racist” Whites who “want to keep the Black man down.”
Like Jews live under the specter of another “Holocaust” lurking around every corner — they’ve convinced Blacks that if racist Whites had their druthers, they’d be lynching Blacks from every tree in America.
And the Jewish bolsheviks knew that Blacks could never compete with Whites in the same society on a level playing field — a meritocracy — so they instituted insulting and condescending mandatory affirmative action admissions and racial hiring quotas to artificially raise Blacks into the middle class.
By doing so they created an artificial Black middle class in America that today is largely dependent of government employment — at the Federal, State, and local levels — with a virtually non-existent Black entrepreneur class.
To cover up this glaring problem, Black millionaire athletes are now farcically calling themselves “entrepreneurs” — so-called “independent contractors” who sell their unique “brand” of “athletic services” to largely Jewish-owned sports franchises.
Probably 99% of the Black millionaires in America were created by the Jewish “sports-entertainment industrial complex” — another form of welfare that ensures that the wealthiest Blacks stay under the Jewish thumb.
And while White and Blacks fight it out in the streets — and our cities burn — the Jews rub their hands in their gated communities and blame this mayhem on “White supremacists” — the greatest “lethal” threat to America today, according to the Jewish head of the Department of Homeland Security.
And perhaps that is true, if you understand that it is a threat to the ongoing judaization of America –which uses racial tension as a weapon of mass destruction.
John Torrell, a Pastor claims that Jewish blood is different . I have searched much to find information about it , but have no luck. I found a book or article about it , and sent it to him, one day, after I come across one of his articles or websites and found that he had put a copy of it already on the internet. So he must have known about it before I did. But I can’t find a source to prove or show that Jewish blood is different than others. The Jews spend a lot of time referring to blood and proof that they are Israel. Pastor Torrell also mentions that Eisenhower’s were Jews and a picture of a supposedly Jewish Eisenhower with a Black wife.
A website of a person, who spent much time searching names and backgrounds of persons involved in this global scheme to rule the world shows the vast array of various names throughout history and how they are all interrelated, just as Dick Chaney’s wife claimed to be surprised to discover that they were related to Barack OBama. Who would expect it.? Barack Obama’s mother associated with Black radicals. I can’t think right now of the woman’s name who wrote a book claiming that it was Catholic’s involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. I believe her name was Burke Mc Carthy.
I found that I have remembered things for years and once, i expressed it somewhere or somehow, I forgot the details as though it was a relief to tell someone and reveal it or express it and get it out of my system. Surgeon General Knoff said on a program, I heard somewhere, that when a women has sexual relations with a man, that his DNA stays in her system for 12 years. Is that why a women can marry a man , yet the physical , mental qualities be different? If she has many sexual relations with many men , does she retain the DNA of them all somewhere in her system if this may be true ?
How can young women go throughout High school for example and date the school sports stars and not get pregnant, yet out of High School , date someone and suddenly become pregnant? I believe it has to do with having a mutual orgasm. If both parties have a mutual orgasm, I believe , but don’t know nor can prove it, that it attracts a spirit or soul to the women and the egg and sperm unite drawing the soul into it. Some have written books about it. One person, I ‘ve read gives me an impression of souls are like corpuscle’s floating around in space , and when drawn to a mother becomes her potential child. In the early days of hypnotism when public shows were given demonstrating it, people hypnotized would tell tales of beings on Mars, Venus, the Moon and other planets and may be the reason that mankind now seeks life on other planets.
In the 1800’s when vaccinations were being touted by Jenner and others, the procedures were being denounced by medical doctors, but Rockefeller , a snake oil salesmen and his friends are supposed to have taken over medicine creating our medical association and made it a drug system in which every illness can be treated by vaccination or a drug. Inferon, in the Jewish Forward newspaper was said to be made from penis foreskins. Just one example of the filth allowed by us to be put into our blood streams and pollute it and degrade us morally, physically and especially spiritually. The Salk vaccine , I read whether true or not, because i mentioned it a doctor one time and he acted skeptical , is supposed to, as one symptom, affect heart valves. As a teacher, one day, all students were called into the gym and given paper cups with a colored fluid supposed to be the Salk vaccine to combat polio, I believe. I decided for some strange reason to take it. Today, I have a pacemaker because one of my heart valves flutters. Did the Salk vaccine cause it 40 years or so later? How did the vaccine companies so quickly come up with vaccines to combat the corona virus? Animals were usually the guina pigs for the research. Photos of monkeys with their skulls cut off and electrodes sticking out of their brains. Rabbits and other animals tortured with acids and other dangerous chemicals in the name of science, yet a favorite picture of the Jews to show, prove or claim German experiments on Jews is the famous survival experiment of the Military. One could go on forever.
