(Washington Post) During the early 1960s, Markus Wolf — the Jewish spymaster of the Stazi — the East German secret police — began running an ongoing false flag antisemitic campaign against the West Germans in an attempt to discredit them with their NATO allies:
Spies for Communist East Germany staged antisemitic attacks in West Germany in the 1960s to foment internal unrest in West Germany and discredit Bonn among its Western allies, according to documents from the archives of the East German Stasi secret police.
Records of the Stasi and East Germany’s Politburo reveal that the Communist government used its agents in the West to enlist — often unwittingly — Western leftist groups, Jews, intellectuals and vestigial Nazi sympathizers in a campaign designed to persuade Washington, London and other Western power centers that West Germany remained a hotbed of racism and revanchism.
In 1961, as the trial of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann was getting underway in Israel, the East German Politburo ordered a secret campaign to convince the world that “revanchism and racial hate have once again found a place in West Germany.” The Stasi arranged for East German Jews and intellectuals to send telegrams and hold press conferences in an effort to draw President John F. Kennedy’s attention to a wave of anti-Jewish incidents in West Germany.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, synagogues, cemeteries and other Jewish sites in West Germany were smeared with swastikas and other Nazi symbols, leading British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and other Western leaders to question publicly whether West Germany had made a sufficient effort to separate itself from the then-fresh horrors of the Nazi period.
The Stasi documents, found in the archives of the former East German State Security Ministry by Munich historian Michael Wolffsohn, show that many of those antisemitic attacks were organized and supported by Communist agents.
“There is no doubt that in the 1960s as now, there were Nazis who were unreconstructed, unchangeable and evil,” Wolffsohn said. “But without the help of East Germany, these Nazis were incapable of a national, coordinated campaign. That was true of right-wing extremist criminals in the 1980s as well.”
“The East German Communists used anything they could against West Germany, including the legitimate fears by Western countries and Jews that a new Nazism could be growing in West Germany,” the historian said. “There is . . . evidence that the East Germans continued to use antisemitism as a tool against West Germany in the 1970s and perhaps right up until 1989,” when the Berlin Wall was dismantled.
At the start of the Eichmann trial, the Stasi mounted “Action J,” in which Communist funds were funneled to the West’s small German Imperial Party for a public campaign to defend Eichmann “and justify the need for exterminating the Jews through a wave of antisemitic activities,” he said. The Stasi found former Nazi SS officers in the West who were only too glad to take on the pro-Eichmann public relations drive.
The Stasi was determined to make it look as if West Germany’s former Nazis were outraged by the sight of one of their former leaders facing the death penalty in Jerusalem. Stasi documents show that the Communists organized anonymous chain letters in which “Veterans of the Waffen-SS” who were really East German operatives called on West Germany’s World War II veterans to join in a public “struggle against Jewish Bolshevism.”
At the same time, the Stasi sent antisemitic letters purportedly signed by West German antisemites to West German Jews, who, as the Communist operatives expected, immediately publicized the threats, adding to the public impression of surging anti-Jewish sentiment.
A Politburo document includes an official proposal for a model antisemitic letter to be sent to West German Jews. “Apparently you Jews have not yet understood that you are to disappear from Germany,” the threat letters said. “You Jew pig. We forgot to gas you.”
The Stasi left little to chance. In the event that West German Jews did not react publicly to the mail threats, the Stasi prepared and distributed letters in which West German Jews supposedly announced they had decided to leave West Germany for fear of a rebirth of Nazi terror.
Throughout its four decades of existence as a separate country, Communist East Germany billed itself as an anti-fascist alternative to a West Germany that had failed to confront its Nazi past. Communist propaganda repeated that it was the West, not the East, that allowed judges, industrialists and politicians who had supported Adolf Hitler to keep prominent positions.
But in addition to its official anti-fascism, East Germany practiced an official anti-Israel policy, the details of which are only now emerging from the massive Stasi archives.
Records show that East Germany, which refused to recognize Israel, provided extensive material and propaganda support to Arab countries in the 1967 Six-Day War with Israel. A June 7, 1967, secret Politburo decision documents East Germany’s offer of unspecified “military replacement parts” to Egypt and Syria.
At the same time, the Politburo ordered the Stasi’s agitation department to collect and publish anti-Israeli statements from East German Jews. Later that month, the Politburo, which had long resisted Israeli requests for reparations payments similar to those made by West Germany to Jewish victims of the Holocaust, decided to demand that Israel pay reparations to Arab countries.
In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, letters signed by East German Communist Party leader Erich Honecker show, East Germany supplied Syria with 75,000 grenades, 30,000 mines, 62 tanks and 12 fighter jets.
Whether the East German Stasi had played a role in the 1960 wave of antisemitic attacks was the subject of contemporary debate in West German police and intelligence circles. Wolffsohn said then-West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s government had strong evidence even in the early ’60s that the anti-Jewish attacks were a Communist operation. But Wolffsohn said the West Germans kept their conclusions to themselves for fear of being dismissed as paranoid and defensive by their allies in Washington and London.
Wolffsohn said former Stasi agents, many of whom remain in close contact in informal social groups in eastern Germany, may be supporting the current wave of neo-Nazi violence in revenge for the dismantling of their institution. “There can be no denial of the very depressing fact that the general German public has been willing since 1991 to accept these acts against foreigners,” he said. “But it is still reasonable to suspect that former Stasi officials are continuing their efforts to undermine the German image abroad.”
And nothing has changed since then — Marxist Jews continue to foment antisemitism, including the use of false flag attacks against Jews in western nations to discredit them and justify draconian “hate crime” laws to silence all opposition to them.
Germany specifically is still an on-going target of Jewish supremacists who continue to portray the vanquished Germany as a “hotbed of racism and revanchism.”
And Zionist Jews — in cahoots with the Mossad — use this staged racial tension to instill fear Jews in the West which they hope will motivate many of them to escape the “antisemitism” for the “safety” of Israel.
It’s no surprise that the Stasi leader who spearheaded this false flag operation was a Jew named Markus Wolf — though his father was Jewish and his mother was German, by Israeli law, he still qualified for the “right of return” to Israel — which he contemplated after the fall of communism in the late 1980s.
Like many Jews in Germany and eastern Europe, Wolf’s family fled to the Soviet Union once the National Socialists rose to power — no doubt his family were counted among the 6 Million Jews who “died” in the “Holocaust.”
After World War II, like many Jews in the East, he became part of the repressive communist puppet regimes in Eastern Europe — brutalizing the Christian populations, stripping them of their property and freedoms.
Markus Wolf admitted in an interview that he never targeted his fellow Jews in the East during his time leading the Stasi — Jews were a largely privileged class in all communist regimes, despite their protestations that they were victims of “antisemitism” which led to many fleeing communism for more comfortable lives in the West.
And like all Jews who took part in the brutal communist regimes, Markus never stood trial nor spend any time in prison — in fact, after the alleged fall of communism, he became a celebrity on German television and amassed wealth as the author of many bestselling books.
To add insult to injury, Jews are now demanding “reparations” for property allegedly stolen by these eastern European countries that were subjected to Jewish-dominated communism.
Arch Stanton
How many know that the Jew Michael Chertoff hired the Jew Wolf as a top administrator for his newly created “Department of Homeland Security.” (A Sovietized, judeocommunist title if ever there was one) Fortunately Wolf died before he could assume power.
Some people say, Wolf retreated to Israel.
A voice from Germany … translated
That I am once happy that in this country everything goes down the drain I could not imagine until a few years ago. The last three years have taught me that everything I thought unthinkable has now happened. A Corona regime against all reason, migrant smuggling on behalf of the government, war-mongering policy, a disaster in energy policy, state control over thinking and saying and now even the end of natural human evolution through the destruction of marriage and family! This country is lost!