Russ wants to know where Eisenhower is called the terrible Jew. In his yearbook, Eisenhower was called a “Kike”, so his classmates knew he was Jewish. Eisenhower was appointed Supreme Allied Commander over other better qualified men , just as the Black Colin Powell was appointed to his post over other more qualified men. When he was overseas , Eisenhower was asked to run for President on the Democratic ticket. Suddenly it was later announced that he would run as a Republican. This is how our politicians are made. Ronald Reagan was no Republican , but the Democratic President of the screen actors guild. When asked by California businessmen to run for governor, he was told that to win, he had to run as a Republican, which he did and used it later to run as Republican for President of the USA. So, we have politicians who like Eisenhower and Reagan who run as told when offered the opportunity. So their party loyalty is only to the party that wants them , or use them to win an election, not to the public. They are the figurehead of the party.
The Republicans pretend or news media does , that Reagan is the representation of Republicans or party morals or Conservatism when in reality , he is just the figure head used to get the party to power. The Young Republicans who went to Washington with the intention to clean out Washington, during the Reagan years was asked why they failed. One interviewed said that they were unable to get past the cliques, friendships, groups, committees, or rejection if the party did not want you. Reagan was used as a recruiting tool by the US Military in WW11. We take a chance every time we trust what a politician says to get elected. So many promote Eisenhower’s Industrial complex revealation as though he was a patriot. That’s one way these things are let out by the New World Order. It hasn’t changed anything knowing about it. but it does make the NWO better able to operate with it revealed. I suspect that the CIA , the old OSS is controlled by the Catholic Church because the , I can’t think of their names now were Catholics . It’s strange that South America, under the domination of the Catholic Church is where much of our drugs come from and is always in turmoil.
I don’t know the answers , only have thoughts come to me , wondering of certain things. Orin Potito used to show pictures in his literature of the Catholic Church and priests supporting the Germans. Why not! What religious faith would represent this country in war? Videos show Arabs in Europe causing destruction, setting areas off limits where even Police stay away, and declaring that the Arabs will breed the White’s out of existance. Once , an East or West German Olympic female athlete had oriental eyes and it reminded me of the tales of Stalin and his henchmen sending Oriental troops into Germany with the command to rape the German women. And under Communism, with their husbands, fathers, brothers, cousins, grandfathers, uncles dead or missing in action or bombings, and women have no way of meeting a decent mate of their own race are left or forced to take what they can get . That’s one thing American and other White women never think of when they think of how sorrowful they feel for foreigners of a different race.
Women are more prone to accept a male of another race than a male. A Black in a video on the internet interviews White girls on a beach about whether they will date a Black. And being in a group, they are frivilious, gay, snickering, laughing and bragging that If you go Black, you never go back and Black’s are large sexually and other remarks. What a world. The Catholic Church has taught that Lucifer wants the rulership of this world. Why? It is perishable . Things change, die, regrow, etc. etc. Even we, own nothing indefinitely and live a short life on this earth. Is Lucifer a real physical being or a spiritual being of eternal life. Some say that the Jew’s god is Lucifer and others say their god is gold.
What are we fighting? I believe that all of the sexual impurities, alcohol, sports, movies, negative influences are designed by the Jews to subvert our spirituality and morals and ability to detect their evil, psychically , spiritually or mentally. I remember how becoming aware of sex and religion ruined my spirituality.
Now help: where did I read Ike (Eisenhower)the terrible Jew printed in West point year book. And you thought the first Jewish President was….
Booth who assassinated Lincoln was Jew from South Africa.
Same name as Cherry Blair maiden name Booth. Strange the Jews, no?
Killing State Presient Verwoed in South Africa. Killer Jew Safendis a Greek Jew who worked in London for Ruppert. How did he become security in the SA Cape Parliament?
The arrest of Gavrilo Princip. ‘If there is one single historical figure who still provokes controversy, it is without doubt the Bosnian Serb who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914. A Jew for goodness sakes.
Doubt it not they murder the head of the lion.
Day Of The Rope
DIEversity, so good it has to be forced at gunpoint.