According to Ion Mihai Pacepa, the chief intelligence officer in communist Romania, what happened in Russia and how Putin took over resembles plans reportedly discussed by Stasi officers. The plan specified to the West about re-branding East Germany as a democratic capitalist country, but which would be in practice taken over by Stasi officers. It was registered as Top Secret Document 0008-6/86 of 17 March 1986. According to Pacepa, other communist intelligence services had similar plans. On 12 March 1990, Der Spiegel reported that the Stasi was indeed attempting to implement 0008-6/86. It is also important to note that four months before he was poisoned Alexander Litvinenko accused Putin of being a paedophile.
Odin's left eye
Powerful revelations in your comments! Thank you very much for your tireless efforts. You are a great asset to this site.
After the fall of communism, Poland purged all “former” communists from the government, and many called it a “pogrom”. Funny that…..
A Pennsylvania Jew who claimed for years to have escaped from Auschwitz, met track star Jesse Owens and Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, confessed he had fabricated the entire story.
Josef Mengele – the Creation of a Myth.
Mengele was a deputy of the Auschwitz garrison physician Dr. Eduard Wirths. Wirths, in turn, was celebrated by hundreds of Auschwitz inmates as a hero, as the “Angel of Auschwitz” saving the lives of tens of thousands of them with his selfless efforts to improve their lot and to battle the epidemics reaping a gruesome harvest at Auschwitz.[13] Mengele was Wirths’s right-hand man – in the battle to save as many lives as possible . https://codoh.com/library/document/josef-mengele-the-creation-of-a-myth/en/
The 7/7 London bombings were organised by Mossad.
Tony Blair is close chums with Benjamin Netanyahu.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
tony blair is also member of common purpose , his charity which is a public limited company is registered with finchley road fraud money laundering , tony blair lied his way to war against iraq and when parents of soldiers who brought action against tony blair for sending soldiers to war based on lies what happened nothing tony blair got away with it , but his lawyer friends took uk soldiers to court over nonsense claims thats what he thinks of the soldiers he sent there , i know about the jill dando assassination she was investigating peado networks that goes to the top
jim babbit
I remember the day of the 7/7 London bombings….I was sitting at a outdoor cafe in New York City downtown, and my friend’s wife, who was British, asked what I thought of it. I said, “It’s a Mossad operation.” I didn’t even know many of the details at that point, but I just knew….
Rik Mayall was also murdered for trying to convince the public that something was not quite kosher about the official account.
They also got to Michael Aydinian and said he died of covid…….
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
These communists now have a new tool of subversion called Common Purpose, founded in 1980s – became active in 1990s, it uses NLP neuro linguistic programming which is used in training courses run by Common Purpose. The CEO Julia Middleton is a communist who was an editor in – you guessed it – a communist newspaper.
Common Purpose has nudge unit behavioural insights using NLP – it’s my guess Common Purpose is an extension of Tavistock Institute – it operates via UN United Nations as many in Common Purpose work in UN. They infiltrate the church, politics, health service, the NHS in UK, education system, the police, and much more. Common Purpose is liked fake eco groups like Extinction Rebellion, Animal Rebellion, and probably many more.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
A Tweet example that proves Common Purpose infiltration into UK NHS service:
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Man who allegedly threatened NYC synagogue is Jewish, kin of a Holocaust survivor: Lawyer
One of two men accused of plotting to attack New York City synagogues is Jewish and the grandson of a Holocaust survivor, his attorney claimed in court Saturday… Mahrer and pal Christopher Brown were busted Friday on the Long Island Rail Road with brown carrying weapons and a Nazi armband, according to police sources.
James Shea
…. and this once again shows the subversiveness of the Jews, and how they are practised at the arts of deception and deceit, ….
Almost every single smearing of Swastikas in public in the Western German Republic since the 50s can be related to “Stasi” activities, also violation of Jewish cemeteries and other actions of this category. This way they could push their propaganda in a certain useful direction.
Benno Ohnesorg (student in Berlin) was shot on demand by one them in Berlin 1968 (during visit isit of the Persian Shah).
Thus they started the “student revolution” of 1968 in W.Germany, a worldwide phenomenon.
Greeting’s Laura, I’m wondering what’s your opinion on the German peoples’ open mindedness to jew info or how much they already know about what’s true and not.
I understand that it’s against the law some freedoms are not allowed, and I know the young get more brain washing same everywhere? I pray for people everywhere to learn the truth and overcome jewish supremacy.
I ask this being half German and everyone should have the truth explained to them right now – the Ukraine needs some jew history explained. I think in the USA it is probably 10% at best knew jew info and 20% open minded to it. It’s going to take a generation more? to get it maybe. So the pace needs to be stepped up somehow.
I’m also Irish and sad to see this. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/irish-government-criminalize-hate-speech-effectively-silencing-hold-different-opinions-penalty-5-years-imprisonment/
Greetings to you, James, hug you :)! I will answer your question later, as I’m very
busy at the moment. … Some points: Kowledge about this problem is still very poor in Germany (maybe 10%), as people are facing trials speaking out publicly about the “Holy Caust” or Holy Klaus. In 1998 (left government and Green) we got this muzzle paragraph 130 / criminal law.
More than a handful are in prison, as they did not care about it. It’s all based on the statments of “witnesses” of that time and it has even been made unlawful to give evidence on a different historic reality. Their “muzzle law” says it’s “obviousness”, which is absolutely against reason and science.
International protests against that muzzle law were just ignored.
Our country is not run by Germans (some individuals have always been their puppets of course), but the dirt of their politics is always poured on us.
Meanwhile the destiny of all Adamite people worldwide (especially Christians) is at stake – everybody could recognize it now who is behind genozidal agendas – and this is why I hope JC will help us to prevail in the end (according to his word). But we have to do something about it on our own.
Laura Wow I had to let what you wrote so clear with points I did not know sink in. Your writing in English is better than mine and that’s all I know! and thanks for the hug and more back to you! You are A Gem, and we will rise up.
Laurence McGriff
No surprise that Markus contemplated fleeing to Israel as communism fell in East Germany. As Hitler predicted in “Mein Kampf”, if Jews ever got a homeland in Palestine, it would become a mecca for Jewish criminals.
Markus claimed that he feared Israel wouldn’t accept him or would extradite him back to Germany to face charges, but that’s doubtful considering how closely he worked with the Mossad’s head Rafi Eitan.
Antisemitism is Big business.
Jews have managed to monetize hate, making it lucrative business which incentivizes Jews to exaggerate and fabricate it.
Cui bono?
All acts of antisemitism should be investigated as possible false flag events.
It never benefits the perpetrator, only the “victims”.
Jews are professional victims and know how to turn antisemitism into gold, literal gold.
Jewish entrepreneurs get cheap or gratis empty land for mass-house building from jewass kreeping
deutsche (deutsch means people) to force the jewish world mafia instigated import of Rothschilds
asyl-industry fraud business. Brainpissing the deutsche with holocaust guilt is very lucrative for
the khazar mafia .
The original Washington Post article fails to mention that Markus Wolf was a Jew, an honest oversight, I’m sure…
Yep, it’s just a another coincidence that Angela Merkel is a “former” apparatchik of the communist regime in East Germany, and the rumors of her Jewish background persist….
She openly admitted in Knesset + Harvard that Germany will become islamic .
The stupid deutsche who voted for that b*tch are traitors like she is.
So, there are 50% traitors of deutsche! putin + biden would make a nice nuclear
purgatorium here, but france, italy, britain are no better. All in decadence
destined to be extinguished. Covid vax fraud is already a good beginning!