Here we have it, just like I thought… Jews and the perversion of law in America, “the Jewish Talmudic Noahide Laws were introduced into the American legal system via Public Law 102-14″……
Frederic Bastiat must be smiling right about now what he said in The Law, La Loi was no laughing matter. That’s how these Jewish supremacist play the game…..perverting the law and using it to make their crimes against humanity look perfectly legal.
See the comment below with information showing links about Dwight Eisenhower’s mother Ida Stover Eisenhower:
“CFR Members in the mass media, education, and entertainment push their propaganda of “humanism” and world brotherhood.”
“The CIA has been under CFR control almost continuously since its creation, starting with Allen Dulles, founding member of the CFR and brother of Secretary of State under President Eisenhower, John Foster Dulles. Allen Dulles had been at the Paris Peace Conference, joined the CFR in 1926, and later became its president.
In 1940 FDR defeated internationalist Wendell Willkie, who wrote a book entitled “One World,” and later became a CFR member….
Since that time nearly ALL presidential candidates have been CFR members. President Truman, who was not a member, was advised by a group of “wise men,” all six of whom were CFR members, according to Gary Allen. In 1952 and 1956, CFR Adlai Stevenson challenged CFR Eisenhower.
The American delegation to the San Francisco meeting that drafted the charter of the United Nations in 1949 included CFR members Nelson Rockefeller, John Foster Dulles, John McCloy, and CFR members who were communist agents — Harry Dexter White, Owen Lattimore, and the Secretary-General of the conference, Alger Hiss. In all, the Council sent forty-seven of its members in the United States delegation, effectively controlling the outcome.”
“The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Yale University for the alleged discrimination against White and Asian applicants. [1964 Civil Rights Act]
“The Justice Department found Yale discriminates based on race and national origin in its undergraduate admissions process, and that race is the determinative factor in hundreds of admissions decisions each year. For the great majority of applicants, Asian Americans and Whites have only one-eighth to one-fourth of the likelihood of admission as African American applicants with comparable academic credentials. Yale rejects scores of Asian American and White applicants each year based on their race, whom it otherwise would admit.”
“Emanuel Celler” (1888–1981) —- “He is also linked to three-hundred laws, notably the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, 1964 and 1968; the Voting Rights Act of 1965; and his masterpiece, the Hart-Celler Immigration Reform Act of 1965.” – author Wayne Dawkins
“It was the American Jewish Committee (AJC) which first vigorously advocated for open immigration in America beginning in 1914 until the great watershed in 1965.
Jewish politicians Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:
•Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
• Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY) [****]
•Leo Pfeffer (Former President of American Jewish Congress (AJC)
•Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council on Foreign Relations – former leftist, now a Jewish neo-con)
* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.
* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.”
[Above is from Flanders earlier notes made from Balder blog in Europe].
“Emanuel Celler: Member of B’nai B’rith, of the Amer-
ican Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, etc.,
who introduced a bill for the right of asylum for aliens
(H. R. 10013), also a bill in behalf of Red revolutionists
Ferrero and Sallito (H. R. 8631) sponsored by the com-
munist American Committee for Protection of Foreign
Born of which Celler is a member of the advisory board.
(Letterhead, 1/24/38.) He is featured in the Communist
press and was chairman of a committee in behalf of
Communist Tom Mooney (Daily Worker, 5/6/38);
speaker at a rally sponsored by the communist American
League for Peace and Democracy at Brooklyn Jewish
Center (Daily Worker, 5/6/38, p. 5).”
“B’NAI B’RITH” – An International Anti-Christian,
Pro-Communist Jewish Power, 1938, By John Merrick Church [16 pp.]
Why would Blacks and Jews want to go into White areas and schools where they are not wanted? Whites don’t do that–they steer clear of Black neighborhoods. If you’re not wanted, go somewhere where you are wanted. Simple.
This is a succinct synopsis of the most critical time in race war (reconstruction) in America.
The class system as asserted by CFT can be created only by money and is artificial . The synthesized aristocrat is often black and invariably an athlete or movie star . There is the exception of the hard working religious- political agitator and professing saviours , a parasite to both races. Their wealth and fame, like the proverb , so transit gloriea mundi is lost through prodigality and new generation of supermen conceived by media .
But they are the jews internal jewel in the crown although fraudulent like Olga Winfrey, billions by sitting on its fat arsch and indignant with the jew arrogance complaining of persecution and discrimination ; but all deficit of nobles oblige or slightest gesture of gratitude.
It cannot reveal the tragedy unless one has lived through it and now experiences their affected disdain and vengeance that can not be pacified with unending restitution and sympathy.
Wow, another great report, Senator Everett Dirksen, Illinois Republican, hailed Mr. Sobeloff’s confirmation and predicted he would “grace the bench with distinction and will be one of the greatest judicial minds of our time.” Helping me make the case that White people enable the Jewish supremacist to run amok.
Funny that europeans were living in caves and mud huts burning their dried feces when Egyptians were living a very advance life for thousands of years (circa 1 AD). Denizens of England leaned some rocks together and thought they were doing something with Stonehedge. Nato and the anglozionist destroyed Libya, which was the most advanced country in Africa. Africans can do a lot more than realized and the west has lived off of the free labor of the rest of the world for the last 500 years, while waging war on everyone including themselves. Also, why does taking a white western IQ test prove anything if you are not from a white western society? You create straw men like this to make yourselves feel good. While in your basement, it would be good to learn to read about other cultures. Many of western devices and ideas were stolen from all over the world. China has had a cultured society for 3000 years. Anglos are at the top of the world now, but that will not last forever, so enjoy your inferiority complex.
Tonymike, you are greatly misinformed.
1) Ancestors of White Europeans NEVER lived in caves and mud huts–they migrated up into Europe from the Near East where their ancestors had created all the advanced civilizations there, such as Rome, Greece, Parthia, Persia, Babylon, Sumeria, and, yes Egypt (King Tut’s great grandmother had blonde hair).
2) Libya now lives on top of an ancient civilization built by Whites, and that’s Carthage. The entire north coast of Africa was built originally by Whites–Phoenicians–then Arabs moved in and lived on top of the ruins.
3) Non-Whites have been challenged to come up with an Intelligence Test that is not “culturally biased” in favor of Whites — a test where non-Whites score as well or better than Whites, and they have never been able to. Intelligence is racially biased, not the tests.
4) Whites had traveled and settled in the Far East, including India, Japan and China over 4,000 years ago. There are European-looking Japanese to prove it in remote islands. The racial caste system in India is a remnant of the Whites who once ruled there. And there are ancient graves with six foot tall, blonde haired people in them in China.
5) Folklore of the Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs all tell of White men who came from the clouds and built their pyramids then left.
5) Whites are the only race to circumnavigate the globe in ancient times, spreading their culture everywhere. Get over it. You’re the one with the inferiority complex–taking credit for what White people gave you. Appreciate it, like that computer screen you’re staring at right now.
Circumnavigation can also happen on flat Earth, You know, The Earth God described in Genesis 1:1-20.
Wilfred: +10
But I don’t think Tonymike came here for knowledge. 🙁
Fr. John+
Westwins comment …. WINS!
Tonymike clearly is an ‘agent provocateur.’ Of course, HE may not think of it that way… but then again, HEBE might.
Thanks for the standup comedy routine! 🙂
Did you think this was InfoWars???
Made me laugh. Laughing is good for the soul.
Democrats and blacks are evil
What do you call BlackCrimesMatter in what they did to Sub Saharan Africa ( Johannesburg ), North America, Haiti?
The Vikings were able to set sail and inhabit Iceland – that is pretty much like in the same way as Japan, Britain, Ireland, Isle of Man, you know, barely having any resources to work with. Yet both of them ( Celtics, Gaelics, Vikings, Anglo Saxons, Japanese ), they still managed to create civilizations, communities, societies modern day cities in Iceland, Isle of Man, Britain, Japan.
Africans, however, weren’t even the first ones to inhabit Madagascar – Asian group tribes from Indonesia were the first ones to do that. Same goes for white people that settled in Iceland, Isle of Man, Ireland in a god forsaken frozen tundra, so what does that say to you about black people’s intelligence when they weren’t even the first ones to reside in on a island that wasn’t that far away from them, considering it’s only right next to Sub Saharan Africa?
Meanwhile the Andaman people still do barbarically, criminally, violently, primitively, savagely, gory lives. considering the continent of Europe already has magnitudes of resources too that they can and did use to make their continent the wealthiest in the western hemisphere and at the same time trading goods, cultures, ideas from other countries mainly in Asia at that time.
After all Europe is not like Japan where they barely have any resources or that their resource less. The funny thing is that black people and liberals keep using that as an excuse, justification for their hatred of whites by saying such dumb things like whites must loot to make their continent, nations better when all they needed was the sources and resources that they still have.
You think Europeans did all that, then why don’t you prove it physically with evidence, facts, figures, graphs because I only see the ancient items that they brought back and put in museums? What did they do afterwards – melt them down and then sell them on the black markets?
Not too mention you can say the same thing with other continents, countries like Asia, Sub Saharan Africa, North America, Latin America – before the Europeans came along, the indigenous people of those lands were doing the same things you are indicting white people of doing. So I guess it’s only good when non-whites are doing it to each other, at the same time benefiting from their land and people, but it’s bad when whites do it.
Lol, don’t kid yourself – the indigenous people from non-white countries, continents all over the world have been killing, pillaging, wiping out civilizations, villages and tribes and cities, plundering, raping each other way before the Europeans came along and conquered, colonized other continents. They were not as harmonious and peaceful and holding hands and singing kumbaya together as you bozos make them out to be. Nice try though – keep lying to yourselves. Yeah and the only reason they are able to make and have any of those technologies is because white people made them first.
The only one that has an inferiority complex here is you and other blacks presuming you are a walking talking bozo that can’t dispute, let alone refute, what I say here. And by the way, Europe has a culture that has been equal or longer than China.
The IQ deficit in black communities is natural. For evidence, take a real African from Africa and have them take an IQ test. Will be no better. Perhaps even much worse. They had no written language, never domesticated the animals, never built a ship, never a bridge, not even a woven cloth. While other societies were discovering electricity and what to do with it, blacks were in Africa carrying pottery on top of their heads, or putting plates in their lips, or cooking a missionary they captured to make human soup. Ordinary people who’s minds have been infected by the parasite jew have been so brainwashed, they believe we are all just different coats of paint on the same automobiles. Such a big jewish lie!
Edward I
There are indeed some smart and capable Blacks, but the problem is that there are not enough of them for them to build and sustain an advanced civilization without an enormous amount of help from Whites–i.e., management, technology, financing etc.
If they were just as smart and capable as Whites — as a whole — Africa would look like Europe or even more advanced because Blacks have been around on earth a lot longer than Whites have. There was indeed a time when there were no White people to “oppress” and “exploit” Africans, so they have no one to blame for their lack of civilization. And for that reason alone, they do benefit greatly from segregation and Apartheid–but the Jews won’t let that happen.
yeah, when was that time? Evolution is a myth brought about by cabalists.
Edward I
Who said anything about “evolution”? What are you talking about?
He didn’t like you telling the truth that blacks and whites don’t all emerge from the loins of ONE homogenous couple. 🙂
Fr. John+
“There are indeed some smart and capable Blacks…”
Then let THEM be ‘kangz’ over in Africa. I agree with Lincoln. And all the rest of these men:
“Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree as that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be pari passu filled up by free white laborers. If on the contrary it is left to force itself on, human nature must shudder at the prospect held up. We should in vain look for an example in the Spanish deportation or deletion of the Moors. This precedent would fall far short of our case.” – A. Lincoln
In his first debate against Stephen Douglas in 1858, A. Lincoln stated clearly: “I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.”
“Though you pound a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, Yet his foolishness will not depart from him.” (Prov. 27:22)
Short-sighted is he who sees in history only fact; in it, as in the whole world, spirit rules over matter. – I.P. Yakoby (1931)
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. -George Orwell.
Dwell on the past, and you’ll lose an eye. Forget the past, and you’ll lose both eyes.
– Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1973)
Rabbi Glickman
White liberals secretly fear and, simultaneously, hate Blacks. Because they fear Blacks they seek to appease them. Because they hate them they do it in ways that are demeaning. Psychologically speaking they are an extremely useful subset for us. L’chaim!
That’s perfect because Blacks really don’t like White liberals who kiss their asses and pander to them. Blacks actually have more respect for Whites who stand up for the White race–they may not like it, but they’ll respect it.
“By doing so they created an artificial Black middle class in America that today is largely dependent of government employment — at the Federal, State, and local levels — with a virtually non-existent Black entrepreneur class.”
Excellent observation by CFT. Also, we should always be mindful of language, which is always the first weapon used in every new campaign by organized jewry, and so we should refuse to use jewish propaganda terms such as “civil rights”, or even “desegregation” which uses a construction of negation to make it less odious. So not “civil rights movement”, but instead, “forced integration”.